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Upgrade the space
Key English Icelandic State
room_permissions_remove_messages_sent_by_others Remove messages sent by others Fjarlægja skilaboð send af öðrum
room_permissions_notify_everyone Notify everyone Tilkynna öllum
room_permissions_modify_widgets Modify widgets Breyta viðmótshlutum
room_permissions_change_room_avatar Change room avatar Skipta um auðkennismynd spjallrásar
room_permissions_change_space_avatar Change space avatar Skipta um táknmynd svæðis
room_permissions_change_main_address_for_the_room Change main address for the room Skipta um aðalvistfang spjallrásarinnar
room_permissions_change_main_address_for_the_space Change main address for the space Skipta um aðalvistfang svæðisins
room_permissions_enable_room_encryption Enable room encryption Virkja dulritun spjallrásar
room_permissions_enable_space_encryption Enable space encryption Virkja dulritun svæðis
room_permissions_change_history_visibility Change history visibility Breyta sýnileika ferils
room_permissions_change_room_name Change room name Breyta nafni spjallrásar
room_permissions_change_space_name Change space name Breyta nafni svæðis
room_permissions_change_permissions Change permissions Breyta heimildum
room_permissions_send_m_room_server_acl_events Send events Senda atburði
room_permissions_upgrade_the_room Upgrade the room Uppfæra spjallrásina
room_permissions_upgrade_the_space Upgrade the space Uppfæra svæðið
room_permissions_change_topic Change topic Breyta umfjöllunarefni
room_details_selected %d selected %d valið
room_threads_filter Filter Threads in room Sía þræði spjallrásar
thread_timeline_title Thread Spjallþráður
thread_list_title Threads Spjallþræðir
thread_list_modal_title Filter Sía
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Allir spjallþræðir
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Birtir alla spjallþræði úr fyrirliggjandi spjallrás
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Spjallþræðirnir mínir
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Birtir alla spjallþræði sem þú hefur tekið þátt í
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads Haltu umræðum skipulögðum með spjallþráðum
thread_list_empty_subtitle Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. Spjallþræðir hjálpa til við að halda samræðum við efnið og gerir auðveldara að rekja þær.
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet.
thread_list_empty_notice Tip: Long tap a message and use “%s”. Ábending: Ýttu lengi á skilaboð og notaðu “%s”.
search_thread_from_a_thread From a Thread Úr spjallþræði
Key English Icelandic State
room_permissions_change_topic Change topic Breyta umfjöllunarefni
room_permissions_default_role Default role Sjálfgefið hlutverk
room_permissions_enable_room_encryption Enable room encryption Virkja dulritun spjallrásar
room_permissions_enable_space_encryption Enable space encryption Virkja dulritun svæðis
room_permissions_invite_users Invite users Bjóða notendum
room_permissions_modify_widgets Modify widgets Breyta viðmótshlutum
room_permissions_notice Select the roles required to change various parts of the room Veldu þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar
room_permissions_notice_read_only You don't have permission to update the roles required to change various parts of the room Þú hefur ekki heimild til að uppfæra þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar
room_permissions_notify_everyone Notify everyone Tilkynna öllum
room_permissions_remove_messages_sent_by_others Remove messages sent by others Fjarlægja skilaboð send af öðrum
room_permissions_remove_users Remove users Fjarlægja notendur
room_permissions_send_messages Send messages Senda skilaboð
room_permissions_send_m_room_server_acl_events Send events Senda atburði
room_permissions_title Permissions Heimildir
room_permissions_upgrade_the_room Upgrade the room Uppfæra spjallrásina
room_permissions_upgrade_the_space Upgrade the space Uppfæra svæðið
room_poll_details_go_to_timeline View poll in timeline
room_polls_active Active polls Virkar kannanir
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_ended Past polls Fyrri kannanir
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_loading_error Error fetching polls. Villa við að sækja kannanir.
room_polls_load_more Load more polls Hlaða inn fleiri könnunum
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls Birting kannana
room_preview_no_preview This room can't be previewed Þessa spjallrás er ekki hægt að forskoða
room_preview_no_preview_join This room can't be previewed. Do you want to join it? Ekki er hægt að forskoða þessa spjallrás. Viltu taka þátt í henni?
room_preview_not_found This room is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room admin to check if you have access.
Þessi spjallrás er ekki aðgengileg í augnablikinu.
Prófaðu aftur síðar, eða spurðu einhvern stjórnanda hvort þú hafir aðgang.
room_profile_encrypted_subtitle Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Skilaboð á þessari spjallrás eru enda-í-enda dulrituð.

Öryggi skilaboðanna þinna er tryggt og einungis þú og viðtakendurnir hafa dulritunarlyklana til að opna skilaboðin.


Upgrade the space
Uppfæra svæðið
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 557