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This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
Key English Catalan State
device_manager_session_details_device_model Model Model
device_manager_session_details_device_operating_system Operating system Sistema operatiu
device_manager_session_details_device_ip_address IP address Adreça IP
device_manager_session_rename Rename session Canvia el nom de la sessió
device_manager_session_rename_edit_hint Session name Nom de la sessió
device_manager_session_rename_description Custom session names can help you recognize your devices more easily. Els noms de sessió personalitzats et permeten identificar els teus dispositius més fàcilment.
device_manager_session_rename_warning Please be aware that session names are also visible to people you communicate with. Tingues en compte que els noms de sessió son visibles per les persones amb qui parlis.
device_manager_sessions_sign_in_with_qr_code_title Sign in with QR Code Inicia sessió amb codi QR
device_manager_sessions_sign_in_with_qr_code_description You can use this device to sign in a mobile or web device with a QR code. There are two ways to do this: Pots utilitzar aquest dispositiu per iniciar la sessió amb un codi QR a un dispositiu mòbil o web. Ho pots fer de dues maneres:
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive_title Inactive sessions Sessions inactives
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.
Les sessions inactives son sessions que no has utilitzat durant un temps, però continuen rebent claus de xifrat.

L'eliminació de sessions inactives millora la seguretat i el rendiment, i et pot ajudar a identificar sessions noves sospitoses.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified_title Unverified sessions Sessions no verificades
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.
Les sessions no verificades son sessions en què has iniciat sessió amb les teves credencials però s'hi ha fet una verificació creuada.

Assegura't que reconeixes aquestes sessions especialment, ja que podrien representar un ús no autoritzat del teu compte.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_title Verified sessions Sessions verificades
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename_title Renaming sessions Canvi de nom de sessions
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
Els usuaris dels xats directes i sales al les quals t'hagis unit poden veure la llista completa de les teves sessions.

Això els pot proporcionar més confiança de que realment parlen amb tu però, poden veure el nom de sessió que introdueixis.
labs_enable_session_manager_title Enable new session manager Activa el nou gestor de sessions
labs_enable_session_manager_summary Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions. Obté un millor control i visibilitat de totes les teves sessions.
labs_enable_client_info_recording_title Enable client info recording Activa la gravació d'informació de client
labs_enable_client_info_recording_summary Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager. Desa el nom de client, la versió i l'URL per reconèixer les sessions més fàcilment dins el gestor de sessions.
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_title Enable voice broadcast Activa l'emissió de veu
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_summary Be able to record and send voice broadcast in room timeline. Permet enregistrar i enviar emissions de veu dins una sala.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_title %s
is looking a little empty.
sembla una mica buit.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_message Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button. Els espais són una nova manera d'agrupar sales i gent. Afegeix una sala o crea'n una de nova mitjançant el botó de la part inferior dreta.
home_empty_no_rooms_title Welcome to ${app_name},
Hola, %s.
home_empty_no_rooms_message The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started. L'aplicació de xats segurs tot en un. Per a equips, amics i organitzacions. Crea un xat o uneix-te a una sala existent per començar.
home_empty_no_unreads_title Nothing to report. Sense novetats.
home_empty_no_unreads_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some. Aquí es mostraran els teus missatges no llegits, quan en tinguis.
onboarding_new_app_layout_welcome_title Welcome to a new view! Nova visualització!
Key English Catalan State
device_manager_device_title Device Dispositiu
device_manager_filter_bottom_sheet_title Filter Filtre
device_manager_filter_option_all_sessions All sessions Totes les sessions
device_manager_filter_option_inactive Inactive Inactiu
device_manager_filter_option_inactive_description Inactive for %1$d day or longer Inactiu durant %1$d dia o més
device_manager_filter_option_unverified Unverified No verificat
device_manager_filter_option_unverified_description Not ready for secure messaging No llest per a missatges segurs
device_manager_filter_option_verified Verified Verificat
device_manager_filter_option_verified_description Ready for secure messaging Llest per a missatges segurs
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_description Improve your account security by following these recommendations. Millora la seguretat del teu compte seguint aquestes recomanacions.
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_title Security recommendations Recomanacions de seguretat
device_manager_inactive_sessions_description Consider signing out from old sessions (%1$d day or more) that you don’t use anymore. Pensa en tancar sessió de les sessions antigues (%1$d dia o més) que ja no utilitzis.
device_manager_inactive_sessions_title Inactive sessions Sessions inactives
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
Els usuaris dels xats directes i sales al les quals t'hagis unit poden veure la llista completa de les teves sessions.

Això els pot proporcionar més confiança de que realment parlen amb tu però, poden veure el nom de sessió que introdueixis.
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename_title Renaming sessions Canvi de nom de sessions
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.
Les sessions inactives son sessions que no has utilitzat durant un temps, però continuen rebent claus de xifrat.

L'eliminació de sessions inactives millora la seguretat i el rendiment, i et pot ajudar a identificar sessions noves sospitoses.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive_title Inactive sessions Sessions inactives
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.
Les sessions no verificades son sessions en què has iniciat sessió amb les teves credencials però s'hi ha fet una verificació creuada.

Assegura't que reconeixes aquestes sessions especialment, ja que podrien representar un ús no autoritzat del teu compte.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified_title Unverified sessions Sessions no verificades
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_title Verified sessions Sessions verificades
device_manager_other_sessions_clear_filter Clear Filter Esborra filtre
device_manager_other_sessions_description_inactive Inactive for %1$d+ day (%2$s) Actiu fa %1$d dia (%2$s)
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified Unverified · Last activity %1$s No verificada · Última activitat %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified_current_session Unverified · Your current session No verificada · Sessió actual
device_manager_other_sessions_description_verified Verified · Last activity %1$s Verificada · Última activitat %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_hide_ip_address Hide IP address Amaga l'adreça IP
device_manager_other_sessions_multi_signout_all Sign out of %1$d session Tanca %1$d sessió
device_manager_other_sessions_multi_signout_selection Sign out Tanca sessió


No matching activity found.

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English Catalan
Encryption Xifrat Element Android

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml, string 2554