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You answered the call.
Key English Latvian State
notice_display_name_removed %1$s removed their display name (it was %2$s) %1$s dzēsa savu parādāmo vārdu (iepriekš %2$s)
notice_display_name_removed_by_you You removed your display name (it was %1$s) Tu noņēmi savu parādāmo vārdu (tas bija %1$s)
notice_room_topic_changed %1$s changed the topic to: %2$s %1$s nomainīja tematu uz %2$s
notice_room_topic_changed_by_you You changed the topic to: %1$s Tu nomainīji tematu uz %1$s
notice_room_avatar_changed %1$s changed the room avatar %1$s nomainīja istabas avataru
notice_room_avatar_changed_by_you You changed the room avatar Tu nomainīji istabas iemiesojumu
notice_room_name_changed %1$s changed the room name to: %2$s %1$s nomainīja istabas nosaukumu uz %2$s
notice_room_name_changed_by_you You changed the room name to: %1$s Tu nomainīji istabas nosaukumu uz %1$s
notice_placed_video_call %s placed a video call. %s veica video zvanu.
notice_placed_video_call_by_you You placed a video call. Tu veici video zvanu.
notice_placed_voice_call %s placed a voice call. %s veica audio zvanu.
notice_placed_voice_call_by_you You placed a voice call. Tu veici balss zvanu.
notice_call_candidates %s sent data to setup the call. %s nosūtīja datus zvana uzsākšanai.
notice_call_candidates_by_you You sent data to setup the call. Tu nosūtīji datus zvana uzsākšanai.
notice_answered_call %s answered the call. %s atbildēja uz zvanu.
notice_answered_call_by_you You answered the call. Tu atbildēji uz zvanu.
notice_ended_call %s ended the call. %s beidza zvanu.
notice_ended_call_by_you You ended the call. Tu beidzi zvanu.
notice_made_future_room_visibility %1$s made future room history visible to %2$s %1$s padarīja istabas turpmāko ziņu vēsturi redzamu %2$s
notice_made_future_room_visibility_by_you You made future room history visible to %1$s Tu padarīji istabas turpmāko ziņu vēsturi redzamu %1$s
notice_made_future_direct_room_visibility %1$s made future messages visible to %2$s %1$s padarīja turpmākās ziņas redzamas %2$s
notice_made_future_direct_room_visibility_by_you You made future messages visible to %1$s Tu padarīji turpmākās ziņas redzamas %1$s
notice_room_visibility_invited all room members, from the point they are invited. visi istabas biedri no brīža, kad tika uzaicināti.
notice_room_visibility_joined all room members, from the point they joined. visi istabas biedri no brīža, kad tika pievienojušies.
notice_room_visibility_shared all room members. visi istabas biedri.
notice_room_visibility_world_readable anyone. ikviens.
notice_room_update %s upgraded this room. %s atjaunināja šo istabu.
notice_room_update_by_you You upgraded this room. Tu atjaunināji šo istabu.
notice_direct_room_update %s upgraded here. %s atjaunināti šeit.
notice_direct_room_update_by_you You upgraded here. Tu atjaunināji šeit.
notice_room_server_acl_set_title %s set the server ACLs for this room. %s iestatīja servera ACL šai istabai.
Key English Latvian State
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost Tika zaudēts savienojums ar serveri
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on Ir ieslēgts lidmašīnas režīms
no_ignored_users You are not ignoring any users Nav vērā neņemtu lietotāju
no_message_edits_found No edits found Labojumi netika atrasti
no_more_results No more results Vairāk nekādu rezultātu nav
none None Nav
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a conference call Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call You do not have permission to start a call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a call Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu
no_result_placeholder No results Nav rezultātu
normal Normal Normāls
no_sticker_application_dialog_content You don’t currently have any stickerpacks enabled.

Add some now?
Šobrīd nav nevienas iespējotas uzlīmju pakas.

Pievienot dažas tagad?
not_a_valid_qr_code It's not a valid matrix QR code Tas nav derīgs matrix QR kods
notice_answered_call %s answered the call. %s atbildēja uz zvanu.
notice_answered_call_by_you You answered the call. Tu atbildēji uz zvanu.
notice_avatar_changed_too (avatar was changed too) (arī avatars tika nomainīts)
notice_avatar_url_changed %1$s changed their avatar %1$s nomainīja avataru
notice_avatar_url_changed_by_you You changed your avatar Tu nomainīji savu iemiesojumu
notice_call_candidates %s sent data to setup the call. %s nosūtīja datus zvana uzsākšanai.
notice_call_candidates_by_you You sent data to setup the call. Tu nosūtīji datus zvana uzsākšanai.
notice_crypto_error_unknown_inbound_session_id The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message. Sūtītāja ierīce mums nav nenosūtījusi atslēgas priekš šīs ziņas.
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt ** Unable to decrypt: %s ** ** Neizdodas atšifrēt: %s **
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_final You cannot access this message Tu nevari piekļūt šai ziņai
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly Waiting for this message, this may take a while Gaida šo ziņu, tas var aizņemt ilgāku laiku
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly_desc Due to end-to-end encryption, you might need to wait for someone's message to arrive because the encryption keys were not properly sent to you. Pilnīgas šifrēšanas dēļ var būt nepieciešams sagaidīt ziņu no kāda, jo šifrēšanas atslēgas netika pareizi nosūtītas.
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_merged Waiting for encryption history Gaida šifrēšanas vēsturi
notice_direct_room_created %1$s created the discussion %1$s izveidoja diskusiju
notice_direct_room_created_by_you You created the discussion Tu izveidoji apspriedi
notice_direct_room_guest_access_can_join %1$s has allowed guests to join here. %1$s ir atļāvis viesiem pievienoties istabai.


You answered the call.
JūsTu atbildējāti uz zvanu.
a year ago
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English Latvian
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 51