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Set automatically
Key English French (Canada) State
notification_invitations %d invitation %d invitation
notification_compat_summary_line_for_room %1$s: %2$d message %1$s : %2$d message
notification_compat_summary_title %d notification %d notification
notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room %1$s in %2$s %1$s dans %2$s
notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_and_invitation %1$s in %2$s and %3$s %1$s dans %2$s et %3$s
notification_unread_notified_messages_and_invitation %1$s and %2$s %1$s et %2$s
notification_unknown_new_event New Event Nouvel évènement
notification_unknown_room_name Room Salon
notification_new_messages New Messages Nouveaux messages
notification_new_invitation New Invitation Nouvelle invitation
notification_sender_me Me Moi
notification_inline_reply_failed ** Failed to send - please open room ** Échec de l’envoi − veuillez ouvrir le salon
notification_ticker_text_dm %1$s: %2$s %1$s : %2$s
notification_ticker_text_group %1$s: %2$s %3$s %1$s : %2$s %3$s
font_size_title Choose font size
font_size_section_auto Set automatically
font_size_section_manually Choose manually
font_size_use_system Use system default
font_size Font size Taille de la police
tiny Tiny Minuscule
small Small Petite
normal Normal Normale
large Large Grande
larger Larger Très grande
largest Largest La plus grande
huge Huge Énorme
widget_delete_message_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room? Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le gadget logiciel de ce salon ?
active_widgets %d active widget %d gadget logiciel actif
active_widget_view_action VIEW VUE
active_widgets_title Active widgets Widgets actifs
room_widget_activity_title Widget Widget
Key English French (Canada) State
fab_menu_create_chat Direct Messages Conversations privées
fab_menu_create_room Rooms Salons
failed_to_access_secure_storage Failed to access secure storage Échec d’accès au coffre secret
failed_to_add_widget Failed to add widget Échec de l’ajout du gadget logiciel
failed_to_initialize_cross_signing Failed to set up Cross Signing Échec de la mise en place de la signature croisée
failed_to_remove_widget Failed to remove widget Échec de la suppression du gadget logiciel
failed_to_unban Failed to UnBan user Échec de la révocation du bannissement de l’utilisateur
fallback_users_read %d user read %d utilisateur a lu
feedback Feedback Remarques
feedback_failed The feedback failed to be sent (%s) L’envoi des remarques a échoué (%s)
feedback_sent Thanks, your feedback has been successfully sent Merci, vos remarques ont bien été envoyées
finish Finish Terminer
finish_setting_up_discovery Finish setting up discovery.
finish_setup Finish setup
font_size Font size Taille de la police
font_size_section_auto Set automatically
font_size_section_manually Choose manually
font_size_title Choose font size
font_size_use_system Use system default
ftue_account_created_congratulations_title Congratulations!
ftue_account_created_personalize Personalize profile
ftue_account_created_subtitle Your account %s has been created
ftue_account_created_take_me_home Take me home
ftue_auth_captcha_title Are you a human?
ftue_auth_carousel_control_body Choose where your conversations are kept, giving you control and independence. Connected via Matrix.
ftue_auth_carousel_control_title You're in control.
ftue_auth_carousel_encrypted_body End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining.
ftue_auth_carousel_encrypted_title Secure messaging.
ftue_auth_carousel_secure_body Secure and independent communication that gives you the same level of privacy as a face-to-face conversation in your own home.
ftue_auth_carousel_secure_title Own your conversations.


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English French (Canada)
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Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml, string 964