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Key English Indonesian State
room_profile_section_admin Admin Actions Aksi Admin
room_profile_section_more_settings Room settings Pengaturan ruangan
direct_room_profile_section_more_settings Settings Pengaturan
room_profile_section_more_notifications Notifications Notifikasi
room_profile_section_more_member_list One person %1$d orang
room_profile_section_more_polls Poll history Riwayat pemungutan suara
room_profile_section_more_uploads Uploads Kiriman
room_profile_section_more_leave Leave Room Tinggalkan Ruangan
direct_room_profile_section_more_leave Leave Tinggalkan
room_profile_leaving_room Leaving the room… Meninggalkan ruangan…
room_member_override_nick_color Override display name color Ubah warna nama tampilan
room_member_power_level_admins Admins Admin
room_member_power_level_moderators Moderators Moderator
room_member_power_level_custom Custom Kustom
room_member_power_level_invites Invites Undangan
room_member_power_level_users Users Pengguna
room_member_power_level_admin_in Admin in %1$s Admin di %1$s
room_member_power_level_moderator_in Moderator in %1$s Moderator di %1$s
room_member_power_level_default_in Default in %1$s Standar di %1$s
room_member_power_level_custom_in Custom (%1$d) in %2$s Kustom (%1$d) di %2$s
room_member_open_or_create_dm Direct message Pesan langsung
room_member_jump_to_read_receipt Jump to read receipt Ke laporan dibaca
rendering_event_error_type_of_event_not_handled ${app_name} does not handle events of type '%1$s' ${app_name} tidak mendukung peristiwa dengan tipe '%1$s'
rendering_event_error_exception ${app_name} encountered an issue when rendering content of event with id '%1$s' ${app_name} menemukan sebuah masalah ketika rendering konten dengan id '%1$s'
unignore Unignore Hapus pengabaian
verify_cannot_cross_sign This session is unable to share this verification with your other sessions.
The verification will be saved locally and shared in a future version of the app.
Sesi ini tidak dapat berbagi verifikasi ini dengan sesi Anda yang lain.
Verifikasi akan disimpan secara lokal dan dibagikan dalam versi aplikasi di masa depan.
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow Mengirim pesan yang dicantum berwarna pelangi
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow Mengirim emote yang dicantum berwarna pelangi
settings_category_timeline Timeline Lini Masa
settings_category_composer Message editor Editor pesan
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption… Aktifkan enkripsi ujung ke ujung…
Key English Indonesian State
room_list_rooms_empty_body Your rooms will be displayed here. Tap the + at the bottom right to find existing ones or start some of your own. Ruangan Anda akan ditampilkan di sini. Ketuk tombol + di kanan bawah untuk mencari yang ada atau memulai yang baru.
room_list_rooms_empty_title Rooms Ruangan
room_manage_integrations Manage Integrations Kelola Integrasi
room_many_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s & others are typing… %1$s & %2$s & lainnya sedang mengetik…
room_member_jump_to_read_receipt Jump to read receipt Ke laporan dibaca
room_member_open_or_create_dm Direct message Pesan langsung
room_member_override_nick_color Override display name color Ubah warna nama tampilan
room_member_power_level_admin_in Admin in %1$s Admin di %1$s
room_member_power_level_admins Admins Admin
room_member_power_level_custom Custom Kustom
room_member_power_level_custom_in Custom (%1$d) in %2$s Kustom (%1$d) di %2$s
room_member_power_level_default_in Default in %1$s Standar di %1$s
room_member_power_level_invites Invites Undangan
room_member_power_level_moderator_in Moderator in %1$s Moderator di %1$s
room_member_power_level_moderators Moderators Moderator
room_member_power_level_users Users Pengguna
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions Gagal mendapatkan sesi
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions Sesi
room_message_autocomplete_notification Room notification Notifikasi ruangan
room_message_autocomplete_users Users Pengguna
room_message_notify_everyone Notify the whole room Beri tahu seluruh ruangan
room_message_placeholder Message… Kirim pesan…
room_new_messages_notification %d new message %d pesan baru
room_no_active_widgets No active widgets Tidak ada widget yang aktif
room_notification_more_than_two_users_are_typing %1$s, %2$s and others %1$s, %2$s dan lainnya
room_notification_two_users_are_typing %1$s and %2$s %1$s dan %2$s
room_one_user_is_typing %s is typing… %s sedang mengetik…
room_participants_action_ban Ban Larang
room_participants_action_cancel_invite Cancel invite Batalkan undangan
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to cancel the invite for this user? Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan undangan untuk pengguna ini?
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Indonesian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml, string 1734