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Create New Room
Key English Icelandic State
room_list_rooms_empty_body Your rooms will be displayed here. Tap the + at the bottom right to find existing ones or start some of your own.
room_list_filter_all All Allt
room_list_filter_unreads Unreads Ólesið
room_list_filter_favourites Favorites Eftirlæti
room_list_filter_people People Fólk
title_activity_emoji_reaction_picker Reactions Viðbrögð
message_add_reaction Add Reaction Bæta við viðbrögðum
message_view_reaction View Reactions Skoða viðbrögð
reactions Reactions Viðbrögð
event_redacted Message removed Skilaboðum eytt
settings_show_redacted Show removed messages Sýna fjarlægð skilaboð
settings_show_redacted_summary Show a placeholder for removed messages Birta frátökutákn fyrir fjarlægð skilaboð
event_redacted_by_user_reason Event deleted by user Atburði eytt af notanda
event_redacted_by_admin_reason Event moderated by room admin Atburður undir umsjón stjórnanda spjallrásar
malformed_message Malformed event, cannot display Rangt sniðinn atburður, get ekki birt hann
create_new_room Create New Room Búa til nýja spjallrás
create_new_space Create New Space Búa til nýtt svæði
error_no_network No network. Please check your Internet connection. Ekkert netkerfi. Athugaðu nettenginguna þína.
error_check_network Something went wrong. Please check your network connection and try again.
change_room_directory_network Change network Skipta um netkerfi
please_wait Please wait… Bíddu aðeins…
updating_your_data Updating your data… Uppfæri gögnin þín…
room_preview_no_preview This room can't be previewed Þessa spjallrás er ekki hægt að forskoða
room_preview_not_found This room is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room admin to check if you have access.
Þessi spjallrás er ekki aðgengileg í augnablikinu.
Prófaðu aftur síðar, eða spurðu einhvern stjórnanda hvort þú hafir aðgang.
room_preview_no_preview_join This room can't be previewed. Do you want to join it? Ekki er hægt að forskoða þessa spjallrás. Viltu taka þátt í henni?
fab_menu_create_room Rooms Spjallrásir
fab_menu_create_chat Direct Messages Bein skilaboð
create_room_action_create CREATE ÚTBÚA
create_room_action_go Go Fara
create_room_name_section Room name Nafn spjallrásar
create_room_name_hint Name Heiti
Key English Icelandic State
compression_opt_list_small Small Lítið
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.
confirm_your_identity_after_update Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
confirm_your_identity_quad_s Confirm your identity by verifying this login, granting it access to encrypted messages.
contact_admin_to_restore_encryption Please contact an admin to restore encryption to a valid state.
contacts_book_title Contacts book Tengiliðaskrá
content_reported_as_inappropriate_content This content was reported as inappropriate.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
content_reported_as_inappropriate_title Reported as inappropriate Tilkynnt sem óviðeigandi
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
content_reported_as_spam_title Reported as spam Tilkynnt sem ruslpóstur
content_reported_content This content was reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
content_reported_title Content reported Efni kært
_continue Continue Halda áfram
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard Afritað á klippispjald
create Create Búa til
create_new_room Create New Room Búa til nýja spjallrás
create_new_space Create New Space Búa til nýtt svæði
create_pin_confirm_failure Failed to validate PIN, please tap a new one. Mistókst að fullgilda PIN-númer, ýttu á annað nýtt.
create_pin_confirm_title Confirm PIN Staðfestu PIN-númer
create_pin_title Choose a PIN for security Veldu PIN-númer í öryggisskyni
create_poll_add_option ADD OPTION BÆTA VIÐ VALKOSTI
create_poll_button CREATE POLL ÚTBÚA KÖNNUN
create_poll_empty_question_error Question cannot be empty Spurning má ekki vera auð
create_poll_not_enough_options_error At least %1$s option is required Það þarf allavega %1$s valkost
create_poll_options_hint Option %1$d Valkostur %1$d
create_poll_options_title Create options Búa til valkosti
create_poll_question_hint Question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni
create_poll_question_title Poll question or topic Spurning eða viðfangsefni könnunar
create_poll_title Create Poll Búa til könnun
create_room Create Room Búa til spjallrás


Create New Room
Búa til nýja spjallrás
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1219