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Home screen layout settings
Show filters
Key English Turkish State
action_stop Yes, Stop
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard Panoya kopyalandı
action_thread_view_in_room View in room Odada görüntüle
action_thread_copy_link_to_thread Copy link to thread Konu bağlantısını kopyala
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Onay
dialog_title_warning Warning Uyarı
dialog_title_error Error Hata
dialog_title_success Success Başarılı
dialog_edit_hint New value Yeni değer
bottom_action_notification Notifications Bildirimler
bottom_action_favourites Favorites Favoriler
bottom_action_people People Kişiler
bottom_action_rooms Rooms Odalar
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Oda adlarını filtrele
home_layout_preferences Layout preferences
home_layout_preferences_filters Show filters
home_layout_preferences_recents Show recents
home_layout_preferences_sort_by Sort by
home_layout_preferences_sort_activity Activity
home_layout_preferences_sort_name A - Z
labs_enable_new_app_layout_title Enable new layout
labs_enable_new_app_layout_summary A simplified Element with optional tabs
labs_enable_deferred_dm_title Enable deferred DMs
labs_enable_deferred_dm_summary Create DM only on first message
labs_enable_rich_text_editor_title Enable rich text editor
labs_enable_rich_text_editor_summary Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)
invitations_header Invites Davetler
low_priority_header Low priority Düşük öncelik
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistem Uyarıları
suggested_header Suggested Rooms Önerilen Odalar
space_list_empty_title No spaces yet.
Key English Turkish State
global_retry Retry Tekrar dene
grant_permission Grant Permission
group_details_home Home Anasayfa
has_been_banned You have been banned from %1$s by %2$s %1$s dan/den %2$s tarafından engellendin
has_been_removed You have been removed from %1$s by %2$s %1$s dan/den %2$s tarafından atıldın
help_long_click_on_room_for_more_options Long click on a room to see more options Daha fazla seçenek görmek için bir odaya uzun tıklayın
hide_advanced Hide advanced Gelişmişleri gizle
home_empty_no_rooms_message The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started.
home_empty_no_rooms_title Welcome to ${app_name},
home_empty_no_unreads_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
home_empty_no_unreads_title Nothing to report.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_message Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_title %s
is looking a little empty.
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Oda adlarını filtrele
home_layout_preferences Layout preferences
home_layout_preferences_filters Show filters
home_layout_preferences_recents Show recents
home_layout_preferences_sort_activity Activity
home_layout_preferences_sort_by Sort by
home_layout_preferences_sort_name A - Z
hs_client_url Homeserver API URL Ana sunucu API URL'si
hs_url Homeserver URL Ana Sunucu URL'si
huge Huge En büyük
identity_server Identity server Kimlik sunucusu
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_3 To discover existing contacts, you need to send contact info (email addresses and phone numbers) to your identity server. We hash your data before sending for privacy. Mevcut kişileri keşfetmek için, iletişim bilgilerini (e-postalar ve telefon numaraları) kimlik sunucunuza göndermeniz gerekir. Gizlilik için göndermeden önce verilerinizi hash ederiz.
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_question Do you agree to send this info? Bu bilgiyi göndermeyi kabul ediyor musunuz?
identity_server_consent_dialog_title_2 Send email addresses and phone numbers to %s %s'e e-posta ve telefon numarası gönder
identity_server_error_binding_error The association has failed.
identity_server_error_bulk_sha256_not_supported For your privacy, ${app_name} only supports sending hashed user email addresses and phone numbers.
identity_server_error_no_current_binding_error There is no current association with this identifier.
User avatar delidolu1adam

Suggestion added

Filtreleri göster

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Filtreleri göster
3 days ago


Show filters
Filtreleri göster
3 days ago
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There is 1 suggestion for this string.



English Turkish
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Source information

Source string comment
Home screen layout settings
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml, string 327