View contributor agreement Contribution to this translation requires you to agree with a contributor agreement.


At least %1$s option is required
At least %1$s options are required

Plural formula: n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11

Key English Icelandic State
this_invite_to_this_space_was_sent This invite to this space was sent to %s which is not associated with your account
link_this_email_settings_link Link this email address with your account Tengja þetta tölvupóstfang við notandaaðganginn þinn
link_this_email_with_your_account %s in Settings to receive invites directly in ${app_name}. %s í stillingunum til að fá boð beint í ${app_name}.
labs_enable_latex_maths Enable LaTeX mathematics Virkja LaTeX-stærðfræði
restart_the_application_to_apply_changes Restart the application for the change to take effect. Endurræstu forritið til að breytingin taki gildi.
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history MSC3061: Sharing room keys for past messages
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history_desc When inviting in an encrypted room that is sharing history, encrypted history will be visible.
create_poll_title Create Poll Búa til könnun
create_poll_question_title Poll question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni könnunar
create_poll_question_hint Question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni
create_poll_options_title Create options Búa til valkosti
create_poll_options_hint Option %1$d Valkostur %1$d
create_poll_add_option ADD OPTION BÆTA VIÐ VALKOSTI
create_poll_button CREATE POLL ÚTBÚA KÖNNUN
create_poll_empty_question_error Question cannot be empty Spurning má ekki vera auð
create_poll_not_enough_options_error At least %1$s option is required Það þarf allavega %1$s valkost
poll_option_vote_count %1$d vote %1$d atkvæði
poll_total_vote_count_before_ended_and_voted Based on %1$d vote Byggt á %1$d atkvæði
poll_no_votes_cast No votes cast Engin atkvæði greidd
poll_undisclosed_not_ended Results will be visible when the poll is ended Niðurstöður birtast einungis eftir að könnuninni hefur lokið
poll_total_vote_count_before_ended_and_not_voted %1$d vote cast. Vote to the see the results %1$d atkvæði greitt. Greiddu atkvæði til að sjá útkomuna
poll_total_vote_count_after_ended Final result based on %1$d vote Lokaniðurstöður byggðar á %1$d atkvæði
poll_end_action End poll Ljúka könnun
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll? Ljúka þessari könnun?
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll. Þetta mun birta lokaniðurstöður könnunarinnar og koma í veg fyrir að fólk geti kosið.
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll Ljúka könnun
poll_response_room_list_preview Vote cast Atkvæði greitt
poll_end_room_list_preview Poll ended Könnuninni er lokið
delete_poll_dialog_title Remove poll Fjarlægja könnun
delete_poll_dialog_content Are you sure you want to remove this poll? You won't be able to recover it once removed. Ertu viss um að þú viljir ljúka þessari könnun? Þú munt ekki geta endurheimt hana ef hún hefur einu sinni verið fjarlægð.
edit_poll_title Edit poll Breyta könnun
Key English Icelandic State
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
content_reported_as_spam_title Reported as spam Tilkynnt sem ruslpóstur
content_reported_content This content was reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
content_reported_title Content reported Efni kært
_continue Continue Halda áfram
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard Afritað á klippispjald
create Create Búa til
create_new_room Create New Room Búa til nýja spjallrás
create_new_space Create New Space Búa til nýtt svæði
create_pin_confirm_failure Failed to validate PIN, please tap a new one. Mistókst að fullgilda PIN-númer, ýttu á annað nýtt.
create_pin_confirm_title Confirm PIN Staðfestu PIN-númer
create_pin_title Choose a PIN for security Veldu PIN-númer í öryggisskyni
create_poll_add_option ADD OPTION BÆTA VIÐ VALKOSTI
create_poll_button CREATE POLL ÚTBÚA KÖNNUN
create_poll_empty_question_error Question cannot be empty Spurning má ekki vera auð
create_poll_not_enough_options_error At least %1$s option is required Það þarf allavega %1$s valkost
create_poll_options_hint Option %1$d Valkostur %1$d
create_poll_options_title Create options Búa til valkosti
create_poll_question_hint Question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni
create_poll_question_title Poll question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni könnunar
create_poll_title Create Poll Búa til könnun
create_room Create Room Búa til spjallrás
create_room_action_create CREATE ÚTBÚA
create_room_action_go Go Fara
create_room_alias_already_in_use This address is already in use Þetta vistfang er nú þegar í notkun
create_room_alias_empty Please provide a room address Settu inn vistfang spjallrásar
create_room_alias_invalid Some characters are not allowed Sumir stafir eru óleyfilegir
create_room_disable_federation_description You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later.
create_room_disable_federation_title Block anyone not part of %s from ever joining this room
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.


At least %1$s option is required
At least %1$s options are required
Það þarf allavega %1$s valkost
Það þarf allavega %1$s valkosti
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2351