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Leave room with given id (or current room if null)
Key English Indonesian State
dev_tools_state_event State Events Peristiwa Keadaan
dev_tools_edit_content Edit Content Edit Konten
dev_tools_send_custom_state_event Send Custom State Event Kirim Peristiwa Keadaan Kustom
dev_tools_form_hint_type Type Tipe
dev_tools_form_hint_state_key State Key Kunci Keadaan
dev_tools_form_hint_event_content Event Content Konten Peristiwa
dev_tools_error_no_content No content Tidak ada konten
dev_tools_error_no_message_type Missing message type Tipe pesan tidak ditemukan
dev_tools_error_malformed_event Malformed event Peristiwa cacat
dev_tools_success_event Event sent! Peristiwa dikirim!
dev_tools_success_state_event State event sent! Peristiwa keadaan dikirim!
dev_tools_event_content_hint Event content Konten peristiwa
command_description_create_space Create a Space Buat sebuah Space
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Tambah ke space yang dicantumkan
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id Bergabung ke space dengan ID yang diberikan
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) Tinggalkan ruangan dengan ID yang diberikan (atau ruangan saat ini jika null)
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version Meningkatkan ruangan ke versi baru
event_status_a11y_sending Sending Mengirim
event_status_a11y_sent Sent Terkirim
event_status_a11y_failed Failed Gagal
event_status_a11y_delete_all Delete all failed messages Hapus semua pesan yang gagal dikirim
event_status_cancel_sending_dialog_message Do you want to cancel sending message? Apakah Anda ingin membatalkan pengiriman pesan?
event_status_failed_messages_warning Messages failed to send Pesan gagal untuk dikirim
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_title Delete unsent messages Hapus pesan yang belum dikirim
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_message Are you sure you want to delete all unsent messages in this room? Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus semua pesan yang belum dikirim di ruangan ini?
public_space Public space Space publik
private_space Private space Space privat
add_space Add space Tambahkan space
your_public_space Your public space Space publik Anda
your_private_space Your private space Space privat Anda
create_spaces_choose_type_label What type of space do you want to create? Tipe space apa yang Anda ingin buat?
Key English Indonesian State
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti Mengirim pesan dengan konfeti
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Tambah ke space yang dicantumkan
command_description_avatar_for_room Changes your avatar in this current room only Mengubah avatar Anda di ruangan saat ini saja
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id Larang user dengan id berikut
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management Untuk memperbaiki kepengurusan Aplikasi Matrix
command_description_create_space Create a Space Buat sebuah Space
command_description_deop_user Deops user with given id Demosi pengguna dengan id berikut
command_description_devtools Open the developer tools screen Buka layar alat pengembang
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded Memaksa sesi kelompok outbound saat ini di ruangan terenkripsi untuk dihapus
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms Hanya didukung di ruangan terenkripsi
command_description_emote Displays action Tunjukkan tindakan
command_description_ignore_user Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you Mengabaikan sebuah pengguna, akan menyembunyikan pesan mereka
command_description_invite_user Invites user with given id to current room Undang pengguna dengan id berikut bergabung ke ruangan ini
command_description_join_room Joins room with given address Bergabung ke ruangan dengan alamat berikut
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id Bergabung ke space dengan ID yang diberikan
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) Tinggalkan ruangan dengan ID yang diberikan (atau ruangan saat ini jika null)
command_description_lenny Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message Menambahkan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ke pesan teks biasa
command_description_markdown On/Off markdown Mati/Nyalakan markdown
command_description_nick Changes your display nickname Ubah nama panggilan layar Anda
command_description_nick_for_room Changes your display nickname in the current room only Mengubah nama tampilan Anda di ruangan saat ini saja
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user Tentukan tingkat kuasa seorang pengguna
command_description_part_room Leave room Tinggalkan ruang
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Mengirim pesan sebagai teks biasa, tanpa mengimpretasikannya sebagai markdown
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow Mengirim pesan yang dicantum berwarna pelangi
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow Mengirim emote yang dicantum berwarna pelangi
command_description_remove_user Removes user with given id from this room Keluarkan pengguna dengan id berikut
command_description_room_avatar Changes the avatar of the current room Mengubah avatar ruangan saat ini
command_description_room_name Sets the room name Mentetapkan nama ruangan
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Menambahkan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ke pesan teks biasa
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler Mengirim pesan sebagai spoiler


Leave room with given id (or current room if null)
Tinggalkan ruangan dengan ID yang diberikan (atau ruangan saat ini jika null)
2 years ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar LinAGKar

Source string comment

What's meant by null? That's not something the user should normally see. Does it mean leaving the field empty?

3 years ago


English Indonesian
Room Ruangan Element Android

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml, string 2170