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Key English Latvian State
ok OK Labi
later Later Vēlāk
permalink Permalink Iekšējā saite
view_source View Source Skatīt pirmkodu
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Skatīt atšifrētu pirmkodu
none None Nav
report_content Report Content Ziņot par saturu
start_chatting Start Chatting Uzsākt tērzēšanu
spaces Spaces Telpas
time_unit_hour_short h h
time_unit_minute_short min min.
time_unit_second_short sec sek.
denied_permission_generic Some permissions are missing to perform this action, please grant the permissions from the system settings. Trūkst dažu atļauju, lai veiktu šo darbību. Lūgums tās nodrošināt sistēmas iestatījumos.
denied_permission_camera To perform this action, please grant the Camera permission from the system settings. Lai veiktu šo darbību, lūgums nodrošināt kameras atļauju sistēmas iestatījumos.
denied_permission_voice_message To send voice messages, please grant the Microphone permission. Lai sūtītu balss ziņojumus, piešķiriet Mikrofona atļauju.
missing_permissions_title Missing permissions Trūkst atļauju
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a conference call Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call You do not have permission to start a call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a call Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu
video_meeting Start video meeting Sākt video sanāksmi
audio_meeting Start audio meeting Sākt audio sanāksmi
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening. Sanāksmes izmanto Jitsi drošības un atļauju nosacījumus. Visi cilvēki, kas pašlaik atrodas telpā, redzēs uzaicinājumu pievienoties, kamēr notiek sanāksme.
cannot_call_yourself You cannot place a call with yourself Tu nevari uzsākt zvanu ar sevi
cannot_call_yourself_with_invite You cannot place a call with yourself, wait for participants to accept invitation Nevar uzsākt zvanu ar sevi, jāpagaida, līdz dalībnieki apstiprinās uzaicinājumu
failed_to_add_widget Failed to add widget Neizdevās ielādēt logrīku
failed_to_remove_widget Failed to remove widget Neizdevās noņemt logrīku
or or vai
done Done Gatavs
call_notification_answer Accept Pieņemt
call_notification_reject Decline Noraidīt
Key English Latvian State
message_reply_to_poll_preview Poll Aptauja
message_reply_to_prefix In reply to Atbildē uz
message_reply_to_sender_created_poll created a poll. izveidoja aptauju.
message_reply_to_sender_ended_poll ended a poll. noslēdza aptauju.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_audio_file sent an audio file. nosūtīja skaņas datni.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_file sent a file. nosūtīja datni.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_image sent an image. nosūtīja attēlu.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_sticker sent a sticker. nosūtīja uzlīmi.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_video sent a video. nosūtīja video.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_voice_message sent a voice message. nosūtīja balss ziņu.
message_report_user Report user Ziņot par lietotāju
message_view_edit_history View Edit History Skatīt labošanas vēsturi
message_view_reaction View Reactions Apskatīt reakcijas
missed_audio_call Missed audio call %d neatbildētu zvanu
missed_video_call Missed video call %d neatbildētu video zvanu
missing_permissions_title Missing permissions Trūkst atļauju
navigate_to_room_when_already_in_the_room You are already viewing this room! Tu jau apskati šo istabu!
navigate_to_thread_when_already_in_the_thread You are already viewing this thread! Šis pavediens jau tiek skatīts.
new_session New login. Was this you? Jauna pieteikšanās. Tas biji Tu?
no NO
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost Tika zaudēts savienojums ar serveri
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on Ir ieslēgts lidmašīnas režīms
no_ignored_users You are not ignoring any users Nav vērā neņemtu lietotāju
no_message_edits_found No edits found Labojumi netika atrasti
no_more_results No more results Vairāk nekādu rezultātu nav
none None Nav
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a conference call Nav atļaujas uzsākt sapulces zvanu
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call You do not have permission to start a call in this room Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu šajā istabā
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a call Nav atļaujas uzsākt zvanu


Missing permissions
Trūkst atļauju
3 years ago
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English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 247