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Edit poll
Key English Lithuanian State
create_poll_not_enough_options_error At least %1$s option is required Bent %1$s pasirinkimas yra būtinas
poll_option_vote_count %1$d vote %1$d balsas
poll_total_vote_count_before_ended_and_voted Based on %1$d vote Pagal %1$d balsą
poll_no_votes_cast No votes cast Nėra balsų
poll_undisclosed_not_ended Results will be visible when the poll is ended Rezultatai bus matomi pasibaigus apklausai
poll_total_vote_count_before_ended_and_not_voted %1$d vote cast. Vote to the see the results %1$d surinktas balsas. Balsuokite, kad pamatytumėte rezultatus
poll_total_vote_count_after_ended Final result based on %1$d vote Galutinis rezultatas pagal %1$d balsą
poll_end_action End poll Baigti apklausą
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll? Baigti šią apklausą?
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll. Tai neleis žmonėms balsuoti ir bus rodomi galutiniai apklausos rezultatai.
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll Baigti apklausą
poll_response_room_list_preview Vote cast Prabalsuota
poll_end_room_list_preview Poll ended Apklausa baigėsi
delete_poll_dialog_title Remove poll Pašalinti apklausą
delete_poll_dialog_content Are you sure you want to remove this poll? You won't be able to recover it once removed. Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šią apklausą? Pašalinę ją negalėsite susigrąžinti.
edit_poll_title Edit poll Redaguoti apklausą
poll_type_title Poll type Apklausos tipas
open_poll_option_title Open poll Atidaryti apklausą
open_poll_option_description Voters see results as soon as they have voted Balsuotojai mato rezultatus iškart po balsavimo
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll Uždaryta apklausa
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll Rezultatai atskleidžiami tik tada, kai baigiate apklausą
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll.
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
room_polls_active Active polls
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_ended Past polls
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls
room_polls_load_more Load more polls
Key English Lithuanian State
disclaimer_positive_button LEARN MORE SUŽINOTI DAUGIAU
disclaimer_title Riot is now Element!
disconnect_identity_server Disconnect identity server Atjungti tapatybės serverį
disconnect_identity_server_dialog_content Disconnect from the identity server %s?
discovery_invite Invite by email, find contacts and more… Kvieskite el. paštu, ieškokite kontaktų ir daugiau…
discovery_section Discovery (%s) Atradimas (%s)
does_not_look_like_valid_email Doesn't look like a valid email address Neatrodo kaip tinkamas el. pašto adresas
done Done Baigta
downloaded_file File %1$s has been downloaded! Failas %1$s buvo atsiųstas!
e2e_re_request_encryption_key Re-request encryption keys from your other sessions. Pakartotinai paprašykite šifravimo raktų iš kitų seansų.
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_dialog_content Please launch ${app_name} on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. Prašome paleisti ${app_name} kitame įrenginyje, kuris gali iššifruoti žinutę, kad galėtų išsiųsti raktus į šią sesiją.
e2e_use_keybackup Unlock encrypted messages history
edit Edit Redaguoti
edited_suffix (edited) (redaguota)
editing Editing
edit_poll_title Edit poll Redaguoti apklausą
empty_contact_book Your contact book is empty
encrypted_by_deleted Encrypted by a deleted device
encrypted_message Encrypted message Šifruota žinutė
encrypted_unverified Encrypted by an unverified device
encryption_enabled Encryption enabled Šifravimas įjungtas
encryption_enabled_tile_description Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify users in their profile. Šiame kambaryje žinutės yra visapusiškai užšifruotos. Sužinokite daugiau ir patvirtinkite naudotojus jų profilyje.
encryption_export_e2e_room_keys Export E2E room keys Eksportuoti šifruotų kambarių raktus
encryption_exported_successfully Keys successfully exported Raktai sėkmingai eksportuoti
encryption_export_export Export Eksportuoti
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys. Sukurkite slaptafrazę eksportuojamiems raktams užšifruoti. Norėdami importuoti raktus, turėsite įvesti tą pačią slaptafrazę.
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Eksportuoti kambarių raktus
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Eksportuoti raktus į vietinį failą
encryption_has_been_misconfigured Encryption has been misconfigured.
encryption_import_e2e_room_keys Import E2E room keys Importuoti šifruotų kambarių raktus


Edit poll
Redaguoti apklausą
a year ago
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English Lithuanian
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Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml, string 2366