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Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs
Key English Latvian State
room_directory_search_hint Name or ID ( Nosaukums vai ID (
user_directory_search_hint_2 Search by name, ID or mail Meklēt pēc vārda, ID vai pasta
search_hint_room_name Search Name Meklēt Vārdu
labs_swipe_to_reply_in_timeline Enable swipe to reply in timeline Laika joslā iespējot atbildēšanu pavelkot
labs_show_unread_notifications_as_tab Add a dedicated tab for unread notifications on main screen. Pievienojiet speciālu cilni priekš nelasītiem paziņojumiem galvenajā ekrānā.
link_copied_to_clipboard Link copied to clipboard Saite ievietota starpliktuvē
add_by_qr_code Add by QR code Pievienot ar QR kodu
qr_code QR code QR kods
creating_direct_room Creating room… Izveido istabu…
direct_room_user_list_only_invite_one_email You can only invite one email at a time Vienā reizē var uzaicināt tikai vienu e-pasta adresi
direct_room_user_list_known_title Known Users Zināmie lietotāji
direct_room_user_list_suggestions_title Suggestions Ieteikumi
message_view_edit_history View Edit History Skatīt labošanas vēsturi
terms_of_service Terms of Service Pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Esiet atrodams citiem
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Izmanto robotprogrammatūru, tiltus, logrīkus un uzlīmju pakas
identity_server Identity server Identitāšu serveris
disconnect_identity_server Disconnect identity server Atvienot identitāšu serveri
add_identity_server Configure identity server Konfigurēt identitāšu serveri
open_discovery_settings Open Discovery Settings Atvērt atklāšanas iestatījumus
change_identity_server Change identity server Mainīt identitātes serveri
settings_discovery_show_identity_server_policy_title Show identity server policy Parādīt identitātes servera politiku
settings_discovery_hide_identity_server_policy_title Hide identity server policy Slēpt identitātes servera politiku
settings_discovery_no_policy_provided No policy provided by the identity server Identitātes serveris nesniedz nekādu politiku
settings_discovery_identity_server_info You are currently using %1$s to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Pašlaik izmantojat %1$s, lai atrastu un būtu atrodams esošajiem kontaktiem, kurus pazīstat.
settings_discovery_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, configure one below. Pašlaik netiek izmantots identitātes serveris. To var norādīt zemāk, lai atklātu esošos kontaktus un būtu atklājams tiem.
settings_discovery_emails_title Discoverable email addresses Atklājamās e-pasta adreses
settings_discovery_no_mails Discovery options will appear once you have added an email address. Atklāšanas iespējas parādīsies tiklīdz būs pievienota e-pasta adrese.
settings_discovery_no_msisdn Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number. Atklāšanas iespējas parādīsies tiklīdz būs pievienots tālruņa numurs.
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Atvienošanās no identitātes servera nozīmē, ka nebūsi atklājams citiem un nevarēsi uzaicināt citus, izmantojot e-pasta adresi vai tālruņa numuru.
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Atrodamie tālruņa numuri
Key English Latvian State
start_chat Start Chat Uzsākt tērzēšanu
start_chatting Start Chatting Uzsākt tērzēšanu
started_a_voice_broadcast Started a voice broadcast Uzsāka balss apraidi
start_verification Start verification Sākt tās verifikāciju
start_video_call Start Video Call Sākt video zvanu
start_video_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a video call? Tiešām vēlies uzsākt video zvanu?
start_voice_call Start Voice Call Sākt audio zvanu
start_voice_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a voice call? Tiešām vēlies uzsākt balss zvanu?
stop_voice_broadcast_content Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room. Vai tiešām pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi? Tas izbeigs apraidi, un istabā būs pieejams viss ieraksts.
stop_voice_broadcast_dialog_title Stop live broadcasting? Pārtraukt tiešraides apraidi?
suggested_header Suggested Rooms Ieteiktās istabas
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistēmas brīdinājumi
system_theme System Default Sistēmas noklusējuma
tap_to_edit_spaces Tap to edit spaces Piesist, lai labotu vietas
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Esiet atrodams citiem
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Izmanto robotprogrammatūru, tiltus, logrīkus un uzlīmju pakas
terms_of_service Terms of Service Pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi
this_invite_to_this_room_was_sent This invite to this room was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo istabu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīta ar Tavu kontu
this_invite_to_this_space_was_sent This invite to this space was sent to %s which is not associated with your account Šis uzaicinājums uz šo vietu tika nosūtīts uz %s, kas nav saistīts ar Tavu kontu
this_is_the_beginning_of_dm This is the beginning of your direct message history with %s. Šis ir sākums tiešo ziņu vēsturei ar %s.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room This is the beginning of %s. Šis ir pats %s sākums.
this_is_the_beginning_of_room_no_name This is the beginning of this conversation. Šis ir šīs sarakstes pats sākums.
this_space_has_no_rooms This space has no rooms Šajā vietā nav istabu
this_space_has_no_rooms_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite. Dažas istabas var būt paslēptas, jo tās ir privātas un ir nepieciešams uzaicinājums.
this_space_has_no_rooms_not_admin Some rooms may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite.
You don’t have permission to add rooms.
Dažas istabas var būt paslēptas, jo tās ir privātas un ir nepieciešams uzaicinājums.
Nav atļaujas pievienot istabas.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. Mājiens: ilgi jāpiespiež ziņa un jāizmanto “%s”.
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. Pavedieni palīdz viegli izsekot un noturēt sarunas par tēmu.
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads Uztur apspriedes sakārtotas ar pavedieniem
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Rāda pašreizējās istabas visus pavedienus
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Visi pavedieni


Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs
Izmantojiet Botus robotprogrammatūru, tiltus, logrīkus un uzlīmju paketeas
11 months ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Element Android / Element Android AppLatvian

Use Bbots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs
a year ago
Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs
Izmantojiet Botus, tiltus, logrīkus un uzlīmju paketes
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 1326