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room settings : access and visibility
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Key English Icelandic State
settings_select_country Choose a country Veldu land
settings_media Media Myndefni
settings_default_compression Default compression Sjálfgefin þjöppun
compression_opt_list_choose Choose Veldu
settings_default_media_source Default media source Sjálfgefinn uppruni myndefnis
media_source_choose Choose Veldu
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Spila hljóð við myndatöku
media_saving_period_3_days 3 days 3 dagar
media_saving_period_1_week 1 week 1 vika
media_saving_period_1_month 1 month 1 mánuður
media_saving_period_forever Forever Að eilífu
settings_presence Presence Viðvera
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline Offline mode Ónettengdur hamur
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline_summary If enabled, you will always appear offline to other users, even when using the application.
room_settings_topic Topic Umfjöllunarefni
room_settings_room_notifications_notify_me Notify me for Láta mig vita fyrir
room_settings_room_notifications_encryption_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile.
room_settings_room_notifications_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %1$s. Þú getur sýsla- með tilkynningar í %1$s.
room_settings_room_notifications_account_settings Account settings Stillingar notandaaðgangs
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_title Room History Readability Lesanleiki ferilskrár spjallrásar
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can read history? Hver getur lesið ferilskráningu?
room_settings_room_read_history_dialog_subtitle Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.
room_settings_access_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can access? Hver hefur aðgang?
room_settings_room_access_title Room access Aðgangur að spjallrás
room_settings_space_access_title Space access Aðgangur að svæði
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join Leyfa gestum að taka þátt
room_settings_alias_title Room addresses Vistföng spjallrása
room_settings_alias_subtitle See and manage addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessarar spjallrásar og sýnileika hennar í spjallrásaskránni.
space_settings_alias_title Space addresses Vistföng svæða
space_settings_alias_subtitle See and manage addresses of this space. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessa svæðis.
room_alias_published_alias_title Published Addresses Birt vistföng
Key English Icelandic State
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_option_time_shared Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Einungis meðlimir (síðan þessi kostur var valinn)
room_settings_room_access_entry_knock Anyone can knock on the room, members can then accept or reject Hver sem er getur látið vita af sér á spjallrásinni, meðlimir geta þá samþykkt eða hafnað
room_settings_room_access_entry_unknown Unknown access setting (%s) Óþekkt aðgangsstilling (%s)
room_settings_room_access_private_description Only people invited can find and join Aðeins fólk sem hefur verið boðið getur fundið og tekið þátt
room_settings_room_access_private_invite_only_title Private (Invite Only) Einka (einungis gegn boði)
room_settings_room_access_private_title Private Einka
room_settings_room_access_public_description Anyone can find the room and join Hver sem er getur fundið spjallrásina og tekið þátt
room_settings_room_access_public_title Public Opinbert
room_settings_room_access_restricted_description Anyone in a space with this room can find and join it. Only admins of this room can add it to a space. Hver sem er á svæði með þessari spjallrás getur fundið hana og tekið þátt í henni. Aðeins stjórnendur spjallrásarinnar geta bætt henni í svæði.
room_settings_room_access_restricted_title Space members only Einungis meðlimir svæðis
room_settings_room_access_title Room access Aðgangur að spjallrás
room_settings_room_internal_id This room’s internal ID Innra auðkenni þessarar spjallrásar
room_settings_room_notifications_account_settings Account settings Stillingar notandaaðgangs
room_settings_room_notifications_encryption_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile.
room_settings_room_notifications_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %1$s. Þú getur sýsla- með tilkynningar í %1$s.
room_settings_room_notifications_notify_me Notify me for Láta mig vita fyrir
room_settings_room_read_history_dialog_subtitle Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can read history? Hver getur lesið ferilskráningu?
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_title Room History Readability Lesanleiki ferilskrár spjallrásar
room_settings_room_version_title Room version Útgáfa spjallrásar
room_settings_save_success You changed room settings successfully Þér tókst að breyta stillingum spjallrásarinnar
room_settings_set_avatar Set avatar Stilla auðkennismynd
room_settings_set_main_address Set as main address Setja sem aðalvistfang
room_settings_space_access_public_description Anyone can find the space and join Hver sem er getur fundið svæðið og tekið þátt
room_settings_space_access_title Space access Aðgangur að svæði
room_settings_topic Topic Umfjöllunarefni
room_settings_topic_hint Topic Umfjöllunarefni
room_settings_unset_main_address Unset as main address Ekki hafa sem aðalvistfang
rooms_header Rooms Spjallrásir
room_threads_filter Filter Threads in room Sía þræði spjallrásar
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


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Láta mig vita fyrir
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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Source information

Source string comment
room settings : access and visibility
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 844