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Key English Indonesian State
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_content Revoke invite to %1$s? Batalkan undangan ke %1$s?
member_banned_by Banned by %1$s Dicekal oleh %1$s
failed_to_unban Failed to UnBan user Gagal untuk menghapus cekalan
alert_push_are_disabled_title Push notifications are disabled Notifikasi push dinonaktifkan
alert_push_are_disabled_description Review your settings to enable push notifications Lihat pengaturan Anda untuk mengaktifkan notifikasi push
wrong_pin_message_remaining_attempts Wrong code, %d remaining attempt Kode salah, %d upaya tersisa
entries %d entry %d entri
wrong_pin_message_last_remaining_attempt Warning! Last remaining attempt before logout! Peringatan! Upaya terakhir sebelum keluar!
too_many_pin_failures Too many errors, you've been logged out Terlalu banyak kesalahan, Anda telah keluar
create_pin_title Choose a PIN for security Buat PIN untuk keamanan
create_pin_confirm_title Confirm PIN Konfirmasi PIN
create_pin_confirm_failure Failed to validate PIN, please tap a new one. Gagal untuk memvalidasi PIN, mohon ketuk yang baru.
auth_pin_title Enter your PIN Masukkan PIN Anda
auth_pin_forgot Forgot PIN? Lupa PIN?
auth_pin_reset_title Reset PIN Atur Ulang PIN
auth_pin_new_pin_action New PIN PIN Baru
auth_pin_reset_content To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. Untuk mengatur ulang PIN, Anda harus masuk kembali dan buat yang baru.
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings. Autentikasi biometrik dinonaktifkan karena sebuah autentikasi biometrik telah ditambahkan baru-baru ini. Anda dapat mengaktifkan ulang di Pengaturan.
settings_security_application_protection_title Protect access Lindungi akses
settings_security_application_protection_summary Protect access using PIN and biometrics. Lindungi akses menggunakan PIN dan biometrik.
settings_security_application_protection_screen_title Configure protection Atur proteksi
settings_security_pin_code_title Enable PIN Aktifkan PIN
settings_security_pin_code_summary If you want to reset your PIN, tap Forgot PIN to logout and reset. Jika Anda ingin mengatur ulang PIN Anda, ketuk Lupa PIN untuk keluar dan mengatur ulang.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_title Enable biometrics Aktifkan biometrik
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_on Enable device specific biometrics, like fingerprints and face recognition. Aktifkan biometrik spesifik perangkat, seperti sidik jari dan pengenalan wajah.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_summary_off PIN code is the only way to unlock ${app_name}. Kode PIN hanya cara satu-satunya untuk membuka ${app_name}.
settings_security_pin_code_use_biometrics_error Could not enable biometric authentication. Tidak dapat mengaktifkan autentikasi biometrik.
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_title Show content in notifications Tampilkan konten di notifikasi
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_summary_on Show details like room names and message content. Tampilkan detail seperti nama ruangan dan konten pesan.
settings_security_pin_code_notifications_summary_off Only display number of unread messages in a simple notification. Hanya tampilkan berapa pesan yang belum dibaca dalam notifikasi sederhana.
settings_security_pin_code_grace_period_title Require PIN after 2 minutes Membutuhkan PIN setelah 2 menit
Key English Indonesian State
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening. Pertemuan menggunakan kebijakan keamanan dan perizinan Jitsi. Semua orang saat ini berada di ruangan akan melihat undangan untuk bergabung saat pertemuan Anda sedang berlangsung.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Mohon telaah dan terima kebijakan homeserver ini:
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings. Autentikasi biometrik dinonaktifkan karena sebuah autentikasi biometrik telah ditambahkan baru-baru ini. Anda dapat mengaktifkan ulang di Pengaturan.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. Alamat email ini sudah terdefinisi.
authentication_error Failed to authenticate Gagal mengautentikasi
auth_forgot_password Forgot password? Lupa kata sandi?
auth_invalid_email This doesn’t look like a valid email address Sepertinya alamat email tidak benar
auth_invalid_login_deactivated_account This account has been deactivated. Akun ini telah dinonaktifkan.
auth_invalid_login_param Incorrect username and/or password Nama pengguna dan/atau kata sandi salah
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it. Nama pengguna dan/atau kata sandi salah. Kata sandi dimulai atau berakhir dengan spasi, mohon dicek.
auth_login Log in Masuk
auth_login_sso Sign in with single sign-on Masuk dengan single sign-on
auth_msisdn_already_defined This phone number is already defined. Nomor telepon ini sudah ditentukan.
auth_pin_forgot Forgot PIN? Lupa PIN?
auth_pin_new_pin_action New PIN PIN Baru
auth_pin_reset_content To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. Untuk mengatur ulang PIN, Anda harus masuk kembali dan buat yang baru.
auth_pin_reset_title Reset PIN Atur Ulang PIN
auth_pin_title Enter your PIN Masukkan PIN Anda
auth_recaptcha_message This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot Homeserver ini ingin memastikan bahwa Anda bukan robot
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Verifikasi alamat email gagal: pastikan tautan yang termuat di email telah diklik
auth_reset_password_error_unverified Email not verified, check your inbox Email belum diverifikasi, periksa kotak masuk Anda
auth_submit Submit Kirim
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters… Menunjukkan hanya hasil pertama, ketik huruf lagi…
autodiscover_well_known_error Unable to find a valid homeserver. Please check your identifier Tidak dapat menemukan homeserver yang absah. Mohon cek pengenal Anda
avatar Avatar Avatar
avatar_of_room Avatar of room %1$s Avatar ruangan %1$s
avatar_of_space Avatar of space %1$s Avatar space %1$s
avatar_of_user Profile picture of user %1$s Foto profil pengguna %1$s
backup Back up Cadangkan


PIN Baru
2 years ago
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English Indonesian
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String age
3 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml, string 2060