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Key English Icelandic State
call_tile_voice_declined Voice call declined Raddsímtali hafnað
call_tile_video_declined Video call declined sinnum hafnað
call_tile_voice_missed Missed voice call Ósvarað símtal
call_tile_video_missed Missed video call Ósvarað myndsímtal
call_tile_no_answer No answer Ekkert svar
call_dial_pad_title Dial pad Talnaborð
call_dial_pad_lookup_error There was an error looking up the phone number Það kom upp villa við að fletta upp símanúmerinu
call_only_active Active call (%1$s) Virkt símtal (%1$s)
call_active_status Active call · Virkt símtal ·
call_one_active Active call (%1$s) · Virkt símtal (%1$s) ·
call_tap_to_return %1$s Tap to return %1$s Ýttu til að fara til baka
call_transfer_consult_first Consult first Ráðfæra fyrst
call_transfer_connect_action Connect Tengjast
call_transfer_title Transfer Flutningur
call_transfer_failure An error occurred while transferring call Villa kom upp þegar við áframsendingu símtals
call_transfer_users_tab_title Users Notendur
call_transfer_consulting_with Consulting with %1$s Ráðfæri við %1$s
call_transfer_transfer_to_title Transfer to %1$s Flytja yfir í %1$s
call_transfer_unknown_person Unknown person Óþekktur einstaklingur
call_slide_to_end_conference Slide to end the call Renna til að ljúka símtalinu
re_authentication_activity_title Re-Authentication Needed Endurauðkenning er nauðsynleg
re_authentication_default_confirm_text ${app_name} requires you to enter your credentials to perform this action. ${app_name} krefst þess að þú setjir inn auðkennin þín til að framkvæma þessa aðgerð.
authentication_error Failed to authenticate Tókst ekki að auðkenna
a11y_screenshot Screenshot Skjámynd
a11y_open_widget Open widgets Opna viðmótshluta
a11y_open_settings Open settings Opna stillingar
a11y_import_key_from_file Import key from file Flytja lykil inn úr skrá
a11y_image Image Mynd
a11y_change_avatar Change avatar Skipta um auðkennismynd
a11y_delete_avatar Delete avatar Eyða auðkennismynd
a11y_error_some_message_not_sent Some messages have not been sent Sum skilaboð hafa ekki verið send
Key English Icelandic State
call_tile_video_incoming Incoming video call Innhringing myndsímtals
call_tile_video_missed Missed video call Ósvarað myndsímtal
call_tile_voice_active Active voice call Virkt raddsímtal
call_tile_voice_call_has_ended Voice call ended • %1$s Raddsímtali lauk • %1$s
call_tile_voice_declined Voice call declined Raddsímtali hafnað
call_tile_voice_incoming Incoming voice call Innhringing raddsímtals
call_tile_voice_missed Missed voice call Ósvarað símtal
call_tile_you_declined_this_call You declined this call Þú hafnaðir þessu símtali
call_transfer_connect_action Connect Tengjast
call_transfer_consult_first Consult first Ráðfæra fyrst
call_transfer_consulting_with Consulting with %1$s Ráðfæri við %1$s
call_transfer_failure An error occurred while transferring call Villa kom upp þegar við áframsendingu símtals
call_transfer_title Transfer Flutningur
call_transfer_transfer_to_title Transfer to %1$s Flytja yfir í %1$s
call_transfer_unknown_person Unknown person Óþekktur einstaklingur
call_transfer_users_tab_title Users Notendur
cannot_call_yourself You cannot place a call with yourself Þú getur ekki byrjað símtal með sjálfum þér
cannot_call_yourself_with_invite You cannot place a call with yourself, wait for participants to accept invitation Þú getur ekki byrjað símtal með sjálfum þér, bíddu eftir að þátttakendur samþykki boðið
cannot_dm_self Cannot DM yourself! Getur ekki sent sjálfum þér bein skilaboð!
change_identity_server Change identity server Skipta um auðkennisþjón
change_password_summary Set a new account password… Setja upp nýtt lykilorð notandaaðgangs…
change_room_directory_network Change network Skipta um netkerfi
change_space Change Space Skipta um svæði
choose_locale_current_locale_title Current language Núverandi tungumál
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages… Hleð inn tiltækum tungumálum…
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages Önnur tiltæk tungumál
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll Niðurstöður birtast einungis eftir að þú hefur lokað könnuninni
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll Lokuð könnun
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti Sendir skilaboðin með skrauti
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Bæta við í uppgefið svæði
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


2 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2115