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Key English Kabyle State
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Ameslaw & Tavidyut
preference_root_help_about Help & About Tallalt & Ɣef
preference_root_legals Legals
preference_help Help
preference_help_title Help and support
preference_help_summary Get help with using ${app_name}
preference_versions Versions
preference_system_settings System settings
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_quick_fix Register token Sekles ajuṭu
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_quick_fix Reset notification method
send_suggestion Make a suggestion Eg asumer
send_suggestion_content Please write your suggestion below. Ttxil-k·m aru asumer-ik·im ddaw.
send_suggestion_report_placeholder Describe your suggestion here Glem-d isniram-inek·inem da
send_suggestion_sent Thanks, the suggestion has been successfully sent Tanemmirt, isumar ttwaznen akken iwata
send_suggestion_failed The suggestion failed to be sent (%s) Tuzna n yisumar ur teddi ara (%s)
beta_title_bottom_sheet_action BETA
send_feedback_space_title Spaces feedback
feedback Feedback
send_feedback_space_info You’re using a beta version of spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions. Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.
you_may_contact_me You may contact me if you have any follow up questions
feedback_sent Thanks, your feedback has been successfully sent
feedback_failed The feedback failed to be sent (%s)
give_feedback Give Feedback
give_feedback_threads Give Feedback
send_feedback_threads_title Threads Beta feedback
send_feedback_threads_info Threads are a work in progress with new, exciting upcoming features, such as improved notifications. We’d love to hear your feedback!
beta BETA
settings_labs_show_hidden_events_in_timeline Show hidden events in timeline Sken-d ineḍruyen yeffren deg uzray
settings_labs_show_complete_history_in_encrypted_room Show complete history in encrypted rooms
bottom_action_people_x Direct Messages Iznan usligen
send_file_step_idle Waiting… Yettaru…
Key English Kabyle State
auth_pin_reset_title Reset PIN Wennez PIN
auth_pin_title Enter your PIN Sekcem PIN inek·inem
auth_recaptcha_message This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot Aqeddac-a agejdan yesra ad iẓer ma mačči d aṛubut i telliḍ
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Asenqed n tansa n yimayl ur yeddi ara: wali ma yella tsateḍ ɣef useɣwen yellan deg yimayl
auth_reset_password_error_unverified Email not verified, check your inbox
auth_submit Submit Azen
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Ala igmaḍ imezwura i d-yettwaseknen, aru ugar n yisekkilen…
autodiscover_well_known_error Unable to find a valid homeserver. Please check your identifier D awezɣi ad d-naf aqeddac agejdan ameɣtu. Ma ulac aɣilif senqed inekcam-inek·inem
avatar Avatar Tugna n umaɣnu
avatar_of_room Avatar of room %1$s
avatar_of_space Avatar of space %1$s
avatar_of_user Profile picture of user %1$s
backup Back up Aḥraz
bad_passphrase_key_reset_all_action Forgot or lost all recovery options? Reset everything
beta BETA
beta_title_bottom_sheet_action BETA
black_theme Black Theme Asentel aberkan
bootstrap_cancel_text If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.

You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.
Ma yella teffɣeḍ tura, yezmer ad ak·am-ruḥen yiznan yettwawgelhen d yisefka ma yella tesruḥeḍ anekcum ɣer yinekcam-inek·inem.

Tzemreḍ ad tesbaduḍ aḥraz aɣelsan rnu ad tesferkeḍ tisura-inek·inem melmi i tebɣiḍ deg yiɣewwaren.
bootstrap_crosssigning_print_it Print it and store it somewhere safe <b>Siggez-itt syen kles-itt deg wadeg aɣelsan
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_default_key Defining SSSS default Key Asbadu n tsarut s wudem amezwar n SSSS
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_initializing Publishing created identity keys Asuffeɣ n tsura n timagit yettwarnan
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_key_backup Setting Up Key Backup Asbadu n uḥraz n tsarut
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_pbkdf2 Generating secure key from passphrase Asirew n tsarut n tɣellist seg tefyirt tuffirt
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_msk Synchronizing Master key Amtawi n tsarut tagejdant
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_ssk Synchronizing Self Signing key Amtawi n tsarut n uzmul asuf
bootstrap_crosssigning_progress_save_usk Synchronizing User key Amtawi n tsarut n useqdac
bootstrap_crosssigning_save_cloud Copy it to your personal cloud storage Nɣel-itt ɣer uklas-ik·im n usigna udmawan
bootstrap_crosssigning_save_usb Save it on a USB key or backup drive Sekles-itt ɣef tsarut USB neɣ deg yibenk n uḥraz
bootstrap_cross_signing_success Your %2$s & %1$s are now set.

Keep them safe! You’ll need them to unlock encrypted messages and secure information if you lose all of your active sessions.
%2$s & %1$s inek·inem ttusbadun tura.

Eǧǧ-iten d iɣelsanen! Ad ten-teḥwiǧeḍ ad teldiḍ iznan yettwawgelhen d telɣut n tɣellist ma yella tesruḥeḍ akk tiɣimiyin-ik·im yettwaremden.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Not translated Element Android/Element Android App


No matching activity found.

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English Kabyle
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-kab/strings.xml, string 1281