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The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service
Key English Estonian State
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Leitavad telefoninumbrid
settings_discovery_confirm_mail We sent an email to %s, check your email and click on the confirmation link Saatsime kirja e-posti aadressile %s. Palun vaata oma kirju ja klõpsi selles kirjas leiduvat linki
settings_discovery_confirm_mail_not_clicked We sent an email to %s, please first check your email and click on the confirmation link Saatsime kirja e-posti aadressile %s. Esmalt palun vaata oma kirju ja klõpsi selles kirjas leiduvat linki
settings_discovery_consent_title Send emails and phone numbers Saada e-posti aadresse ja telefoninumbreid
settings_discovery_consent_notice_on You have given your consent to send email addresses and phone numbers to this identity server to discover other users from your contacts. Selleks, et leida Matrixikasutajaid oma kontaktide hulgast, oled sa andnud nõusoleku e-posti aadresside ja telefoninumbrite saatmiseks sellele isikutuvastusserverile.
settings_discovery_consent_notice_off_2 Your contacts are private. To discover users from your contacts, we need your permission to send contact info to your identity server. Sinu kontaktid on vaid sinu teada. Kui tahad nende hulgast leida Matrix'i kasutajaid, siis me vajame sinu luba nende andmete saatmiseks räsitud kujul isikutuvastusserverisse.
settings_discovery_consent_action_revoke Revoke my consent Tühista minu nõusolek
settings_discovery_consent_action_give_consent Give consent Nõustu
identity_server_consent_dialog_title_2 Send email addresses and phone numbers to %s Saada e-posti aadressid ja telefoninumbrid %s serverisse
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_3 To discover existing contacts, you need to send contact info (email addresses and phone numbers) to your identity server. We hash your data before sending for privacy. Selleks et leida tuttavaid, sa peaksid saatma oma kontaktteavet (telefoninumbreid ja/või e-posti aadresse) siin rakenduses seadistatud isikutuvastusserverile. Parema andmeturvalisuse nimel me ei saada teavet mitte loetava tekstina, vaid räsina.
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_question Do you agree to send this info? Kas sa oled nõus selle teabe edastamisega?
settings_discovery_enter_identity_server Enter an identity server URL Sisesta uue isikutuvastusserveri aadress
settings_discovery_bad_identity_server Could not connect to identity server Ei saanud ühendust isikutuvastusserveriga
settings_discovery_please_enter_server Please enter the identity server url Palun sisesta isikutuvastusserveri aadress
settings_discovery_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Isikutuvastusserveril puuduvad kasutustingimused
settings_discovery_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service Sinu valitud isikutuvastusserveril pole kasutustingimusi. Jätka vaid siis, kui sa usaldad serveri omanikku ja haldajat
settings_text_message_sent A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains. Saatsime tekstisõnumi numbrile %s. Palun sisesta seal kuvatud kontrollkood.
settings_text_message_sent_hint Code Kood
settings_text_message_sent_wrong_code The verification code is not correct. Kontrollkood ei ole õige.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Sa parasjagu jagad oma e-posti aadressi ja telefoninumbrit isikutuvastusserveriga %1$s. Selleks, et lõpetada see jagamine, pead uuesti looma ühenduse isikutuvastusserveriga %2$s.
settings_agree_to_terms Agree to the identity server (%s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number. Selleks, et sind võiks leida e-posti aadressi või telefoninumbri alusel, nõustu isikutuvastusserveri (%s) kasutustingimustega.
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. Lülita sisse detailsete logide salvestamine.
labs_allow_extended_logging_summary Verbose logs will help developers by providing more logs when you send a RageShake. Even when enabled, the application does not log message contents or any other private data. Detailne logimine võimaldab arendajatel saada rohkem teadet kui sa peale nutiseadme tõsist raputamist saadad veateate. Kui ka detailne logimine on kasutusel, siis rakendus ei logi sõnumite sisu ega isiklikke andmeid.
error_terms_not_accepted Please retry once you have accepted the terms and conditions of your homeserver. Kui sa oled nõustunud koduserveri kasutustingimustega, siis palun proovi uuesti.
