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Sign in with Matrix ID
Key English English (Middle) State
login_signup_submit Next
login_signup_error_user_in_use That username is taken
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_title Warning
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_content Your account is not created yet. Stop the registration process?
login_a11y_choose_matrix_org Select
login_a11y_choose_modular Select Element Matrix Services
login_a11y_choose_other Select a custom homeserver
login_a11y_captcha_container Please perform the captcha challenge
login_terms_title Accept terms to continue
login_wait_for_email_title Please check your email
login_wait_for_email_notice We just sent an email to %1$s.
Please click on the link it contains to continue the account creation.
login_validation_code_is_not_correct The entered code is not correct. Please check.
login_error_outdated_homeserver_title Outdated homeserver
login_error_outdated_homeserver_warning_content This homeserver is running an old version. Ask your homeserver admin to upgrade. You can continue, but some features may not work correctly.
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second…
login_connect_using_matrix_id_submit Sign in with Matrix ID
login_signin_matrix_id_title Sign in with Matrix ID
login_signin_matrix_id_notice If you set up an account on a homeserver, use your Matrix ID (e.g. and password below.
login_signin_matrix_id_hint Matrix ID
login_signin_matrix_id_password_notice If you don’t know your password, go back to reset it.
login_signin_matrix_id_error_invalid_matrix_id This is not a valid user identifier. Expected format: ''
autodiscover_well_known_error Unable to find a valid homeserver. Please check your identifier
login_scan_qr_code Scan QR code
seen_by Seen by
signed_out_title You’re signed out
signed_out_notice It can be due to various reasons:

• You’ve changed your password on another session.

• You have deleted this session from another session.

• The administrator of your server has invalidated your access for security reason.
signed_out_submit Sign in again
soft_logout_title You’re signed out
soft_logout_signin_title Sign in
soft_logout_signin_notice Your homeserver (%1$s) admin has signed you out of your account %2$s (%3$s).
soft_logout_signin_e2e_warning_notice Sign in to recover encryption keys stored exclusively on this device. You need them to read all of your secure messages on any device.
Key English English (Middle) State
location_share_live_until Live until %1$s
location_share_live_view View live location
location_share_loading_map_error Unable to load map
This home server may not be configured to display maps.
location_share_option_pinned Share this location
location_share_option_user_current Share my current location
location_share_option_user_live Share live location
location_timeline_failed_to_load_map Failed to load map
login_a11y_captcha_container Please perform the captcha challenge
login_a11y_choose_matrix_org Select
login_a11y_choose_modular Select Element Matrix Services
login_a11y_choose_other Select a custom homeserver
login_clear_homeserver_history Clear history
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Element Matrix Services
login_connect_using_matrix_id_submit Sign in with Matrix ID
login_continue Continue
login_default_session_public_name ${app_name} Android
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON
login_error_homeserver_from_url_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at the URL %s. Please check your link or choose a homeserver manually.
login_error_homeserver_from_url_not_found_enter_manual Choose homeserver
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second…
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON
login_error_outdated_homeserver_title Outdated homeserver
login_error_outdated_homeserver_warning_content This homeserver is running an old version. Ask your homeserver admin to upgrade. You can continue, but some features may not work correctly.
login_error_ssl_other SSL Error.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Not translated Element Android/Element Android App


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English English (Middle)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-enm/strings.xml, string 1612