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Start audio meeting
Key English Icelandic State
report_content Report Content Kæra efni
start_chatting Start Chatting Hefja spjall
spaces Spaces Svæði
time_unit_hour_short h klst
time_unit_minute_short min mín
time_unit_second_short sec sek
denied_permission_generic Some permissions are missing to perform this action, please grant the permissions from the system settings. Það vantar heimildir til að framkvæma þessa aðgerð, það þarf að gefa viðkomandi heimildir í kerfisstillingum.
denied_permission_camera To perform this action, please grant the Camera permission from the system settings. Til að framkvæma þessa aðgerð þarf að gefa heimild fyrir myndavél í kerfisstillingum.
denied_permission_voice_message To send voice messages, please grant the Microphone permission. Til að senda talskilaboð þarf að gefa heimild fyrir hljóðnema.
missing_permissions_title Missing permissions Vantar heimildir
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að hefja fjarfund á þessari spjallrás
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a conference call Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að hefja fjarfund
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call You do not have permission to start a call in this room Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að hefja símtal á þessari spjallrás
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a call Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að hefja símtal
video_meeting Start video meeting Hefja myndfund
audio_meeting Start audio meeting Hefja talfund
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening.
cannot_call_yourself You cannot place a call with yourself Þú getur ekki byrjað símtal með sjálfum þér
cannot_call_yourself_with_invite You cannot place a call with yourself, wait for participants to accept invitation Þú getur ekki byrjað símtal með sjálfum þér, bíddu eftir að þátttakendur samþykki boðið
failed_to_add_widget Failed to add widget Mistókst að bæta við viðmótshluta
failed_to_remove_widget Failed to remove widget Mistókst að fjarlægja viðmótshluta
or or eða
done Done Lokið
call_notification_answer Accept Samþykkja
call_notification_reject Decline Hafna
call_notification_hangup Hang Up Leggja á
action_sign_out Sign out Skrá út
action_sign_out_confirmation_simple Are you sure you want to sign out? Ertu viss um að þú viljir skrá þig út?
action_voice_call Voice Call Raddsímtal
action_video_call Video Call Myndsímtal
action_view_threads View Threads Skoða spjallþræði
Key English Icelandic State
attachment_type_location Location Staðsetning
attachment_type_poll Poll Könnun
attachment_type_selector_camera Camera Myndavél
attachment_type_selector_contact Contact Tengiliður
attachment_type_selector_file Attachments Viðhengi
attachment_type_selector_gallery Photo library Myndasafn
attachment_type_selector_location Location Staðsetning
attachment_type_selector_poll Polls Kannanir
attachment_type_selector_sticker Stickers Límmerki
attachment_type_selector_text_formatting Text formatting Sníðing texta
attachment_type_selector_voice_broadcast Voice broadcast Útvörpun tals
attachment_type_sticker Sticker Límmerki
attachment_type_voice_broadcast Voice Broadcast Útvörpun tals
attachment_viewer_item_x_of_y %1$d of %2$d %1$d af %2$d
audio_call_with_participant Audio call with %s Raddsímtal við %s
audio_meeting Start audio meeting Hefja talfund
audio_message_file_size (%1$s) (%1$s)
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Yfirfarðu og samþykktu reglur þessa heimaþjóns:
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. Þetta tölvupóstfang er nú þegar skráð.
authentication_error Failed to authenticate Tókst ekki að auðkenna
auth_forgot_password Forgot password? Gleymt lykilorð?
auth_invalid_email This doesn’t look like a valid email address Þetta lítur ekki út eins og gilt tölvupóstfang
auth_invalid_login_deactivated_account This account has been deactivated. Þessi notandaaðgangur hefur verið gerður óvirkur.
auth_invalid_login_param Incorrect username and/or password Rangt notandanafn og/eða lykilorð
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it.
auth_login Log in Innskráning
auth_login_sso Sign in with single sign-on Skrá inn með einfaldri innskráningu (single sign-on)


Start audio meeting
Hefja talfund
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 253