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Tap on your recording to stop or listen
Key English Latvian State
upgrade_room_auto_invite Automatically invite users Automātiski uzaicināt lietotājus
upgrade_room_update_parent_space Automatically update space parent Automātiski uzaicināt vietas vecākvienumu
upgrade_room_no_power_to_manage You need permission to upgrade a room Ir nepieciešama atļauja, lai jauninātu istabu
room_using_unstable_room_version This room is running room version %s, which this homeserver has marked as unstable. Šī istaba darbojas ar istabu laidienu %s, ko šis mājasserveris ir atzīmējis kā nepastāvīgu.
room_upgrade_to_recommended_version Upgrade to the recommended room version Jaunināt uz ieteicamo istabas versiju
error_failed_to_join_room Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join: %s Atvainojamies, atgadījās kļūda pievienošanās mēģinājuma laikā: %s
a11y_start_voice_message Record Voice Message Ierakstīt balss ziņu
voice_message_slide_to_cancel Slide to cancel Slidināt, lai atceltu
a11y_play_voice_message Play Voice Message Atskaņot balss ziņu
a11y_pause_voice_message Pause Voice Message Apturēt balss ziņu
a11y_stop_voice_message Stop Recording Apturēt ierakstīšanu
a11y_recording_voice_message Recording voice message Ieraksta balss ziņu
a11y_delete_recorded_voice_message Delete recording Izdzēst ierakstu
voice_message_release_to_send_toast Hold to record, release to send Pieturēt, lai ierakstītu, atlaist, lai nosūtītu
voice_message_n_seconds_warning_toast %1$ds left Atlikušas %1$d s
voice_message_tap_to_stop_toast Tap on your recording to stop or listen Jāpiesit ierakstam, lai klausītos vai apturētu
error_voice_message_unable_to_play Cannot play this voice message Nevar atskaņot šo balss ziņu
error_voice_message_unable_to_record Cannot record a voice message Nevar ierakstīt balss ziņu
error_voice_message_cannot_reply_or_edit Cannot reply or edit while voice message is active Nevar atbildēt vai labot, kamēr tiek izmantota balss ziņa
error_voice_message_broadcast_in_progress Cannot start voice message Nevar uzsākt balss ziņu
error_voice_message_broadcast_in_progress_message You can’t start a voice message as you are currently recording a live broadcast. Please end your live broadcast in order to start recording a voice message Nevar uzsākt balss ziņu, jo pašreiz tiek ierakstīta tiešraides apraide. Lūgums to pārtraukt, lai varētu uzsākt balss ziņas ierakstīšanu
voice_message_reply_content Voice Message (%1$s) Balss ziņa (%1$s)
a11y_audio_message_item %1$s, %2$s, %3$s %1$s, %2$s, %3$s
a11y_audio_playback_duration %1$d minutes %2$d seconds %1$d minūtes %2$d sekundes
a11y_play_audio_message Play %1$s Atskaņot %1$s
a11y_pause_audio_message Pause %1$s Apturēt %1$s
error_audio_message_unable_to_play Unable to play %1$s Nespēj atskaņot %1$s
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_message_file_size (%1$s) (%1$s)
voice_broadcast_live Live Tiešraide
voice_broadcast_live_broadcast Live broadcast Tiešraides apraide
Key English Latvian State
verify_this_session Verify the new login accessing your account: %1$s Apliecini jauno pieteikšanos Tavam kontam: %1$s
video_call_in_progress Video Call In Progress… Notiek video zvans…
video_call_with_participant Video call with %s Video zvans ar %s
video_meeting Start video meeting Sākt video sanāksmi
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Skatīt atšifrētu pirmkodu
view_in_room View In Room Skatīt istabā
view_source View Source Skatīt pirmkodu
voice_broadcast_buffering Buffering… Buferizācija…
voice_broadcast_live Live Tiešraide
voice_broadcast_live_broadcast Live broadcast Tiešraides apraide
voice_broadcast_recording_time_left %1$s left Atlicis %1$s
voice_message_n_seconds_warning_toast %1$ds left Atlikušas %1$d s
voice_message_release_to_send_toast Hold to record, release to send Pieturēt, lai ierakstītu, atlaist, lai nosūtītu
voice_message_reply_content Voice Message (%1$s) Balss ziņa (%1$s)
voice_message_slide_to_cancel Slide to cancel Slidināt, lai atceltu
voice_message_tap_to_stop_toast Tap on your recording to stop or listen Jāpiesit ierakstam, lai klausītos vai apturētu
warning_room_not_created_yet The room is not yet created. Cancel the room creation? Telpa vēl nav izveidota. Atcelt telpas izveidi?
warning_unsaved_change There are unsaved changes. Discard the changes? Te ir nesaglabātas izmaiņas. Atmest izmaiņas?
warning_unsaved_change_discard Discard changes Atmest izmaiņas
widget_delete_message_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room? Vai tiešām izdzēst logrīku šajā istabā?
widget_integration_failed_to_send_request Failed to send request. Neizdevās nosūtīt pieprasījumu.
widget_integration_missing_parameter A required parameter is missing. Iztrūks obligāts parametrs.
widget_integration_missing_room_id Missing room_id in request. Pieprasījumā iztrūkst room_id.
widget_integration_missing_user_id Missing user_id in request. Pieprasījumā iztrūkst user_id.
widget_integration_must_be_in_room You are not in this room. Tu neesi šīs istabas iemītnieks (biedrs).
widget_integration_no_permission_in_room You do not have permission to do that in this room. Tev nepietiek tiesību to darīt šajā istabā.
widget_integration_positive_power_level Power level must be positive integer. Pieejas līmenim jābūt lielākam par 0.
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service. Lai turpinātu, ir jāapstiprina šī pakalpojuma noteikumi.
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. Istaba %s ir neredzama.
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget. Neizdevās uzstādīt vidžetu.


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Jāpiesit ierakstam, lai klausītos vai apturētu
a year ago
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English Latvian
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2298