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Add phone number
Key English Icelandic State
search_members_hint Filter room members Sía meðlimi spjallrásar
search_banned_user_hint Filter banned users Sía bannaða notendur
search_no_results No results Engar niðurstöður
search_space_two_parents %1$s and %2$s %1$s og %2$s
search_space_multiple_parents %1$s and %2$d other %1$s og %2$d í viðbót
room_settings_all_messages All messages Öll skilaboð
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only Einungis þar sem er minnst á og stikkorð
room_settings_none None Ekkert
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Bæta við á upphafsskjá
shortcut_disabled_reason_room_left The room has been left! Spjallrásin hefur verið yfirgefin!
shortcut_disabled_reason_sign_out The session has been signed out! Skráð út úr setunni!
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Notandamynd
settings_display_name Display Name Birtingarnafn
settings_add_email_address Add email address Bæta við tölvupóstfangi
settings_phone_number_empty No phone number has been added to your account Engu símanúmeri hefur verið bætt við notandaaðganginn þinn
settings_add_phone_number Add phone number Bæta við símanúmeri
settings_app_info_link_title Application info Upplýsingar um forrit
settings_app_info_link_summary Show the application info in the system settings. Kerfisupplýsingar forrits.
settings_emails Email addresses Tölvupóstföng
settings_emails_empty No email address has been added to your account Engu tölvupóstfangi hefur verið bætt við notandaaðganginn þinn
settings_phone_numbers Phone numbers Símanúmer
settings_remove_three_pid_confirmation_content Remove %s? Fjarlægja %s?
error_threepid_auth_failed Ensure that you have clicked on the link in the email we have sent to you. Gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir smellt á tengilinn í tölvupóstinum sem við sendum þér.
settings_notification_advanced Advanced Notification Settings Ítarlegar stillingar á tilkynningum
settings_notification_by_event Notification importance by event Mikilvægi tilkynninga eftir atburðum
settings_notification_emails_category Email notification Tilkynning í tölvupósti
settings_notification_emails_no_emails To receive email with notification, please associate an email address to your Matrix account Til að fá tilkynningar í tölvupósti, þarf að tengja tölvupóstfang við Matrix-aðganginn þinn
settings_notification_emails_enable_for_email Enable email notifications for %s Virkja tilkynningar í tölvupósti fyrir %s
settings_notification_default Default Notifications Sjálfgefnar tilkynningar
settings_notification_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords Minnst á og stikkorð
settings_notification_other Other Annað
Key English Icelandic State
set_link_text Text Texti
settings Settings Stillingar
settings_12_24_timestamps Show timestamps in 12-hour format Birta tímamerki á 12 stunda sniði (t.d. 2:30 fh)
settings_acceptable_use_policy Acceptable Use Policy
settings_access_token Access Token Aðgangsteikn
settings_access_token_summary Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone. Aðgangsteiknið þitt gefur fullan aðgang að notandaaðgangnum þínum. Ekki deila því með neinum.
settings_account_data Account Data Gögn notandaaðgangs
settings_active_sessions_count %d active session %d virk seta
settings_active_sessions_list Active Sessions Virkar setur
settings_active_sessions_manage Manage Sessions Sýsla með setur
settings_active_sessions_show_all Show All Sessions Birta allar setur
settings_active_sessions_signout_device Sign out of this session Skrá út úr þessari setu
settings_active_sessions_unverified_device_desc Verify this session to mark it as trusted & grant it access to encrypted messages. If you didn’t sign in to this session your account may be compromised:
settings_active_sessions_verified_device_desc This session is trusted for secure messaging because you verified it:
settings_add_email_address Add email address Bæta við tölvupóstfangi
settings_add_phone_number Add phone number Bæta við símanúmeri
settings_advanced Advanced Nánar
settings_advanced_settings Advanced settings Ítarlegar stillingar
settings_agree_to_terms Agree to the identity server (%s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number. Samþykktu þjónustuskilmála auðkennisþjónsins (%s) svo hægt sé að finna þig með tölvupóstfangi eða símanúmeri.
settings_always_show_timestamps Show timestamps for all messages Alltaf birta tímamerki skilaboða
settings_analytics Analytics Greiningar
settings_app_info_link_summary Show the application info in the system settings. Kerfisupplýsingar forrits.
settings_app_info_link_title Application info Upplýsingar um forrit
settings_app_term_conditions Terms & conditions Skilmálar og kvaðir
settings_autoplay_animated_images_summary Play animated images in the timeline as soon as they are visible
settings_autoplay_animated_images_title Autoplay animated images Spila hreyfimyndir sjálfvirkt
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode Background Sync Mode Hamur samstillingar í bakgrunni
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_battery Optimized for battery Bestað gagnvart rafhleðslu
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_battery_description ${app_name} will sync in background in way that preserves the device’s limited resources (battery).
Depending on your device resource state, the sync may be deferred by the operating system.
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_disabled No background sync Engin samstilling í bakgrunni


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English Icelandic
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 595