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🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
Key English Croatian State
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Izvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Izvezi ključeve u lokalnu datoteku
encryption_export_export Export Izvezi
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys. Napravite fraza-lozinku za šifriranje izvedenih ključeva. Ista fraza-lozinka trebat će Vam za uvoz ključeva.
encryption_exported_successfully Keys successfully exported
encryption_message_recovery Encrypted Messages Recovery Povrat šifriranih poruka
encryption_settings_manage_message_recovery_summary Manage Key Backup
encryption_import_e2e_room_keys Import E2E room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve za E2E
encryption_import_room_keys Import room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_import_room_keys_summary Import the keys from a local file Uvezi ključeve iz lokalne datoteke
encryption_import_import Import Uvezi
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_title Encrypt to verified sessions only Šifriraj samo ka potvrđenim sesijama
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_summary Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session. Nikada iz ove sesije ne šalji šifrirane poruke nepotvrđenim sesijama.
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_in_room Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room.
some_devices_will_not_be_able_to_decrypt ⚠ There are unverified devices in this room, they won’t be able to decrypt messages you send.
room_settings_global_block_unverified_info_text 🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
encryption_import_room_keys_success %1$d/%2$d key imported with success.
encryption_information_not_verified Not Verified Nije potvrđeno
encryption_information_verified Verified Potvrđeno
encryption_information_unknown_ip unknown ip nepoznata IP adresa
encryption_information_verify Verify Potvrdi
encryption_information_verify_device_warning Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session: Potvrdite usporedbom sljedećeg s korisničkim postavkama u Vašoj drugoj sesiji:
encryption_information_verify_device_warning2 If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised. Ako se ne podudaraju, sigurnost Vaše komunikacije može biti narušena.
select_room_directory Select a room directory Odaberite popis soba
directory_server_placeholder Server name URL poslužitelja
directory_server_all_rooms_on_server All rooms on %s server Sve sobe na poslužitelju %s
directory_server_native_rooms All native %s rooms Sve izvorne sobe s %s
directory_your_server Your server
directory_add_a_new_server Add a new server
directory_add_a_new_server_prompt Enter the name of a new server you want to explore.
directory_add_a_new_server_error Can't find this server or its room list
Key English Croatian State
room_removed_messages %d message removed
rooms Rooms Sobe
room_settings_access_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can access?
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Dodaj prečac na početni zaslon
room_settings_alias_subtitle See and managed addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory.
room_settings_alias_title Room addresses
room_settings_all_messages All messages Sve poruke
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Korisnici sa zabranom pristupa
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Napredno
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption… Omogući šifriranje s kraja na kraj
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_content Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly. Šifriranje nije moguće onemogućiti jednom kad se omogući. Poslužitelj ne može vidjeti poruke koje su poslane u šifriranu sobu, već ih mogu vidjeti samo sudionici u sobi. Omogućavanje šifriranja može uzrokovati poteškoće u radu mnogim botovima i mostovima.
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_submit Enable encryption Omogući šifriranje
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_title Enable encryption? Omogućiti šifriranje?
room_settings_enable_encryption_no_permission You don't have permission to enable encryption in this room.
room_settings_global_block_unverified_info_text 🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Laboratorij
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Ovo su probne značajke koje se mogu pokvariti na neočekivane načine. Koristite ih s oprezom.
room_settings_mention_and_keyword_only Mentions & Keywords only
room_settings_name_hint Room Name
room_settings_none None
room_settings_permissions_subtitle View and update the roles required to change various parts of the room.
room_settings_permissions_title Room permissions
room_settings_read_history_entry_anyone Anyone Bilo tko
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_invited Members only (since they were invited) Samo članovi (od trenutka kad su pozvani)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_joined Members only (since they joined) Samo članovi (od trenutka kad su se pridružili)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_option_time_shared Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Samo članovi (od trenutka odabira ove opcije)
room_settings_room_access_entry_knock Anyone can knock on the room, members can then accept or reject
room_settings_room_access_entry_unknown Unknown access setting (%s)


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English Croatian
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String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 930