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Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.
Key English Latvian State
a11y_pause_voice_broadcast_record Pause voice broadcast record Apturēt balss apraides ierakstu
a11y_stop_voice_broadcast_record Stop voice broadcast record Pārtraukt balss apraides ierakstu
a11y_play_voice_broadcast Play or resume voice broadcast Atskaņot vai atsākt balss apraidi
a11y_pause_voice_broadcast Pause voice broadcast Apturēt balss apraidi
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_backward Fast backward 30 seconds Ātri patīt 30 sekundes atpakaļ
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_forward Fast forward 30 seconds Ātri patīt 30 sekundes uz priekšu
error_voice_broadcast_unauthorized_title Can’t start a new voice broadcast Nevar uzsākt jaunu balss apraidi
error_voice_broadcast_permission_denied_message You don’t have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions. Nav nepieciešamo atļauju, lai uzsāktu balss apraidi šajā istabā. Jāsazinās ar istabas pārvaldītāju, lai paaugstinātu atļaujas.
error_voice_broadcast_blocked_by_someone_else_message Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one. Kāds cits jau ieraksta balss apraidi. Jāgaida, līdz tā beigsies, lai varētu uzsākt jaunu.
error_voice_broadcast_already_in_progress_message You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one. Tu jau ieraksti balss apraidi. Lūgums pabeigt pašreizējo, lai uzsāktu jaunu.
error_voice_broadcast_unable_to_play Unable to play this voice broadcast. Nav iespējams atskaņot šo balss apraidi.
error_voice_broadcast_no_connection_recording Connection error - Recording paused Savienojuma kļūda - ierakstīšana apturēta
error_voice_broadcast_unable_to_decrypt Unable to decrypt this voice broadcast. Nav iespējams atšifrēt šo balss apraidi.
voice_broadcast_recording_time_left %1$s left Atlicis %1$s
stop_voice_broadcast_dialog_title Stop live broadcasting? Pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi?
stop_voice_broadcast_content Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room. Vai tiešām pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi? Tas izbeigs apraidi, un istabā būs pieejams viss ieraksts.
upgrade_room_for_restricted Anyone in %s will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime. Ikviens no %s varēs atrast šo istabu un pievienoties tai - nav nepieciešams pašrocīgi visus uzaicināt. To jebkurā laikā būs iespējams mainīt istabas iestatījumos.
upgrade_room_for_restricted_no_param Anyone in a parent space will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime. Ikviens vecākvietā varēs atrast šo istabu un pievienoties tai - nav nepieciešams pašrocīgi visus uzaicināt. To jebkurā laikā ir iespējams mainīt istabas iestatījumos.
upgrade_room_for_restricted_note Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room. All current messages will stay in this archived room. Lūgums ņemt vērā, ka jaunināšana izveidos jaunu istabas versiju. Visas pašreizējās ziņas paliks šajā arhivētajā istabā.
this_invite_to_this_room_was_sent This invite to this room was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo istabu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīta ar Tavu kontu
this_invite_to_this_space_was_sent This invite to this space was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo vietu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīts ar Tavu kontu
link_this_email_settings_link Link this email address with your account Sasaistīt šo e-pasta adresi ar kontu
link_this_email_with_your_account %s in Settings to receive invites directly in ${app_name}. %s iestatījumos, lai saņemtu uzaicinājumus tieši ${app_name}.
labs_enable_latex_maths Enable LaTeX mathematics Iespējot LaTeX matemātiku
restart_the_application_to_apply_changes Restart the application for the change to take effect. Lietotne ir jāpārsāknē, lai izmaiņas stātos spēkā.
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history MSC3061: Sharing room keys for past messages MSC3061: istabu atslēgu kopīgošana pagātnes ziņām
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history_desc When inviting in an encrypted room that is sharing history, encrypted history will be visible. Kad uzaicina šifrētā istabā, kas kopīgo vēsturi, būs redzama šifrētā vēsture.
create_poll_title Create Poll Izveidot aptauju
create_poll_question_title Poll question or topic Aptaujas jautājums vai temats
create_poll_question_hint Question or topic Jautājums vai temats
create_poll_options_title Create options Izveidot izvēles iespējas
Key English Latvian State
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint. Sertifikāts izmainījās no iepriekš uzticama uz neuzticamu. Iespējams, serveris ir aktualizējis savu sertifikātu. Sazinies ar servera administratoru, lai saņemtu sagaidāmo nospiedumu (fingerprint).
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%s): Nospiedums (%s):
ssl_logout_account Logout Atteikties
ssl_only_accept Only accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above. Akceptē sertifikātu TIKAI tad, kad servera administrators publicējis sertifikāta nospiedumu, kurš atbilst augstāk redzamajam.
ssl_remain_offline Ignore Ignorēt
ssl_trust Trust Uzticēties
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate. Servera sertifikāts ir izmanījies un Tava ierīce tam tagad neuzticas. Tas ir ĻOTI NEPARASTI. Iesakām NEUZTICĒTIES šim jaunajam sertifikātam.
start_chat Start Chat Uzsākt tērzēšanu
start_chatting Start Chatting Uzsākt tērzēšanu
started_a_voice_broadcast Started a voice broadcast Uzsāka balss apraidi
start_verification Start verification Sākt tās verifikāciju
start_video_call Start Video Call Sākt video zvanu
start_video_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a video call? Tiešām vēlies uzsākt video zvanu?
start_voice_call Start Voice Call Sākt audio zvanu
start_voice_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a voice call? Tiešām vēlies uzsākt balss zvanu?
stop_voice_broadcast_content Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room. Vai tiešām pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi? Tas izbeigs apraidi, un istabā būs pieejams viss ieraksts.
stop_voice_broadcast_dialog_title Stop live broadcasting? Pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi?
suggested_header Suggested Rooms Ieteiktās istabas
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistēmas brīdinājumi
system_theme System Default Sistēmas noklusējuma
tap_to_edit_spaces Tap to edit spaces Piesist, lai labotu vietas
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Esiet atrodams citiem
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Izmanto robotprogrammatūru, tiltus, logrīkus un uzlīmju pakas
terms_of_service Terms of Service Pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi
this_invite_to_this_room_was_sent This invite to this room was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo istabu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīta ar Tavu kontu
this_invite_to_this_space_was_sent This invite to this space was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo vietu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīts ar Tavu kontu
this_is_the_beginning_of_dm This is the beginning of your direct message history with %s. Šis ir sākums tiešo ziņu vēsturei ar %s.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room This is the beginning of %s. Šis ir pats %s sākums.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room_no_name This is the beginning of this conversation. Šis ir šīs sarakstes pats sākums.
this_space_has_no_rooms This space has no rooms Šajā vietā nav istabu


Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.
Vai tiešām pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi? Tas izbeigs apraidi, un istabā būs pieejams viss ieraksts.
11 months ago
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English Latvian
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String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2331