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Upgrades a room to a new version
Key English Latvian State
dev_tools_edit_content Edit Content Labot saturu
dev_tools_send_custom_state_event Send Custom State Event Nosūtīt pielāgotu stāvokļa notikumu
dev_tools_form_hint_type Type Tips
dev_tools_form_hint_state_key State Key Stāvokļa atslēga
dev_tools_form_hint_event_content Event Content Notikuma saturs
dev_tools_error_no_content No content Nav satura
dev_tools_error_no_message_type Missing message type Trūkst ziņas veida
dev_tools_error_malformed_event Malformed event Nepareizi veidots notikums
dev_tools_success_event Event sent! Notikums ir nosūtīts.
dev_tools_success_state_event State event sent! Stāvokļa notikums ir nosūtīts.
dev_tools_event_content_hint Event content Notikuma saturs
command_description_create_space Create a Space Izveidot Telpu
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Pievienot dotajai Telpai
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id Pievienoties Telpai ar doto ID
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) Pamest istabu ar norādīto identifikatoru (vai pašreizējo istabu, ja tāda nav)
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version Atjaunina istabu uz jaunu versiju
event_status_a11y_sending Sending Nosūta
event_status_a11y_sent Sent Nosūtīta
event_status_a11y_failed Failed Neizdevās
event_status_a11y_delete_all Delete all failed messages Izdzēst visas kļūdainās ziņas
event_status_cancel_sending_dialog_message Do you want to cancel sending message? Vai vēlaties atcelt ziņu nosūtīšanu?
event_status_failed_messages_warning Messages failed to send Ziņas neizdevās nosūtīt
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_title Delete unsent messages Izdzēst nenosūtītās ziņas
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_message Are you sure you want to delete all unsent messages in this room? Vai tiešām izdzēst visas nenosūtītas ziņas šajā istabā?
public_space Public space Publiska Telpa
private_space Private space Privāta Telpa
add_space Add space Pievienot Telpu
your_public_space Your public space Tava publiskā vieta
your_private_space Your private space Tava privātā vieta
create_spaces_choose_type_label What type of space do you want to create? Kādu Telpu vēlaties izveidot?
create_spaces_you_can_change_later You can change this later To var mainīt vēlāk
Key English Latvian State
command_description_nick_for_room Changes your display nickname in the current room only Maina attēlojamo segvārdu tikai pašreizējā istabā
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user Definē lietotāja statusu
command_description_part_room Leave room Pamest istabu
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Nosūta ziņu vienkāršā tekstā, nepielietojot markdown
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow Nosūta doto ziņu izkrāsotu varavīksnes krāsās
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow Nosūta doto ziņu uzsvērti izkrāsotu varavīksnes krāsās
command_description_remove_user Removes user with given id from this room Padzen lietotāju ar norādīto id
command_description_room_avatar Changes the avatar of the current room Nomaina šīs istabas avatāru
command_description_room_name Sets the room name Iestata istabas nosaukumu
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Pievieno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ vienkārša teksta ziņas sākumā
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler Nosūta doto ziņojumu kā pārsteigumu
command_description_table_flip Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message pievieno (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ pirms vienkārša teksta ziņas
command_description_topic Set the room topic Iestata istabas tematu
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id Atceļ pieejas liegumu lietotājam ar norādīto id
command_description_unignore_user Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward Pārtrauc lietotāja ignorēšanu, rādot viņa ziņojumus
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version Atjaunina istabu uz jaunu versiju
command_description_whois Displays information about a user Parāda informāciju par lietotāju
command_error Command error Komandas kļūda
command_not_supported_in_threads The command "%s" is recognized but not supported in threads. Komanda "%s" tika atpazīta, bet to nevar izmantot pavedienos.
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect. Komandai "%s" nepieciešami vairāk parametri vai arī kāds no parametriem ir nepareizs.
command_snow Sends the given message with snowfall Nosūta doto ziņu ar sniegu
compression_opt_list_choose Choose Izvēlēties
compression_opt_list_large Large Lielu
compression_opt_list_medium Medium Vidēju
compression_opt_list_original Original Sākotnējais
compression_opt_list_small Small Mazu
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages. Apstiprināt savu identitāti ar šīs pieteikšanās apliecināšanu kādā citā savā sesijā, tādējādi nodrošinot piekļuvi šifrētajām ziņām.
confirm_your_identity_after_update Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device. Drošā ziņapmaiņa tika uzlabota jaunākajā atjauninājumā. Lūgums atkārtoti apliecināt ierīci.
confirm_your_identity_quad_s Confirm your identity by verifying this login, granting it access to encrypted messages. Jāapstiprina identitāte ar šīs pieteikšanās apliecināšanu, tādējādi nodrošinot piekļuvi šifrētajām ziņām.
contact_admin_to_restore_encryption Please contact an admin to restore encryption to a valid state. Lūgums sazināties ar pārvaldītāju, lai atjaunotu šifrēšanu derīgā stāvoklī.


Upgrades a room to a new version
Atjaunina istabu uz jaunu versiju
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2174