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Read DRM protected Media
Key English Serbian (latin) State
room_widget_revoke_access Revoke access for me
room_widget_permission_display_name Your display name
room_widget_permission_avatar_url Your avatar URL
room_widget_permission_user_id Your user ID
room_widget_permission_theme Your theme
room_widget_permission_widget_id Widget ID
room_widget_permission_room_id Room ID
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 6.0)
error_jitsi_join_conf Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join the conference
jitsi_leave_conf_to_join_another_one_content Leave the current conference and switch to the other one?
room_widget_resource_permission_title This widget wants to use the following resources:
room_widget_resource_grant_permission Allow
room_widget_resource_decline_permission Block All
room_widget_webview_access_camera Use the camera
room_widget_webview_access_microphone Use the microphone
room_widget_webview_read_protected_media Read DRM protected Media
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget.
widget_integration_failed_to_send_request Failed to send request. Slanje zahteva nije uspelo.
widget_integration_positive_power_level Power level must be positive integer.
widget_integration_must_be_in_room You are not in this room. Niste u ovoj sobi.
widget_integration_no_permission_in_room You do not have permission to do that in this room. Nemate dozvolu da uradite to u ovoj sobi.
widget_integration_missing_room_id Missing room_id in request. Nedostajući room_id u zahtevu.
widget_integration_missing_user_id Missing user_id in request. Nedostajući user_id u zahtevu.
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. Soba %s nije vidljiva.
widget_integration_missing_parameter A required parameter is missing. Nedostaje parametar koji je obavezan.
room_add_matrix_apps Add Matrix apps
room_manage_integrations Manage Integrations
room_no_active_widgets No active widgets
settings_labs_native_camera Use native camera
settings_labs_native_camera_summary Start the system camera instead of the custom camera screen.
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.


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English Serbian (latin)
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml, string 1003