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Join Room
Key English Icelandic State
send_bug_report_include_logs Send logs Senda atvikaskrá
send_bug_report_include_crash_logs Send crash logs Senda hrunskrár
send_bug_report_include_key_share_history Send key share requests history Senda feril beiðna um deilingu lykla
send_bug_report_include_screenshot Send screenshot Senda skjámynd
send_bug_report Report bug Tilkynna galla
send_bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? Lýstu villunni. Hvað varstu að gera? Hverju áttirðu von á? Hvað gerðist í raun?
send_bug_report_description_in_english If possible, please write the description in English. Ef mögulegt, skaltu skrifa lýsinguna á ensku.
send_bug_report_placeholder Describe your problem here Lýstu vandamálinu þínu hér
send_bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. This bug report, including the logs and the screenshot, will not be publicly visible. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick: Til að geta greint vandamál eru atvikaskrár þessa forrits sendar með þessari villuskýrslu. Ef þú vilt einungis senda textann hér fyrir ofan, taktu þá gátmerkið úr reitnum:
send_bug_report_alert_message You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to open the bug report screen? Það er eins og þú sért að hrista símann ákveðið. Myndirðu vilja senda villuskýrslu?
send_bug_report_app_crashed The application has crashed last time. Would you like to open the crash report screen? Forritið hrundi síðast. Myndirðu vilja senda inn villuskýrslu?
send_bug_report_rage_shake Rage shake to report bug Hristu ákveðið til að senda villutilkynningu
send_bug_report_sent The bug report has been successfully sent Það tókst að senda villuskýrsluna
send_bug_report_failed The bug report failed to be sent (%s) Mistókst að senda villuskýrsluna (%s)
send_bug_report_progress Progress (%s%%) Framvinda (%s%%)
join_room Join Room Taka þátt í spjallrás
username Username Notandanafn
logout Sign out Skrá út
hs_url Homeserver URL Slóð á heimaþjón
hs_client_url Homeserver API URL Slóð á API-kerfisviðmót heimaþjóns
search Search Leita
start_voice_call Start Voice Call Hefja raddsímtal
start_video_call Start Video Call Hefja myndsímtal
option_send_voice Send voice Senda tal
start_voice_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a voice call? Ertu viss að þú viljir byrja raddsímtal?
start_video_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a video call? Ertu viss að þú viljir byrja myndsímtal?
call_failed_no_connection ${app_name} Call Failed ${app_name} símtal mistókst
call_failed_no_connection_description Failed to establish real time connection.
Please ask the administrator of your homeserver to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
Mistókst að koma á rauntímatengingu.
Biddu kerfisstjóra heimaþjónsins þíns um að setja upp TURN-þjón til að tryggja að símtöl virki eðlilega.
call_select_sound_device Select Sound Device Veldu hljóðtæki
sound_device_phone Phone Sími
sound_device_speaker Speaker Hátalari
Key English Icelandic State
invites_empty_title Nothing new. Ekkert nýtt.
invites_title Invites Boðsgestir
invite_to_space Invite to %s Bjóða í %s
invite_to_space_with_name Invite to %s Bjóða í %s
invite_to_space_with_name_desc They’ll be able to explore %s Þau munu geta kannað %s
invite_unknown_users_dialog_content Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to invite them anyway?

invite_unknown_users_dialog_submit Invite anyway
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE BJÓÐA
invite_users_to_room_failure We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users Bjóða notendum
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users… Býð notendum…
it_may_take_some_time Please be patient, it may take some time. Vertu þolinmóð/ur Þetta getur tekið nokkra stund.
jitsi_leave_conf_to_join_another_one_content Leave the current conference and switch to the other one? Fara af fyrirliggjandi fjarfundi og skipta yfir í hinn?
join_anyway Join Anyway Taka samt þátt
joining_replacement_room Join replacement room
join_room Join Room Taka þátt í spjallrás
join_space Join Space Taka þátt í svæði
keep_it_safe Keep it safe Haltu þessu öruggu
key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
keys_backup_banner_in_progress Backing up your keys. This may take several minutes…
keys_backup_banner_recover_line1 Never lose encrypted messages Tapaðu aldrei dulrituðum skilaboðum
keys_backup_banner_recover_line2 Use Key Backup Nota öryggisafrit af lykli
keys_backup_banner_update_line1 New secure message keys Nýjir lyklar fyrir örugg skilaboð
keys_backup_banner_update_line2 Manage in Key Backup Sýsla með í öryggisafriti dulritunarlykla
keys_backup_get_version_error Failed to get latest restore keys version (%s).
keys_backup_info_keys_all_backup_up All keys backed up Allir lyklar öryggisafritaðir
keys_backup_info_keys_backing_up Backing up %d key…
keys_backup_info_title_algorithm Algorithm Reiknirit
keys_backup_info_title_signature Signature Undirritun
keys_backup_info_title_version Version Útgáfa


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English Icelandic
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 371