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Key English Croatian State
notification_unknown_new_event New Event Novi događaj
notification_unknown_room_name Room Soba
notification_new_messages New Messages Nove poruke
notification_new_invitation New Invitation Nova pozivnica
notification_sender_me Me Vi
notification_inline_reply_failed ** Failed to send - please open room ** Neuspjelo slanje - otvorite sobu
notification_ticker_text_dm %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s
notification_ticker_text_group %1$s: %2$s %3$s %1$s: %2$s %3$s
font_size_title Choose font size
font_size_section_auto Set automatically
font_size_section_manually Choose manually
font_size_use_system Use system default
font_size Font size Veličina pisma
tiny Tiny Sićušna
small Small Mala
normal Normal Normalna
large Large Velika
larger Larger Veća
largest Largest Najveća
huge Huge Ogromna
widget_delete_message_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room? Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti grafički element iz ove sobe?
active_widgets %d active widget %d aktivan grafički element
active_widget_view_action VIEW
active_widgets_title Active widgets
room_widget_activity_title Widget Grafički element
room_widget_permission_title Load Widget Učitaj grafički element
room_widget_permission_added_by This widget was added by: Ovaj je grafički element dodao/la:
room_widget_permission_webview_shared_info_title Using it may set cookies and share data with %s: Njegovo korištenje može postaviti kolačiće i dijeliti podatke s %s:
room_widget_permission_shared_info_title Using it may share data with %s: Njegovo korištenje može dijeliti podatke s %s:
room_widget_failed_to_load Failed to load widget.
Neuspješno učitavanje grafičkog elementa.
room_widget_reload Reload widget Ponovno učitaj grafički element
Key English Croatian State
navigate_to_room_when_already_in_the_room You are already viewing this room! Već se nalazite u toj sobi!
navigate_to_thread_when_already_in_the_thread You are already viewing this thread!
new_session New login. Was this you?
no NO NE
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on
no_ignored_users You are not ignoring any users
no_message_edits_found No edits found Nisu pronađena uređivanja
no_more_results No more results
none None Nije podešeno
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room
no_permissions_to_start_conf_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a conference call
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call You do not have permission to start a call in this room
no_permissions_to_start_webrtc_call_in_direct_room You do not have permission to start a call
no_result_placeholder No results Nema rezultata
normal Normal Normalna
no_sticker_application_dialog_content You don’t currently have any stickerpacks enabled.

Add some now?
Trenutno nemate omogućene ni jedan paket naljepnica.

Želite li ih sada dodati?
not_a_valid_qr_code It's not a valid matrix QR code
notice_answered_call %s answered the call.
notice_answered_call_by_you You answered the call.
notice_avatar_changed_too (avatar was changed too)
notice_avatar_url_changed %1$s changed their avatar %1$s je promijenio svoj avatar
notice_avatar_url_changed_by_you You changed your avatar Ti si promijenio svoj avatar
notice_call_candidates %s sent data to setup the call.
notice_call_candidates_by_you You sent data to setup the call.
notice_crypto_error_unknown_inbound_session_id The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message.
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt ** Unable to decrypt: %s **
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_final You cannot access this message
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly Waiting for this message, this may take a while
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt_friendly_desc Due to end-to-end encryption, you might need to wait for someone's message to arrive because the encryption keys were not properly sent to you.


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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 970