View contributor agreement Contribution to this translation requires you to agree with a contributor agreement.


Threads Beta
Key English Turkish State
thread_list_title Threads Konular
thread_list_modal_title Filter Filtre
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Tüm Konular
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Geçerli odadaki tüm konuları göster
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Konularım
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Katıldığın tüm konuları göster
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track.
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. İpucu: Bir mesaja uzun dokunun ve “%s” kullanın.
search_thread_from_a_thread From a Thread Bir Konudan
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts.
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway?
search_hint Search Bul
search_members_hint Filter room members Oda üyelerini filtrele
search_banned_user_hint Filter banned users Banlanan kullanıcıları filtrele
search_no_results No results Sonuç bulunamadı
search_space_two_parents %1$s and %2$s
search_space_multiple_parents %1$s and %2$d other
room_settings_all_messages All messages Tüm mesajlar
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only Yalnızca Söz ve Anahtar Kelimeler
room_settings_none None Hiçbiri
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Ana ekrana ekle
shortcut_disabled_reason_room_left The room has been left! Oda terk edildi!
shortcut_disabled_reason_sign_out The session has been signed out! Oturum kapatıldı!
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Profil Resmi
settings_display_name Display Name Görünür Ad
Key English Turkish State
this_space_has_no_rooms_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite.
this_space_has_no_rooms_not_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite.
You don’t have permission to add rooms.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. İpucu: Bir mesaja uzun dokunun ve “%s” kullanın.
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track.
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Geçerli odadaki tüm konuları göster
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Tüm Konular
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Katıldığın tüm konuları göster
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Konularım
thread_list_modal_title Filter Filtre
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet.
thread_list_title Threads Konular
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway?
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉
thread_timeline_title Thread Konu
three 3
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_content Revoke invite to %1$s?
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_title Revoke invite
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s ve %3$s okuma
timeline_error_room_not_found Sorry, this room has not been found.
Please retry later.%s
timeline_unread_messages Unread messages Okunmamış mesajlar
time_unit_hour_short h sa.
time_unit_minute_short min dk.
time_unit_second_short sec s.
tiny Tiny Çok küçük
title_activity_bug_report Bug report Hata raporu
User avatar delidolu1adam

Suggestion added

Beta Konuları

Suggested change:

Beta Konuları
4 days ago
User avatar delidolu1adam

Suggestion added

Beta Başlıkları

Suggested change:

Beta Başlıkları
4 days ago
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Not translated Element Android/Element Android App


Threads Beta
Beta Konuları
4 days ago
Threads Beta
Beta Başlıkları
4 days ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


There are 2 suggestions for this string.



English Turkish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml, string 578