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home room settings
All messages
Key English Icelandic State
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. Ábending: Ýttu lengi á skilaboð og notaðu “%s”.
search_thread_from_a_thread From a Thread Úr spjallþræði
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉 Spjallþræðir í bráðlegri Beta-útgáfu 🎉
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Beta-útgáfa spjallþráða
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts.
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Beta-útgáfa spjallþráða
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway?
search_hint Search Leita
search_members_hint Filter room members Sía meðlimi spjallrásar
search_banned_user_hint Filter banned users Sía bannaða notendur
search_no_results No results Engar niðurstöður
search_space_two_parents %1$s and %2$s %1$s og %2$s
search_space_multiple_parents %1$s and %2$d other %1$s og %2$d í viðbót
room_settings_all_messages All messages Öll skilaboð
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only Einungis þar sem er minnst á og stikkorð
room_settings_none None Ekkert
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Bæta við á upphafsskjá
shortcut_disabled_reason_room_left The room has been left! Spjallrásin hefur verið yfirgefin!
shortcut_disabled_reason_sign_out The session has been signed out! Skráð út úr setunni!
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Notandamynd
settings_display_name Display Name Birtingarnafn
settings_add_email_address Add email address Bæta við tölvupóstfangi
settings_phone_number_empty No phone number has been added to your account Engu símanúmeri hefur verið bætt við notandaaðganginn þinn
settings_add_phone_number Add phone number Bæta við símanúmeri
settings_app_info_link_title Application info Upplýsingar um forrit
settings_app_info_link_summary Show the application info in the system settings. Kerfisupplýsingar forrits.
settings_emails Email addresses Tölvupóstföng
settings_emails_empty No email address has been added to your account Engu tölvupóstfangi hefur verið bætt við notandaaðganginn þinn
settings_phone_numbers Phone numbers Símanúmer
Key English Icelandic State
room_profile_section_more_leave Leave Room Fara af spjallrás
room_profile_section_more_member_list One person Einn aðili
room_profile_section_more_notifications Notifications Tilkynningar
room_profile_section_more_polls Poll history Breytingaskrá könnunar
room_profile_section_more_settings Room settings Stillingar spjallrásar
room_profile_section_more_uploads Uploads Innsendingar
room_profile_section_restore_security Restore Encryption Endurheimta dulritun
room_profile_section_security Security Öryggi
room_profile_section_security_learn_more Learn more Kanna nánar
room_removed_messages %d message removed
rooms Rooms Spjallrásir
room_settings_access_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can access? Hver hefur aðgang?
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Bæta við á upphafsskjá
room_settings_alias_subtitle See and managed addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessarar spjallrásar og sýnileika hennar í spjallrásaskránni.
room_settings_alias_title Room addresses Vistföng spjallrása
room_settings_all_messages All messages Öll skilaboð
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user %d bannaður notandi
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Bannaðir notendur
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Nánar
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption… Virkja enda-í-enda dulritun…
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_content Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly.
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_submit Enable encryption Virkja dulritun
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_title Enable encryption? Virkja dulritun?
room_settings_enable_encryption_no_permission You don't have permission to enable encryption in this room. Þú hefur ekki heimild til að virkja dulritun á þessari spjallrás.
room_settings_global_block_unverified_info_text 🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join Leyfa gestum að taka þátt
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Tilraunir
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Þetta eru eiginleikar á tilraunastigi sem gætu bilað á óvæntan hátt. Notist með varúð.
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only Einungis þar sem er minnst á og stikkorð
room_settings_name_hint Room Name Heiti spjallrásar
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


No matching activity found.

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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
home room settings
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 585