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Custom Settings.
Key English Estonian State
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_failure_status_no_quickfix One or more tests have failed, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Üks või enam testi andis tulemuseks vea, palun saada edaspidise uurimise jaoks meile veateade.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_title System Settings. Süsteemiseadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_success Notifications are enabled in the system settings. Süsteemi seadistustes on teavitused kasutusel.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_failed Notifications are disabled in the system settings.
Please check system settings.
Süsteemi seadistustes ei ole teavitusi kasutusel.
Palun vaata need üle.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_permission_failed ${app_name} needs the permission to show notifications.
Please grant the permission.
${app_name} vajab teavituste näitamiseks õigusi.
Palun luba vastavad õigused.
open_settings Open Settings Ava seadistused
grant_permission Grant Permission Anna õigused
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Kasutajakonto seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Sinu kontol on teavitused kasutusel.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Sinu kontol ei ole teavitusi kasutusel.
Seda saad muuta konto seadistuses.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Võta kasutusele
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_title Session Settings. Sessiooni seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_success Notifications are enabled for this session. Selles sessioonis on teavitused kasutusel.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_failed Notifications are not enabled for this session.
Please check the ${app_name} settings.
Selles sessioonis ei ole teavitusi kasutusel.
Seda saad muuta ${app_name}'i seadistuses.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_quickfix Enable Võta kasutusele
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Kohandatud seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Pane tähele, et mõned teavitused on seadistatud vaiksetena (teavitus kuvatakse ilma helilise märguandeta).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Mõned teavitused on sinu kohandatud seadistustes kinni keeratud.
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_title Play Services Check Goolge Play teenuste kontrollimine
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_success Google Play Services APK is available and up-to-date. Google Play Services APK on kättesaadav ja uuendatud.
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_failed ${app_name} uses Google Play Services to deliver push messages but it doesn’t seem to be configured correctly:
${app_name} kasutab Google Play teenuseid tõuketeavituste edastamiseks, kui see ei tundu olema korrektselt seadistatud:
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_quickfix Fix Play Services Paranda Google Play teenused
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_title Firebase Token Firebase tunnusluba
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_success FCM token successfully retrieved:
FCM tunnusloa laadimine õnnestus:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed Failed to retrieved FCM token:
FCM tunnusloa laadimine ei õnnestunud:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name} and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
See viga on väljaspool ${app_name}'i kontrolli ning vastavalt Google infole liiga palju rakendusi kasutavad FCM'i. Selline olukord peaks tekkima vaid siis kui kasutusel on hiidpalju selliseid rakendusi ning ei peaks mõjutama tavakasutajaid.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_service_not_available [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
See viga on väljaspool ${app_name}'i kontrolli ning võib juhtuda eri põhjustel. Võib-olla hilisemal proovimisel seda viga enam ei teki, kuid igaks juhuks vaata, et Google Play teenustele ei oleks süsteemi seadetes määratud andmesidepiirangut ning seadme kell on õige. Samuti võib see viga tekkida, kui sa pruugid kohandatud Androidi varianti (custom ROM).
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. There is no Google account on the phone. Please open the account manager and add a Google account.
See viga on väljaspool ${app_name}'i kontrolli. Telefoni ei ole seadistatud Google'i kontot. Palun ava seadistustes kontohaldur ning lisa üks Google'i konto.
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account Lisa Google'i konto
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_title Token Registration Tunnusloa registreerimine
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_success FCM token successfully registered to homeserver. FCM tunnusloa registreerimine koduserveris õnnestus.
Key English Estonian State
settings_troubleshoot_diagnostic_success_status Basic diagnostic is OK. If you still do not receive notifications, please submit a bug report to help us investigate. Esmasel vaatlusel vigu ei leidu. Kui sa jätkuvalt ei saa teavitusi, siis palun saada edaspidise uurimise jaoks meile veateade.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_failed Notifications are disabled for your account.
Please check account settings.
Sinu kontol ei ole teavitusi kasutusel.
Seda saad muuta konto seadistuses.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_quickfix Enable Võta kasutusele
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_success Notifications are enabled for your account. Sinu kontol on teavitused kasutusel.
settings_troubleshoot_test_account_settings_title Account Settings. Kasutajakonto seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_failed If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. This prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Kui kasutaja jätab seadme mõneks ajaks vooluvõrgust välja ja ühele kohale paigale ning ekraan on välja lülitatud, lülitub seade Doze režiimi. See takistab rakendustel juurdepääsu võrgule ja lükkab edasi nende töö, sünkroonimise ja tavalised teated.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_quickfix Ignore Optimization Eira optimeerimist
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_success ${app_name} is not affected by Battery Optimization. Aku optimeerimine ei mõjuta ${app_name}.
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_title Battery Optimization Aku optimeerimine
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_failed Background restrictions are enabled for ${app_name}.
Work that the app tries to do will be aggressively restricted while it is in the background, and this could affect notifications.
Elemendi jaoks on taustpiirangud lubatud.
Töö, mida rakendus proovib teha, on agressiivselt piiratud, kui see on taustal ja see võib mõjutada teavituste kättesaamist.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_quickfix Disable restrictions Keela piirangud
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_success Background restrictions are disabled for ${app_name}. This test should be run using mobile data (no WIFI).
Taustapiirangud on Elemendi jaoks keelatud. Seda testi tuleks läbi viia mobiilse andmeside abil (WIFI puudub).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions Kontrolli taustapiiranguid
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_failed Some notifications are disabled in your custom settings. Mõned teavitused on sinu kohandatud seadistustes kinni keeratud.
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_success_with_warn Notice that some messages type are set to be silent (will produce a notification with no sound). Pane tähele, et mõned teavitused on seadistatud vaiksetena (teavitus kuvatakse ilma helilise märguandeta).
settings_troubleshoot_test_bing_settings_title Custom Settings. Kohandatud seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor Currently using %s. Hetkel on kasutusel %s.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_distributor_title Method Meetod
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_failed Cannot find the endpoint. Lõppsõlme ei õnnestu leida.
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_success Current endpoint: %s Hetkel kasutatav lõppsõlm: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_endpoint_title Endpoint Lõppsõlm
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway Current gateway: %s Praegune lüüs: %s
settings_troubleshoot_test_current_gateway_title Gateway Lüüs
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_failed Notifications are not enabled for this session.
Please check the ${app_name} settings.
Selles sessioonis ei ole teavitusi kasutusel.
Seda saad muuta ${app_name}'i seadistuses.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_quickfix Enable Võta kasutusele
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_success Notifications are enabled for this session. Selles sessioonis on teavitused kasutusel.
settings_troubleshoot_test_device_settings_title Session Settings. Sessiooni seadistused.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_fdroid No other method than background synchronization found. Ühtegi teist meetodit peale taustal sünkroniseerimise ei leidunud.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_gplay No other method than Google Play Service found. Ühtegi teist meetodit peale Google Play Service ei leidunud.
settings_troubleshoot_test_distributors_many Found %d method. Leidsin %d meetodi.


Custom Settings.
Kohandatud seadistused.
4 years ago
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English Estonian
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-et/strings.xml, string 638