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The user you called is busy.
Key English Latvian State
call_ringing Call ringing… Zvana…
call_ended Call ended Zvans beigts
missed_audio_call Missed audio call %d neatbildētu zvanu
missed_video_call Missed video call %d neatbildētu video zvanu
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call Ienākošs VIDEO zvans
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call Ienākošs AUDIO zvans
call_in_progress Call In Progress… Notiek zvans…
video_call_in_progress Video Call In Progress… Notiek video zvans…
video_call_with_participant Video call with %s Video zvans ar %s
audio_call_with_participant Audio call with %s Zvans ar %s
call_resume_action Resume Turpināt
call_hold_action Hold Apturēt
call_held_by_user %s held the call %s apturēja zvanu
call_held_by_you You held the call Tu aizturēji zvanu
call_ended_user_busy_title User busy Lietotājs aizņemts
call_ended_user_busy_description The user you called is busy. Lietotājs, kuram zvanījāt, ir aizņemts.
call_ended_invite_timeout_title No answer Nav atbildes
call_error_user_not_responding The remote side failed to pick up. Adresāts neatbildēja uz zvanu.
call_remove_jitsi_widget_progress Ending call… Beidz zvanu…
permissions_rationale_popup_title Information Element informācija
permissions_rationale_msg_record_audio ${app_name} needs permission to access your microphone to perform audio calls. ${app_name}-am nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt mikrofonam, lai nodrošinātu audio zvanus.
permissions_rationale_msg_camera_and_audio ${app_name} needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
${app_name} nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt kamerai un mikrofonam, lai veiktu videozvanus.

Lūgums ļaut piekļuvi nākamajos uznirstošajos logos, lai nodrošinātu iespēju veikt zvanus.
permissions_rationale_msg_notification ${app_name} needs permission to display notifications. Notifications can display your messages, your invitations, etc.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to view notification.
${app_name} ir nepieciešama atļauja attēlot paziņojumus. Tajos var tikt attēlotas ziņas, uzaicinājumi utt..

Lūgums atļaut piekļuvi nākamajos uznirstošajos logos, lai varētu skatīt paziņojumu.
permissions_denied_qr_code To scan a QR code, you need to allow camera access. Lai nolasītu kvadrātkodu, jāatļauj piekļuve kamerai.
permissions_denied_add_contact Allow permission to access your contacts. Atļaujiet piekļuvi savām kontaktpersonām.
yes YES
no NO
_continue Continue Turpināt
list_members Members Biedru katalogs
room_jump_to_first_unread Jump to unread Pāriet uz pirmo neizlasīto ziņu
room_title_members %d member %d biedri
Key English Latvian State
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_subtitle Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup. Jāievada tikai sev zināma slepena vārdkopa un jāizveido atslēga rezerves kopēšanai.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_title Use a Security Phrase Izmantot drošības vārdkopu
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_submit Set up Uzstādīt
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server. Nodrošinieties pret piekļuves zaudēšanu šifrētām ziņām un datiem, dublējot šifrēšanas atslēgas savā serverī.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_title Secure backup Drošā rezerves kopija
bug_report_error_too_short The description is too short Apraksts ir pārāk īss
call Call Zvans
call_active_status Active call · %1$d notiekošu zvanu ·
call_camera_back Back Atpakaļ
call_camera_front Front Priekšējā
call_connecting Call connecting… Tiek veidots zvana savienojums…
call_dial_pad_lookup_error There was an error looking up the phone number Tika pieļauta kļūda, meklējot tālruņa numuru
call_dial_pad_title Dial pad Zvanu taustiņi
call_ended Call ended Zvans beigts
call_ended_invite_timeout_title No answer Nav atbildes
call_ended_user_busy_description The user you called is busy. Lietotājs, kuram zvanījāt, ir aizņemts.
call_ended_user_busy_title User busy Lietotājs aizņemts
call_error_user_not_responding The remote side failed to pick up. Adresāts neatbildēja uz zvanu.
call_failed_no_connection ${app_name} Call Failed ${app_name} Zvans Neizdevās
call_failed_no_connection_description Failed to establish real time connection.
Please ask the administrator of your homeserver to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
Neizdevās izveidot reāllaika savienojumu.
Lūgums vaicāt mājasservera pārvaldītājam uzstādīt TURN serveri, lai zvani varētu uzticami darboties.
call_format_turn_hd_off Turn HD off Izslēgt HD
call_format_turn_hd_on Turn HD on Ieslēgt HD
call_held_by_user %s held the call %s apturēja zvanu
call_held_by_you You held the call Tu aizturēji zvanu
call_hold_action Hold Apturēt
call_in_progress Call In Progress… Notiek zvans…
call_notification_answer Accept Pieņemt
call_notification_hangup Hang Up Nolikt
call_notification_reject Decline Noraidīt
call_one_active Active call (%1$s) · Aktīvs zvans (%1$s) ·


The user you called is busy.
Lietotājs, kuram zvanījāt, ir aizņemts.
2 years ago
The user you called is busy.
Lietotājs, kuram zvanījāt, ir aizņemts.
2 years ago
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English Latvian
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 458