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View and update the roles required to change various parts of the room.
Key English Icelandic State
room_unsupported_e2e_algorithm_as_admin Encryption has been misconfigured so you can't send messages. Click to open settings. Dulritun er rangt stillt þannig að þú getur ekki sent skilaboð. Smelltu til að opna stillingar.
room_new_messages_notification %d new message %d ný skilaboð
ssl_trust Trust Treysta
ssl_do_not_trust Do not trust Ekki treysta
ssl_logout_account Logout Útskráning
ssl_remain_offline Ignore Hunsa
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%s): Fingrafar (%s):
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. Gat ekki sannreynt auðkenni fjartengds þjóns.
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server.
ssl_cert_new_account_expl If the server administrator has said that this is expected, ensure that the fingerprint below matches the fingerprint provided by them.
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate.
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint.
ssl_only_accept Only accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above.
room_settings_permissions_title Room permissions Heimildir spjallrásar
space_settings_permissions_title Space permissions Heimildir svæðis
room_settings_permissions_subtitle View and update the roles required to change various parts of the room. Skoða og uppfæra hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar.
space_settings_permissions_subtitle View and update the roles required to change various parts of the space. Skoða og uppfæra hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum svæðisins.
room_permissions_title Permissions Heimildir
room_permissions_notice Select the roles required to change various parts of the room Veldu þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar
space_permissions_notice Select the roles required to change various parts of this space Veldu þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum svæðisins
room_permissions_notice_read_only You don't have permission to update the roles required to change various parts of the room Þú hefur ekki heimild til að uppfæra þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar
space_permissions_notice_read_only You don't have permission to update the roles required to change various parts of this space Þú hefur ekki heimild til að uppfæra þau hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum svæðisins
room_permissions_default_role Default role Sjálfgefið hlutverk
room_permissions_send_messages Send messages Senda skilaboð
room_permissions_invite_users Invite users Bjóða notendum
room_permissions_change_settings Change settings Breyta stillingum
room_permissions_remove_users Remove users Fjarlægja notendur
room_permissions_ban_users Ban users Banna notendur
room_permissions_remove_messages_sent_by_others Remove messages sent by others Fjarlægja skilaboð send af öðrum
room_permissions_notify_everyone Notify everyone Tilkynna öllum
room_permissions_modify_widgets Modify widgets Breyta viðmótshlutum
Key English Icelandic State
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user %d bannaður notandi
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Bannaðir notendur
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Nánar
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption… Virkja enda-í-enda dulritun…
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_content Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly.
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_submit Enable encryption Virkja dulritun
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_title Enable encryption? Virkja dulritun?
room_settings_enable_encryption_no_permission You don't have permission to enable encryption in this room. Þú hefur ekki heimild til að virkja dulritun á þessari spjallrás.
room_settings_global_block_unverified_info_text 🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join Leyfa gestum að taka þátt
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Tilraunir
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Þetta eru eiginleikar á tilraunastigi sem gætu bilað á óvæntan hátt. Notist með varúð.
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only Einungis þar sem er minnst á og stikkorð
room_settings_name_hint Room Name Heiti spjallrásar
room_settings_none None Ekkert
room_settings_permissions_subtitle View and update the roles required to change various parts of the room. Skoða og uppfæra hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar.
room_settings_permissions_title Room permissions Heimildir spjallrásar
room_settings_read_history_entry_anyone Anyone Hver sem er
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_invited Members only (since they were invited) Einungis meðlimir (síðan þeim var boðið)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_joined Members only (since they joined) Einungis meðlimir (síðan þeir skráðu sig)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_option_time_shared Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Einungis meðlimir (síðan þessi kostur var valinn)
room_settings_room_access_entry_knock Anyone can knock on the room, members can then accept or reject Hver sem er getur látið vita af sér á spjallrásinni, meðlimir geta þá samþykkt eða hafnað
room_settings_room_access_entry_unknown Unknown access setting (%s) Óþekkt aðgangsstilling (%s)
room_settings_room_access_private_description Only people invited can find and join Aðeins fólk sem hefur verið boðið getur fundið og tekið þátt
room_settings_room_access_private_invite_only_title Private (Invite Only) Einka (einungis gegn boði)
room_settings_room_access_private_title Private Einka
room_settings_room_access_public_description Anyone can find the room and join Hver sem er getur fundið spjallrásina og tekið þátt
room_settings_room_access_public_title Public Opinbert
room_settings_room_access_restricted_description Anyone in a space with this room can find and join it. Only admins of this room can add it to a space. Hver sem er á svæði með þessari spjallrás getur fundið hana og tekið þátt í henni. Aðeins stjórnendur spjallrásarinnar geta bætt henni í svæði.
room_settings_room_access_restricted_title Space members only Einungis meðlimir svæðis


View and update the roles required to change various parts of the room.
Skoða og uppfæra hlutverk sem krafist er til að breyta ýmsum þáttum spjallrásarinnar.
a year ago
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English Icelandic
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 529