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while. Tundub, et server ei suuda päringule mõistliku ajaga vastata ning see võib olla seotud kas vigase ühendusega või serveri veaga. Palun proovi mõne aja pärast uuesti.
send_attachment Send attachment Saada manus
a11y_open_drawer Open the navigation drawer Ava navigatsioonivalik
a11y_create_menu_open Open the create room menu Ava menüüvalik jututoa loomiseks
a11y_create_menu_close Close the create room menu… Sulge menüüvalik jututoa loomiseks…
a11y_create_direct_message Create a new direct conversation Algata uus otsevestlus
a11y_create_message Create a new conversation or room Alusta uut vestlust või loo uus jututuba
Key English Estonian State
settings_discovery_consent_notice_off_2 Your contacts are private. To discover users from your contacts, we need your permission to send contact info to your identity server. Sinu kontaktid on vaid sinu teada. Kui tahad nende hulgast leida Matrix'i kasutajaid, siis me vajame sinu luba nende andmete saatmiseks räsitud kujul isikutuvastusserverisse.
settings_discovery_consent_notice_on You have given your consent to send email addresses and phone numbers to this identity server to discover other users from your contacts. Selleks, et leida Matrixikasutajaid oma kontaktide hulgast, oled sa andnud nõusoleku e-posti aadresside ja telefoninumbrite saatmiseks sellele isikutuvastusserverile.
settings_discovery_consent_title Send emails and phone numbers Saada e-posti aadresse ja telefoninumbreid
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Isikutuvastusserveri kasutamise lõpetamine tähendab, et sa ei ole leitav teiste kasutajate poolt ega sulle ei saa telefoninumbri või e-posti aadressi alusel kutset saata. Küll aga saab kutset saata Matrix'i kasutajatunnuse alusel.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Sa parasjagu jagad oma e-posti aadressi ja telefoninumbrit isikutuvastusserveriga %1$s. Selleks, et lõpetada see jagamine, pead uuesti looma ühenduse isikutuvastusserveriga %2$s.
settings_discovery_emails_title Discoverable email addresses Leitavad e-posti aadressid
settings_discovery_enter_identity_server Enter an identity server URL Sisesta uue isikutuvastusserveri aadress
settings_discovery_hide_identity_server_policy_title Hide identity server policy Peida isikutuvastusserveri reeglid
settings_discovery_identity_server_info You are currently using %1$s to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Sa hetkel kasutad %1$s serverit, et olla leitav ja ise leida sinule teadaolevaid inimesi.
settings_discovery_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, configure one below. Sa hetkel ei kasuta isikutuvastusserverit. Et olla leitav ja ise leida sinule teadaolevaid inimesi seadista ta alljärgnevalt.
settings_discovery_manage Manage your discovery settings. Halda kasutajate otsingu seadistusi.
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Leitavad telefoninumbrid
settings_discovery_no_mails Discovery options will appear once you have added an email address. Otsinguvõimaluste loend kuvatakse, kui oled sisestanud e-posti aadressi.
settings_discovery_no_msisdn Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number. Otsinguvõimaluste loend kuvatakse, kui oled sisestanud telefoninumbri.
settings_discovery_no_policy_provided No policy provided by the identity server Isikutuvastusserveril pole reegleid kirjeldatud
settings_discovery_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service Sinu valitud isikutuvastusserveril pole kasutustingimusi. Jätka vaid siis, kui sa usaldad serveri omanikku ja haldajat
settings_discovery_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Isikutuvastusserveril puuduvad kasutustingimused
settings_discovery_please_enter_server Please enter the identity server url Palun sisesta isikutuvastusserveri aadress
settings_discovery_show_identity_server_policy_title Show identity server policy Näita isikutuvastusserveri reegleid
settings_display_name Display Name Kuvatav nimi
settings_emails Email addresses E-posti aadressid
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_summary Manage email addresses and phone numbers linked to your Matrix account Halda on Matrix'i kontoga seotud e-posti aadresse ja telefoninumbreid
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_title Emails and phone numbers E-posti aadressid ja telefoninumbrid
settings_emails_empty No email address has been added to your account Ühtegi e-posti aadressi pole sinu kasutajakontoga seotud
settings_enable_all_notif Enable notifications for this account Võta teavitused sellel kontol kasutusele
settings_enable_direct_share_summary Show recent chats in the system share menu Näita viimaseid vestlusi süsteemses jagamisvaates
settings_enable_direct_share_title Enable direct share Kasuta otsejagamist
settings_enable_this_device Enable notifications for this session Võta teavitused selles sessioonis kasutusele
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages Krüptitud otsevestlused
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages Krüptitud rühmavestlused


The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service
Sinu valitud isikutuvastusserveril pole kasutustingimusi. Jätka vaid siis, kui sa usaldad serveri omanikku ja haldajat
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Estonian
identity server isikutuvastusserver Element Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-et/strings.xml, string 1356