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Parameter %s will be replaced by the value of string resource_limit_contact_admin
Please %s to continue using this service.
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
deactivate_account_content This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible</b>.

Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent</b>. If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
这将使你的账户永远不再可用。你将无法登录,也不能使用相同的用户 ID 重新注册。你的账户将退出所有已加入的房间,你在身份服务器上的账户信息也会被删除。<b>此操作是不可逆的。</b>


Matrix 中的消息可见性类似于电子邮件。我们忘记你的消息意味着你发送的消息不会被发给新注册或未注册的用户,但是已收到你的消息的注册用户依旧可以看到这些消息的副本。
deactivate_account_delete_checkbox Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) 请在我停用账户的同时忘记我发送的所有消息(警告:这将导致未来的用户看到残缺的对话)
deactivate_account_submit Deactivate Account 停用账户
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. 请输入一个用户名。
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. 请输入你的密码。
room_tombstone_versioned_description This room has been replaced and is no longer active. 此房间已被替换,不再处于活动状态。
room_tombstone_continuation_link The conversation continues here 对话在此继续
room_tombstone_continuation_description This room is a continuation of another conversation 这个房间是另一个对话的延续
room_tombstone_predecessor_link Click here to see older messages 点击此处查看更早的消息
resource_limit_contact_admin contact your service administrator 联系你的服务管理员
resource_limit_soft_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制,<b>部分用户将无法登录</b>。
resource_limit_hard_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制。
resource_limit_soft_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 此家服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制,因此<b>某些用户将无法登录</b>。
resource_limit_hard_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. 此家服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制。
resource_limit_soft_contact Please %s to get this limit increased. 请 %s 以增加此限制的额度。
resource_limit_hard_contact Please %s to continue using this service. 请 %s 以继续使用本服务。
unknown_error Sorry, an error occurred 抱歉,发生了一个错误
merged_events_expand expand 展开
merged_events_collapse collapse 收起
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s:%2$s
x_plus +%d +%d
no_valid_google_play_services_apk No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly. 没有可用的 Google Play Services APK。消息通知可能不能正常工作。
passphrase_create_passphrase Create passphrase 创建口令词组
passphrase_confirm_passphrase Confirm passphrase 确认口令词组
passphrase_enter_passphrase Enter passphrase 输入口令词组
passphrase_passphrase_does_not_match Passphrase doesn’t match 口令词组不匹配
passphrase_empty_error_message Please enter a passphrase 请输入口令词组
passphrase_passphrase_too_weak Passphrase is too weak 口令词组太弱了
keys_backup_passphrase_not_empty_error_message Please delete the passphrase if you want ${app_name} to generate a recovery key. 如果你想要 ${app_name} 生成一个恢复密钥,请删除口令词组。
keys_backup_setup_step1_title Never lose encrypted messages 永不丢失已加密消息
keys_backup_setup_step1_description Messages in encrypted rooms are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.

Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them.

Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
rendering_event_error_type_of_event_not_handled ${app_name} does not handle events of type '%1$s' ${app_name} 无法处理类型为 '%1$s' 的事件
reply Reply 回复
replying_to Replying to %s 回复给%s
reply_in_thread Reply in thread 在消息列中回复
report_content Report Content 举报内容
report_content_custom Custom report… 自定义报告……
report_content_custom_hint Reason for reporting this content 报告此内容的理由
report_content_custom_submit REPORT 报告
report_content_custom_title Report this content 报告此内容
report_content_inappropriate It's inappropriate 不合适的内容
report_content_spam It's spam 垃圾信息
reset_cross_signing Reset Keys 重置密钥
reset_secure_backup_title Generate a new Security Key or set a new Security Phrase for your existing backup. 为你已有的备份生成新的安全密钥或设置新的安全短语。
reset_secure_backup_warning This will replace your current Key or Phrase. 这将替换你的当前密钥或短语。
resource_limit_contact_admin contact your service administrator 联系你的服务管理员
resource_limit_hard_contact Please %s to continue using this service. 请 %s 以继续使用本服务。
resource_limit_hard_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制。
resource_limit_hard_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. 此家服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制。
resource_limit_soft_contact Please %s to get this limit increased. 请 %s 以增加此限制的额度。
resource_limit_soft_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 本服务器其中一项资源已超出限制,<b>部分用户将无法登录</b>。
resource_limit_soft_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. 此家服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制,因此<b>某些用户将无法登录</b>。
restart_the_application_to_apply_changes Restart the application for the change to take effect. 重启应用以使更改生效。
_resume Resume 继续
review_unverified_sessions_description Review to ensure your account is safe 复查以确保你的账户是安全的
review_unverified_sessions_title You have unverified sessions 你有未验证的会话
rich_text_editor_bullet_list Toggle bullet list 切换无序列表
rich_text_editor_code_block Toggle code block 切换代码块
rich_text_editor_format_bold Apply bold format 应用粗体格式
rich_text_editor_format_italic Apply italic format 应用斜体格式
rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format 应用删除线格式


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English Chinese (Simplified)
Terms of Service 服务条款 Element Android

Source information

Source string comment
Parameter %s will be replaced by the value of string resource_limit_contact_admin
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 1087