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Key English Icelandic State
default_message_emote_snow sends snowfall ❄️ sendir snjókomu ❄️
unencrypted Unencrypted Ódulritað
encrypted_unverified Encrypted by an unverified device Dulritað meðf ósannreyndu tæki
encrypted_by_deleted Encrypted by a deleted device
key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
review_unverified_sessions_title You have unverified sessions Þú ert með óstaðfestar setur
review_unverified_sessions_description Review to ensure your account is safe Yfirfarðu þetta til að tryggja að aðgangurinn þinn sé öruggur
verify_this_session Verify the new login accessing your account: %1$s
cross_signing_verify_by_text Manually Verify by Text Sannreyna handvirkt með textaskilaboðum
crosssigning_verify_session Verify login Sannprófa innskráningu
cross_signing_verify_by_emoji Interactively Verify by Emoji Sannprófa gagnvirkt með táknmyndum
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.
confirm_your_identity_after_update Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
confirm_your_identity_quad_s Confirm your identity by verifying this login, granting it access to encrypted messages.
failed_to_initialize_cross_signing Failed to set up Cross Signing Ekki tókst að setja upp kross-undirritun
error_empty_field_choose_user_name Please choose a username. Veldu þér notandanafn.
error_empty_field_choose_password Please choose a password. Veldu þér lykilorð.
error_forbidden_digits_only_username The homeserver does not accept username with only digits. Heimaþjónn notandans samþykkir ekki notendanöfn einungis með tölustöfum.
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link Yfirfarðu þennan tengil
external_link_confirmation_message The link %1$s is taking you to another site: %2$s.

Are you sure you want to continue?
Tengillinn %1$s fer með þig yfir á annað vefsvæði: %2$s.

Ertu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram?
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
add_members_to_room Add members Bæta við meðlimum
add_people Add people Bæta við fólki
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE BJÓÐA
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users… Býð notendum…
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users Bjóða notendum
invite_friends Invite friends Bjóða vinum
invite_friends_text Hey, talk to me on ${app_name}: %s Halló, talaðu við mig á ${app_name}: %s
invite_friends_rich_title 🔐️ Join me on ${app_name} 🔐️ Vertu með mér á ${app_name}
invitation_sent_to_one_user Invitation sent to %1$s Boð var sent til %1$s
invitations_sent_to_two_users Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$s Boð voru send til %1$s og %2$s
Key English Icelandic State
encryption_not_enabled Encryption not enabled Dulritun ekki virk
encryption_settings_manage_message_recovery_summary Manage Key Backup Sýsla með öryggisafrit dulritunarlykla
encryption_unknown_algorithm_tile_description The encryption used by this room is not supported Dulritunin sem notuð er í þessari spjallrás er ekki studd
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll. Lauk könnuninni.
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll Ljúka könnun
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll. Þetta mun birta lokaniðurstöður könnunarinnar og koma í veg fyrir að fólk geti kosið.
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll? Ljúka þessari könnun?
enter_account_password Enter your %s to continue. Settu inn %s til að halda áfram.
enter_secret_storage_input_key Select your Recovery Key, or input it manually by typing it or pasting from your clipboard
enter_secret_storage_invalid Cannot find secrets in storage
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_or_key Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue.
entries %d entry %d færsla
error_audio_message_unable_to_play Unable to play %1$s Gat ekki spilað %1$s
error_check_network Something went wrong. Please check your network connection and try again.
error_empty_field_choose_password Please choose a password. Veldu þér lykilorð.
error_empty_field_choose_user_name Please choose a username. Veldu þér notandanafn.
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. Settu inn notandanafn.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. Settu inn lykilorðið þitt.
error_failed_to_import_keys Failed to import keys Mistókst að flytja inn lykla
error_failed_to_join_room Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join: %s Því miður, villa kom upp við að reyna að taka þátt: %s
error_file_too_big_simple The file is too large to upload. Skráin er of stór til að senda hana inn.
error_forbidden_digits_only_username The homeserver does not accept username with only digits. Heimaþjónn notandans samþykkir ekki notendanöfn einungis með tölustöfum.
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data Tókst ekki að meðhöndla deiligögn
error_jitsi_join_conf Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join the conference Því miður, villa kom upp við að reyna að tengjast fjarfundinum
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 6.0) Því miður, fjarfundasímtöl með Jitsi eru ekki studd á eldri tækjum (tæki með Android OS minna en 6.0)
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while.
error_no_external_application_found Sorry, no external application has been found to complete this action. Því miður, ekkert utankomandi forrit hefur fundist sem getur lokið þessari aðgerð.
error_no_network No network. Please check your Internet connection. Ekkert netkerfi. Athugaðu nettenginguna þína.
error_opening_banned_room Can't open a room where you are banned from. Get ekki opnað spjallrás þar sem þú ert í banni.
error_saving_media_file Could not save media file Gat ekki vistað myndefnisskrá


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2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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String age
3 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1961