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Key English Latvian State
room_permissions_change_main_address_for_the_space Change main address for the space Mainīt galveno Telpas adresi
room_permissions_enable_room_encryption Enable room encryption Iespējot istabas šifrēšanu
room_permissions_enable_space_encryption Enable space encryption Ieslēgt Telpas šifrēšanu
room_permissions_change_history_visibility Change history visibility Mainīt vēstures redzamību
room_permissions_change_room_name Change room name Nomainīt istabas nosaukumu
room_permissions_change_space_name Change space name Nomainīt Telpas nosaukumu
room_permissions_change_permissions Change permissions Mainīt atļaujas
room_permissions_send_m_room_server_acl_events Send events Sūtīt notikumus
room_permissions_upgrade_the_room Upgrade the room Atjaunināt istabu
room_permissions_upgrade_the_space Upgrade the space Atjaunināt Telpu
room_permissions_change_topic Change topic Mainīt tematu
room_details_selected %d selected %d izvēlēti
room_threads_filter Filter Threads in room Atlasīt istabas pavedienus
thread_timeline_title Thread Pavediens
thread_list_title Threads Pavedieni
thread_list_modal_title Filter Atlasīt
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Visi pavedieni
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Rāda pašreizējās istabas visus pavedienus
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Mani pavedieni
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Rāda visus pavedienus, kuros ir notikusi iesaistīšanās
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads Uztur apspriedes sakārtotas ar pavedieniem
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. Pavedieni palīdz viegli izsekot un noturēt sarunas par tēmu.
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet. Mājasserveris vēl neatbalsta pavedienu uzskaitīšanu.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. Mājiens: ilgi jāpiespiež ziņa un jāizmanto “%s”.
search_thread_from_a_thread From a Thread No pavediena
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉 Pavedieni tuvojas Beta 🎉
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
Mēs tuvojamies publiskai pavedienu Beta izlaišanai.

Tā kā mēs tam gatavojamies, mums ir jāveic dažas izmaiņas: pirms šī brīža izveidoti pavedieni tiks attēloti kā parastas atbildes.

Šī būs tikai vienreizēja pāreja, jo pavedieni tagad ir Matrix specifikācijā.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Pavedieni Beta
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts. Pavedieni palīdz uzturēt sarunas par tēmu un ir viegli izsekojami. %sPavedienu iespējošana atsvaidzinās lietotni. Dažiem kontiem tas var aizņemt vairāk laika.
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Pavedieni Beta
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway? Mājasserveris pagaidām nenodrošina pavedienus, tādēļ šī iespēja var nebūt uzticama. Dažas pavedienu ziņas var nebūt uzreiz pieejamas. %sVienalga iespējot pavedienus?
Key English Latvian State
this_invite_to_this_room_was_sent This invite to this room was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo istabu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīta ar Tavu kontu
this_invite_to_this_space_was_sent This invite to this space was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo vietu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīts ar Tavu kontu
this_is_the_beginning_of_dm This is the beginning of your direct message history with %s. Šis ir sākums tiešo ziņu vēsturei ar %s.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room This is the beginning of %s. Šis ir pats %s sākums.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room_no_name This is the beginning of this conversation. Šis ir šīs sarakstes pats sākums.
this_space_has_no_rooms This space has no rooms Šajā vietā nav istabu
this_space_has_no_rooms_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite. Dažas istabas var būt paslēptas, jo tās ir privātas un ir nepieciešams uzaicinājums.
this_space_has_no_rooms_not_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite.
You don’t have permission to add rooms.
Dažas istabas var būt paslēptas, jo tās ir privātas un ir nepieciešams uzaicinājums.
Nav atļaujas pievienot istabas.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. Mājiens: ilgi jāpiespiež ziņa un jāizmanto “%s”.
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. Pavedieni palīdz viegli izsekot un noturēt sarunas par tēmu.
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads Uztur apspriedes sakārtotas ar pavedieniem
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Rāda pašreizējās istabas visus pavedienus
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Visi pavedieni
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Rāda visus pavedienus, kuros ir notikusi iesaistīšanās
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Mani pavedieni
thread_list_modal_title Filter Atlasīt
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet. Mājasserveris vēl neatbalsta pavedienu uzskaitīšanu.
thread_list_title Threads Pavedieni
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts. Pavedieni palīdz uzturēt sarunas par tēmu un ir viegli izsekojami. %sPavedienu iespējošana atsvaidzinās lietotni. Dažiem kontiem tas var aizņemt vairāk laika.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Pavedieni Beta
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway? Mājasserveris pagaidām nenodrošina pavedienus, tādēļ šī iespēja var nebūt uzticama. Dažas pavedienu ziņas var nebūt uzreiz pieejamas. %sVienalga iespējot pavedienus?
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Pavedieni Beta
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
Mēs tuvojamies publiskai pavedienu Beta izlaišanai.

Tā kā mēs tam gatavojamies, mums ir jāveic dažas izmaiņas: pirms šī brīža izveidoti pavedieni tiks attēloti kā parastas atbildes.

Šī būs tikai vienreizēja pāreja, jo pavedieni tagad ir Matrix specifikācijā.
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉 Pavedieni tuvojas Beta 🎉
thread_timeline_title Thread Pavediens
three 3 3
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_content Revoke invite to %1$s? Atsaukt uzaicinājumu uz %1$s?
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_title Revoke invite Atsaukt uzaicinājumu
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s un %3$s izlasīja
timeline_error_room_not_found Sorry, this room has not been found.
Please retry later.%s
Diemžēl šī istaba netika atrasta.
Lūgums vēlāk mēģināt vēl.%s
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App Atlasīte
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 563