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Key English Icelandic State
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor Currently using %s.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_title Endpoint Endapunktur
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_success Current endpoint: %s Núverandi endapunktur: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_failed Cannot find the endpoint. Finn ekki endapunktinn.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway_title Gateway Netgátt
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway Current gateway: %s Núverandi gátt: %s
live_location_labs_promotion_title Live location sharing Deiling staðsetningar í rauntíma
live_location_labs_promotion_description Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.
live_location_labs_promotion_switch_title Enable location sharing Virkja deilingu staðsetninga
room_removed_messages %d message removed
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts Enable Element Call permission shortcuts
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts_summary Auto-approve Element Call widgets and grant camera / mic access
device_manager_sessions_other_title Other sessions Aðrar setur
device_manager_sessions_other_description For best security, verify your sessions and sign out from any session that you don’t recognize or use anymore.
a11y_device_manager_device_type_mobile Mobile Farsími
a11y_device_manager_device_type_web Web Vefur
a11y_device_manager_device_type_desktop Desktop Skjáborð
a11y_device_manager_device_type_unknown Unknown device type Óþekkt tegund tækis
device_manager_verification_status_verified Verified session Staðfest seta
device_manager_verification_status_unverified Unverified session Óstaðfest seta
device_manager_verification_status_unknown Unknown verification status
device_manager_verification_status_detail_current_session_verified Your current session is ready for secure messaging.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_verified This session is ready for secure messaging.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_current_session_unverified Verify your current session for enhanced secure messaging.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_unverified Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_other_session_unknown Verify your current session to reveal this session's verification status.
device_manager_verification_status_detail_session_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.
device_manager_verify_session Verify Session Sannprófa setu
device_manager_view_details View Details Skoða nánar
device_manager_other_sessions_view_all View All (%1$d) Skoða allt (%1$d)
device_manager_other_sessions_description_verified Verified · Last activity %1$s Staðfest - Síðasta virkni %1$s
Key English Icelandic State
a11y_change_avatar Change avatar Skipta um auðkennismynd
a11y_checked Checked Athugað
a11y_close_emoji_picker Close Emoji picker Loka emoji-tánmyndavali
a11y_close_keys_backup_banner Close keys backup banner
a11y_collapse_space_children Collapse %s children Fella saman undirsvæði %s
a11y_create_direct_message Create a new direct conversation Útbúa nýtt beint samtal
a11y_create_menu_close Close the create room menu… Loka valmyndinni til að útbúa spjallrás…
a11y_create_menu_open Open the create room menu Opna valmyndina til að útbúa spjallrás
a11y_create_message Create a new conversation or room Útbúa nýtt samtal eða spjallrás
a11y_create_room Create a new room Búa til nýja spjallrás
a11y_delete_avatar Delete avatar Eyða auðkennismynd
a11y_delete_recorded_voice_message Delete recording Eyða upptöku
a11y_device_manager_device_type_desktop Desktop Skjáborð
a11y_device_manager_device_type_mobile Mobile Farsími
a11y_device_manager_device_type_unknown Unknown device type Óþekkt tegund tækis
a11y_device_manager_device_type_web Web Vefur
a11y_device_manager_filter Filter Sía
a11y_error_message_not_sent Message not sent due to error Skilaboð voru ekki send vegna villu
a11y_error_some_message_not_sent Some messages have not been sent Sum skilaboð hafa ekki verið send
a11y_expand_space_children Expand %s children Fella út undirsvæði %s
a11y_image Image Mynd
a11y_import_key_from_file Import key from file Flytja lykil inn úr skrá
a11y_jump_to_bottom Jump to bottom Hoppa neðst
a11y_location_share_locate_button Zoom to current location Renna að núverandi staðsetningu
a11y_location_share_option_pinned_icon Share this location Deila þessari staðsetningu
a11y_location_share_option_user_current_icon Share my current location Deila núverandi staðsetningu minni
a11y_location_share_option_user_live_icon Share live location Deila staðsetningu í rauntíma
a11y_location_share_pin_on_map Pin of selected location on map Pinni með valinni staðsetningu á landakorti
a11y_mute_microphone Mute the microphone Þagga niður í hljóðnema
a11y_open_chat Open chat Opna spjall


a year ago
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English Icelandic
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String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2469