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Reason: %1$s
Key English Korean State
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management Matrix 앱 관리 문제를 해결하려면
command_description_devtools Open the developer tools screen
command_description_whois Displays information about a user
markdown_has_been_enabled Markdown has been enabled. 마크다운이 켜졌습니다.
markdown_has_been_disabled Markdown has been disabled. 마크다운이 꺼졌습니다.
notification_off Off
notification_silent Silent 조용히
notification_noisy Noisy 소리
encrypted_message Encrypted message 암호화된 메시지
create Create 만들기
group_details_home Home
rooms Rooms
invited Invited 초대받음
has_been_removed You have been removed from %1$s by %2$s %2$s님에 의해 %1$s 방에서 추방당했습니다
has_been_banned You have been banned from %1$s by %2$s %2$s님에 의해 %1$s 방에서 출입 금지당했습니다
reason_colon Reason: %1$s 이유: %1$s
avatar Avatar 아바타
avatar_of_space Avatar of space %1$s
avatar_of_room Avatar of room %1$s
avatar_of_user Profile picture of user %1$s
dialog_user_consent_content To continue using the %1$s homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions. %1$s 홈서버를 계속 사용하려면 이용 약관을 검토하고 승인해야 합니다.
dialog_user_consent_submit Review now 지금 검토하기
deactivate_account_title Deactivate Account 계정 비활성화
deactivate_account_content This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible</b>.

Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent</b>. If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
이것으로 계정은 영구적으로 사용할 수 없게 됩니다. 로그인할 수 없고 누구도 같은 사용자 ID로 다시 등록할 수 없게 됩니다. 이 계정으로 참가한 모든 방에서 떠나게 되고, ID 서버의 계정 세부 사항도 삭제됩니다. <b>이 행동은 돌이킬 수 없습니다</b>.

계정을 비활성화해도 <b>기본적으로 보낸 메시지를 잊지 않습니다</b>. 메시지를 잊기를 원한다면, 아래 상자를 선택하세요.

Matrix의 메시지 가시성은 이메일과 유사합니다. 우리가 메시지를 잊는 것은 보낸 메시지가 모든 새 사용자 혹은 등록하지 않은 사용자와 공유하지 않는다는 것입니다, 하지만 이 메시지에 접근한 등록된 사용자는 이 사본으로 여전히 접근할 수 있을 것입니다.
deactivate_account_delete_checkbox Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) 내 계정을 비활성화하면 내가 보낸 모든 메시지는 잊어주세요 (경고: 이것은 미래 사용자가 불완전한 대화를 읽게 됩니다)
deactivate_account_submit Deactivate Account 계정 비활성화
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. 사용자 이름을 입력하세요.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
room_tombstone_versioned_description This room has been replaced and is no longer active. 이 방은 교체되었으며 더 이상 활동하지 않습니다.
room_tombstone_continuation_link The conversation continues here 대화는 여기서 계속됩니다
room_tombstone_continuation_description This room is a continuation of another conversation 이 방은 다른 대화의 연장선입니다
Key English Korean State
qr_code_login_signing_in Signing you in
qr_code_login_signing_in_a_mobile_device Signing in a mobile device?
qr_code_login_status_no_match No match?
qr_code_login_try_again Try again
qr_code_not_scanned QR code not scanned! QR 코드가 스캔되지 않았습니다!
qr_code_scanned_by_other_no No 아니오
qr_code_scanned_by_other_notice Almost there! Is %s showing a tick?
qr_code_scanned_by_other_yes Yes
qr_code_scanned_self_verif_notice Almost there! Is the other device showing a tick?
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting Waiting for %s…
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting_notice Almost there! Waiting for confirmation…
quoting Quoting
rageshake_detected Shake detected!
reactions Reactions 리액션
reaction_search_type_hint Type keywords to find a reaction.
reason_colon Reason: %1$s 이유: %1$s
re_authentication_activity_title Re-Authentication Needed
re_authentication_default_confirm_text ${app_name} requires you to enter your credentials to perform this action.
recovery_key Recovery Key 복구 키
recovery_key_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key
recovery_key_export_saved The recovery key has been saved.
recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase
refresh Refresh
rendering_event_error_exception ${app_name} encountered an issue when rendering content of event with id '%1$s'
rendering_event_error_type_of_event_not_handled ${app_name} does not handle events of type '%1$s'
reply Reply 답장
replying_to Replying to %s
reply_in_thread Reply in thread
report_content Report Content 내용 신고하기
report_content_custom Custom report… 맞춤 신고…


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English Korean
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml, string 1065