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Key English Icelandic State
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Aðrar tilkynningar frá utanaðkomandi aðilum
navigate_to_room_when_already_in_the_room You are already viewing this room! Þú ert nú þegar að skoða þessa spjallrás!
navigate_to_thread_when_already_in_the_thread You are already viewing this thread! Þú ert nú þegar að skoða þennan spjallþráð!
settings_general_title General Almennt
settings_preferences Preferences Kjörstillingar
settings_security_and_privacy Security & Privacy Öryggi og gagnaleynd
settings_push_rules Push Rules Ýtireglur (push rules)
settings_push_rules_no_rules No push rules defined Engar ýtireglur skilgreindar
settings_push_gateway_no_pushers No registered push gateways Engar skráðar ýtigáttir
push_gateway_item_app_id App ID: Auðkenni forrits:
push_gateway_item_push_key Push Key: Push-lykill:
push_gateway_item_app_display_name App Display Name: Birtingarnafn forrits:
push_gateway_item_device_name Session Display Name: Birtingarnafn setu:
push_gateway_item_device_id Session ID: Auðkenni setu:
push_gateway_item_url Url: Slóð:
push_gateway_item_format Format: Snið:
push_gateway_item_profile_tag Profile tag:
push_gateway_item_enabled Enabled: Virkt:
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Tal og myndmerki
preference_root_help_about Help & About Hjálp og um hugbúnaðinn
preference_root_legals Legals Lagaleg atriði
preference_help Help Hjálp
preference_help_title Help and support Hjálp og aðstoð
preference_help_summary Get help with using ${app_name} Fáðu aðstoð við að nota ${app_name}
preference_versions Versions Útgáfur
preference_system_settings System settings Kerfisstillingar
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_quick_fix Register token Skrá teikn
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_quick_fix Reset notification method
send_suggestion Make a suggestion Settu inn tillögu
send_suggestion_content Please write your suggestion below. Skrifaðu tillöguna þína hér.
send_suggestion_report_placeholder Describe your suggestion here Lýstu tillögunni þinni hér
Key English Icelandic State
preference_help_summary Get help with using ${app_name} Fáðu aðstoð við að nota ${app_name}
preference_help_title Help and support Hjálp og aðstoð
preference_root_help_about Help & About Hjálp og um hugbúnaðinn
preference_root_legals Legals Lagaleg atriði
preference_show_all_rooms_in_home Show all rooms in Home Sýna allar spjallrásir á forsíðu
preference_system_settings System settings Kerfisstillingar
preference_versions Versions Útgáfur
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Tal og myndmerki
private_space Private space Einkasvæði
public_space Public space Opinbert svæði
push_gateway_item_app_display_name App Display Name: Birtingarnafn forrits:
push_gateway_item_app_id App ID: Auðkenni forrits:
push_gateway_item_device_id Session ID: Auðkenni setu:
push_gateway_item_device_name Session Display Name: Birtingarnafn setu:
push_gateway_item_enabled Enabled: Virkt:
push_gateway_item_format Format: Snið:
push_gateway_item_profile_tag Profile tag:
push_gateway_item_push_key Push Key: Push-lykill:
push_gateway_item_url Url: Slóð:
qr_code QR code QR-kóði
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code Confirm Staðfesta
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code_description Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
qr_code_login_connecting_to_device Connecting to device Tengist við tæki
qr_code_login_header_connected_description Check your signed in device, the code below should be displayed. Confirm that the code below matches with that device:
qr_code_login_header_connected_title Secure connection established
qr_code_login_header_failed_denied_description The request was denied on the other device.
qr_code_login_header_failed_device_is_not_supported_description Linking with this device is not supported.
qr_code_login_header_failed_e2ee_security_issue_description A security issue was encountered setting up secure messaging. One of the following may be compromised: Your homeserver; Your internet connection(s); Your device(s);
qr_code_login_header_failed_homeserver_is_not_supported_description The homeserver doesn't support sign in with QR code.
qr_code_login_header_failed_invalid_qr_code_description That QR code is invalid. Þessi QR-kóði er ógildur.


2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1262