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Decryption error
Key English Croatian State
select_spaces Select spaces
tap_to_edit_spaces Tap to edit spaces
decide_who_can_find_and_join Decide who can find and join this room.
space_you_know_that_contains_this_room Space you know that contain this room
other_spaces_or_rooms_you_might_not_know Other spaces or rooms you might not know
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Korisnici sa zabranom pristupa
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Napredno
room_settings_room_internal_id This room’s internal ID Interni identitet sobe
room_settings_room_version_title Room version
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Laboratorij
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Ovo su probne značajke koje se mogu pokvariti na neočekivane načine. Koristite ih s oprezom.
room_settings_set_main_address Set as main address Postavi za glavnu adresu
room_settings_unset_main_address Unset as main address Izbriši glavnu adresu
settings_theme Theme Tema
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Greška u dešifriranju
encryption_information_device_name Public name Javni naziv
encryption_information_device_key Session key Ključ sesije
encryption_export_e2e_room_keys Export E2E room keys Izvezi sobne ključeve za E2E
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Izvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Izvezi ključeve u lokalnu datoteku
encryption_export_export Export Izvezi
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys. Napravite fraza-lozinku za šifriranje izvedenih ključeva. Ista fraza-lozinka trebat će Vam za uvoz ključeva.
encryption_exported_successfully Keys successfully exported
encryption_message_recovery Encrypted Messages Recovery Povrat šifriranih poruka
encryption_settings_manage_message_recovery_summary Manage Key Backup
encryption_import_e2e_room_keys Import E2E room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve za E2E
encryption_import_room_keys Import room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_import_room_keys_summary Import the keys from a local file Uvezi ključeve iz lokalne datoteke
encryption_import_import Import Uvezi
encryption_never_send_to_unverified_devices_title Encrypt to verified sessions only Šifriraj samo ka potvrđenim sesijama
Key English Croatian State
encryption_enabled Encryption enabled
encryption_enabled_tile_description Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify users in their profile.
encryption_export_e2e_room_keys Export E2E room keys Izvezi sobne ključeve za E2E
encryption_exported_successfully Keys successfully exported
encryption_export_export Export Izvezi
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys. Napravite fraza-lozinku za šifriranje izvedenih ključeva. Ista fraza-lozinka trebat će Vam za uvoz ključeva.
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Izvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Izvezi ključeve u lokalnu datoteku
encryption_has_been_misconfigured Encryption has been misconfigured.
encryption_import_e2e_room_keys Import E2E room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve za E2E
encryption_import_import Import Uvezi
encryption_import_room_keys Import room keys Uvezi sobne ključeve
encryption_import_room_keys_success %1$d/%2$d key imported with success.
encryption_import_room_keys_summary Import the keys from a local file Uvezi ključeve iz lokalne datoteke
encryption_information_cross_signing_state Cross-Signing
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Greška u dešifriranju
encryption_information_device_key Session key Ključ sesije
encryption_information_device_name Public name Javni naziv
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_complete Cross-Signing is enabled
Private Keys on device.
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_disabled Cross-Signing is not enabled
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_not_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled.
Keys are not trusted
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled
Keys are trusted.
Private keys are not known
encryption_information_not_verified Not Verified Nije potvrđeno
encryption_information_unknown_ip unknown ip nepoznata IP adresa
encryption_information_verified Verified Potvrđeno
encryption_information_verify Verify Potvrdi
encryption_information_verify_device_warning Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session: Potvrdite usporedbom sljedećeg s korisničkim postavkama u Vašoj drugoj sesiji:
encryption_information_verify_device_warning2 If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised. Ako se ne podudaraju, sigurnost Vaše komunikacije može biti narušena.
encryption_message_recovery Encrypted Messages Recovery Povrat šifriranih poruka
encryption_misconfigured Encryption is misconfigured


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English Croatian
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 912