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Active call (%1$s) ·
Key English Latvian State
call_tile_voice_incoming Incoming voice call Ienākošs zvans
call_tile_video_incoming Incoming video call Ienākošs video zvans
call_tile_voice_active Active voice call Aktīvs zvans
call_tile_video_active Active video call Aktīvs video zvans
call_tile_voice_call_has_ended Voice call ended • %1$s Balss zvans beidzās • %1$s
call_tile_video_call_has_ended Video call ended • %1$s Video zvans beidzās • %1$s
call_tile_voice_declined Voice call declined Zvans atteikts
call_tile_video_declined Video call declined Video zvans atteikts
call_tile_voice_missed Missed voice call Neatbildēts zvans
call_tile_video_missed Missed video call Neatbildēts video zvans
call_tile_no_answer No answer Nav atbildes
call_dial_pad_title Dial pad Zvanu taustiņi
call_dial_pad_lookup_error There was an error looking up the phone number Tika pieļauta kļūda, meklējot tālruņa numuru
call_only_active Active call (%1$s) Aktīvs zvans (%1$s)
call_active_status Active call · %1$d notiekošu zvanu ·
call_one_active Active call (%1$s) · Aktīvs zvans (%1$s) ·
call_tap_to_return %1$s Tap to return %1$s Pieskarieties, lai atgrieztos
call_transfer_consult_first Consult first Iepriekškonsultēšana
call_transfer_connect_action Connect Savienoties
call_transfer_title Transfer Pārvirzīt
call_transfer_failure An error occurred while transferring call Notika kļūda zvana pārvirzīšanas laikā
call_transfer_users_tab_title Users Lietotāji
call_transfer_consulting_with Consulting with %1$s Konsultējas ar %1$s
call_transfer_transfer_to_title Transfer to %1$s Pārvirzīt uz %1$s
call_transfer_unknown_person Unknown person Nezināma persona
call_slide_to_end_conference Slide to end the call Velciet, lai pārtrauktu zvanu
re_authentication_activity_title Re-Authentication Needed Nepieciešama atkārtota autentificēšanās
re_authentication_default_confirm_text ${app_name} requires you to enter your credentials to perform this action. ${app_name} pieprasa ievadīt piekļuves datus, lai veiktu šo darbību.
authentication_error Failed to authenticate Neizdevās autentificēties
a11y_screenshot Screenshot Ekrānšāviņš
a11y_open_widget Open widgets Atvērt logrīkus
Key English Latvian State
call_ended_invite_timeout_title No answer Nav atbildes
call_ended_user_busy_description The user you called is busy. Lietotājs, kuram zvanījāt, ir aizņemts.
call_ended_user_busy_title User busy Lietotājs aizņemts
call_error_user_not_responding The remote side failed to pick up. Adresāts neatbildēja uz zvanu.
call_failed_no_connection ${app_name} Call Failed ${app_name} Zvans Neizdevās
call_failed_no_connection_description Failed to establish real time connection.
Please ask the administrator of your homeserver to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
Neizdevās izveidot reāllaika savienojumu.
Lūgums vaicāt mājasservera pārvaldītājam uzstādīt TURN serveri, lai zvani varētu uzticami darboties.
call_format_turn_hd_off Turn HD off Izslēgt HD
call_format_turn_hd_on Turn HD on Ieslēgt HD
call_held_by_user %s held the call %s apturēja zvanu
call_held_by_you You held the call Tu aizturēji zvanu
call_hold_action Hold Apturēt
call_in_progress Call In Progress… Notiek zvans…
call_notification_answer Accept Pieņemt
call_notification_hangup Hang Up Nolikt
call_notification_reject Decline Noraidīt
call_one_active Active call (%1$s) · Aktīvs zvans (%1$s) ·
call_only_active Active call (%1$s) Aktīvs zvans (%1$s)
call_remove_jitsi_widget_progress Ending call… Beidz zvanu…
call_resume_action Resume Turpināt
call_ringing Call ringing… Zvana…
call_select_sound_device Select Sound Device Izvēlieties Skaņas Ierīci
call_slide_to_end_conference Slide to end the call Velciet, lai pārtrauktu zvanu
call_start_screen_sharing Share screen Kopīgot ekrānu
call_stop_screen_sharing Stop screen sharing Apturēt ekrāna kopīgošanu
call_switch_camera Switch Camera Pārslēgt kameru
call_tap_to_return %1$s Tap to return %1$s Pieskarieties, lai atgrieztos
call_tile_call_back Call back Piezvanīt atpakaļ
call_tile_ended This call has ended Zvans beidzās
call_tile_no_answer No answer Nav atbildes
call_tile_other_declined %1$s declined this call %1$s atteica zvanu


Active call (%1$s) ·
Aktīvs zvans (%1$s) -·
2 years ago
Active call (%1$s) ·
Aktīvs zvans (%1$s) -
2 years ago
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English Latvian
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2109