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Key English Icelandic State
ftue_auth_email_verification_title Verify your email Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn
ftue_auth_email_verification_subtitle Follow the instructions sent to %s Farðu eftir leiðbeiningunum sem sendar voru á %s
ftue_auth_email_verification_footer Did not receive an email? Fékkstu ekki tölvupóst?
ftue_auth_email_resend_email Resend email Senda tölvupóst aftur
ftue_auth_forgot_password Forgot password Gleymt lykilorð
ftue_auth_password_reset_confirmation Password reset Endurstilling lykilorðs
ftue_auth_password_reset_email_confirmation_subtitle Follow the instructions send to %s Farðu eftir leiðbeiningunum sem sendar voru á %s
ftue_auth_captcha_title Are you a human? Ertu mannvera?
ftue_auth_login_username_entry Username / Email / Phone Notandanafn / tölvupóstfang / símanúmer
ftue_display_name_title Choose a display name Veldu birtingarnafn
ftue_display_name_entry_title Display Name Birtingarnafn
ftue_display_name_entry_footer You can change this later Þú getur breytt þessu síðar
ftue_profile_picture_title Add a profile picture Bættu við auðkennismynd
ftue_profile_picture_subtitle Time to put a face to the name Þú getur breytt þessu hvenær sem er
ftue_personalize_lets_go Let's go Hefjumst handa
ftue_personalize_complete_title Looking good! Nú ertu tilbúin(n)!
ftue_personalize_complete_subtitle Head to settings anytime to update your profile Farðu hvenær sem er í stillingarnar til að breyta notandasniðinu þínu
ftue_personalize_submit Save and continue Vista og halda áfram
ftue_personalize_skip_this_step Skip this step Sleppa þessu skrefi
login_splash_title It's your conversation. Own it.
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption
login_splash_text3 Extend & customize your experience
login_splash_submit Get started Komast í gang
login_splash_sign_in Sign In
login_splash_create_account Create account Stofna aðgang
login_splash_already_have_account I already have an account Ég er nú þegar með notandaaðgang
login_server_title Select a server Veldu netþjón
login_server_text Just like email, accounts have one home, although you can talk to anyone
login_server_matrix_org_text Join millions for free on the largest public server Taktu þátt ókeypis ásamt milljónum annarra á stærsta almenningsþjóninum
login_server_modular_text Premium hosting for organisations Premium-hýsing fyrir samtök/fyrirtæki
Key English Icelandic State
ftue_auth_terms_title Server policies Stefnur netþjónsins
ftue_auth_use_case_connect_to_server Connect to server Tengjast þjóni
ftue_auth_use_case_join_existing_server Looking to join an existing server? Ætlarðu að ganga til liðs við fyrirliggjandi netþjón?
ftue_auth_use_case_option_one Friends and family Vinir og fjölskylda
ftue_auth_use_case_option_three Communities Samfélög
ftue_auth_use_case_option_two Teams Teymi
ftue_auth_use_case_skip Not sure yet? %s Ekki ennþá viss? %s
ftue_auth_use_case_skip_partial Skip this question Sleppa þessari spurningu
ftue_auth_use_case_subtitle We'll help you get connected Við munum hjálpa þér að tengjast
ftue_auth_use_case_title Who will you chat to the most? Við hverja muntu helst spjalla?
ftue_auth_welcome_back_title Welcome back! Velkomin(n) aftur!
ftue_display_name_entry_footer You can change this later Þú getur breytt þessu síðar
ftue_display_name_entry_title Display Name Birtingarnafn
ftue_display_name_title Choose a display name Veldu birtingarnafn
ftue_personalize_complete_subtitle Head to settings anytime to update your profile Farðu hvenær sem er í stillingarnar til að breyta notandasniðinu þínu
ftue_personalize_complete_title Looking good! Nú ertu tilbúin(n)!
ftue_personalize_lets_go Let's go Hefjumst handa
ftue_personalize_skip_this_step Skip this step Sleppa þessu skrefi
ftue_personalize_submit Save and continue Vista og halda áfram
ftue_profile_picture_subtitle Time to put a face to the name Þú getur breytt þessu hvenær sem er
ftue_profile_picture_title Add a profile picture Bættu við auðkennismynd
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s
give_feedback Give Feedback Gefðu umsögn
give_feedback_threads Give Feedback Gefðu umsögn
global_retry Retry Reyna aftur
grant_permission Grant Permission
group_details_home Home Forsíða
has_been_banned You have been banned from %1$s by %2$s Þú hefur verið settur í bann á %1$s af %2$s
has_been_removed You have been removed from %1$s by %2$s Þér hefur verið sparkað úr %1$s af %2$s
help_long_click_on_room_for_more_options Long click on a room to see more options Ýttu lengi á spjallrás til að sjá fleiri valkosti


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Element Android / Element Android AppIcelandic

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a year ago
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2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1511