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You changed room settings successfully
Key English Latvian State
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_title Secure backup Drošā rezerves kopija
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server. Nodrošinieties pret piekļuves zaudēšanu šifrētām ziņām un datiem, dublējot šifrēšanas atslēgas savā serverī.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_submit Set up Uzstādīt
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_title Use a Security Key Izmantot drošības atslēgu
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_subtitle Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe. Izveidot drošības atslēgu, ko glabāt kādā drošā vietā, piemēram, paroļu pārvaldniekā vai seifā.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_title Use a Security Phrase Izmantot drošības vārdkopu
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_subtitle Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup. Jāievada tikai sev zināma slepena vārdkopa un jāizveido atslēga rezerves kopēšanai.
bottom_sheet_save_your_recovery_key_title Save your Security Key Saglabājiet savu drošības atslēgu
bottom_sheet_save_your_recovery_key_content Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe. Sava drošības atslēga ir jāglabā kādā drošā vietā, piemēram, paroļu pārvaldniekā vai seifā.
set_a_security_phrase_title Set a Security Phrase Iestatīt drošības vārdkopu
set_a_security_phrase_notice Enter a security phrase only you know, used to secure secrets on your server. Jāievada tikai sev zināma drošības vārdkopa, kas tiek izmantota, lai noslēpumus serverī padarītu drošus.
set_a_security_phrase_hint Security Phrase Drošības vārdkopa
set_a_security_phrase_again_notice Enter your Security Phrase again to confirm it. Vēlreiz jāievada drošības vārdkopa, lai to apstiprinātu.
room_settings_name_hint Room Name Istabas nosaukums
room_settings_topic_hint Topic Temats
room_settings_save_success You changed room settings successfully Tu veiksmīgi nomainīji istabas iestatījumus
room_settings_set_avatar Set avatar Iestatīt avatāru
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_final You cannot access this message Tu nevari piekļūt šai ziņai
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly Waiting for this message, this may take a while Gaida šo ziņu, tas var aizņemt ilgāku laiku
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly_desc Due to end-to-end encryption, you might need to wait for someone's message to arrive because the encryption keys were not properly sent to you. Pilnīgas šifrēšanas dēļ var būt nepieciešams sagaidīt ziņu no kāda, jo šifrēšanas atslēgas netika pareizi nosūtītas.
crypto_error_withheld_blacklisted You cannot access this message because you have been blocked by the sender Šai ziņai nevar piekļūt, jo sūtītājs Tevi ir norobežojis
crypto_error_withheld_unverified You cannot access this message because your session is not trusted by the sender Šai ziņai nevar piekļūt, jo sūtītājs neuzticas Tavai sesijai
crypto_error_withheld_generic You cannot access this message because the sender purposely did not send the keys Šai ziņai nevar piekļūt, jo sūtītājs ar nolūku nenosūtīja atslēgas
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_merged Waiting for encryption history Gaida šifrēšanas vēsturi
disclaimer_title Riot is now Element! Riot tagad saucas Element!
disclaimer_content We’re excited to announce we’ve changed name! Your app is up to date and you’re signed in to your account. Esam priecīgi paziņot, ka mēs esam mainījuši nosaukumu. Lietotne ir atjaunināta, un Tu esi pierakstījies savā kontā.
disclaimer_negative_button GOT IT SAPRATU
disclaimer_positive_button LEARN MORE UZZINĀT VAIRĀK
save_recovery_key_chooser_hint Save recovery key in Saglabāt atkopšanas atslēgu
loading_contact_book Retrieving your contacts… Iegūst Tavus kontaktus…
empty_contact_book Your contact book is empty Adrešu grāmata ir tukša
Key English Latvian State
room_settings_room_access_private_title Private Privāts
room_settings_room_access_public_description Anyone can find the room and join Ikviens var atrast istabu un pievienoties
room_settings_room_access_public_title Public Publisks
room_settings_room_access_restricted_description Anyone in a space with this room can find and join it. Only admins of this room can add it to a space. Ikviens, kas atrodas telpā, kurā ir šī telpa, var to atrast un pievienoties tai. Tikai šīs telpas administratori var to pievienot telpai.
room_settings_room_access_restricted_title Space members only Telpas dalībniekiem tikai
room_settings_room_access_title Room access Piekļuve istabai
room_settings_room_internal_id This room’s internal ID Šīs istabas iekšējais ID
room_settings_room_notifications_account_settings Account settings Konta iestatījumi
room_settings_room_notifications_encryption_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile. Lūgums ņemt vērā, ka šifrētu istabu pieminēšanas un atslēgvārdu paziņojumi nav pieejami viedierīcēs.
room_settings_room_notifications_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %1$s. Paziņojumus varat pārvaldīt sadaļā %1$s.
room_settings_room_notifications_notify_me Notify me for Paziņot mani priekš
room_settings_room_read_history_dialog_subtitle Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged. Izmaiņas attiecībā uz to, kas var lasīt vēsturi, attieksies tikai uz nākamajiem ziņojumiem šajā telpā. Esošās vēstures redzamība nemainīsies.
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can read history? Kas var lasīt vēsturi?
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_title Room History Readability Piekļuve istabas vēsturei
room_settings_room_version_title Room version Istabas versija
room_settings_save_success You changed room settings successfully Tu veiksmīgi nomainīji istabas iestatījumus
room_settings_set_avatar Set avatar Iestatīt avatāru
room_settings_set_main_address Set as main address Iestatīt kā galveno adresi
room_settings_space_access_public_description Anyone can find the space and join Ikviens var atrast telpu un pievienoties
room_settings_space_access_title Space access Telpas piekļuve
room_settings_topic Topic Temats
room_settings_topic_hint Topic Temats
room_settings_unset_main_address Unset as main address Atiestatīt kā galveno adresi
rooms_header Rooms Istabas
room_threads_filter Filter Threads in room Atlasīt istabas pavedienus
room_title_members %d member %d biedri
room_tombstone_continuation_description This room is a continuation of another conversation Šī istaba ir citas sarakstes turpinājums
room_tombstone_continuation_link The conversation continues here Sarakste turpinās šeit
room_tombstone_predecessor_link Click here to see older messages Nospiediet šeit, lai redzētu vecākas ziņas
room_tombstone_versioned_description This room has been replaced and is no longer active. Šī istaba ir aizvietota un vairs nav aktīva.


You changed room settings successfully
JūsTu veiksmīgi nomainījāti istabas iestatījumus
a year ago
You changed room settings successfully
Jūs veiksmīgi nomainījāt istabas iestatījumus
3 years ago
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English Latvian
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2026