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View poll in timeline
Key English Catalan State
open_poll_option_title Open poll Enquesta oberta
open_poll_option_description Voters see results as soon as they have voted Els votants veuran els resultats actuals tan bon punt hagin votat
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll Enquesta tancada
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll Els resultats només es mostraran quan acabi l'enquesta
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll. Ha finalitzat l'enquesta.
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted Per culpa d'errors de desxifrat, és possible que alguns vots no s'hagin comptat
room_polls_active Active polls Enquestes actives
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room No hi ha enquestes actives a la sala
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_ended Past polls
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls Mostrant enquestes
room_polls_load_more Load more polls Carrega més enquestes
room_polls_loading_error Error fetching polls. Error obtenint enquestes.
room_poll_details_go_to_timeline View poll in timeline
location_activity_title_static_sharing Share location Comparteix ubicació
location_activity_title_preview Location Ubicació
a11y_static_map_image Map Mapa
a11y_location_share_pin_on_map Pin of selected location on map Pin d'ubicació seleccionada al mapa
a11y_location_share_locate_button Zoom to current location Fes zoom a la ubicació actual
location_share_option_user_current Share my current location Comparteix la meva ubicació actual
a11y_location_share_option_user_current_icon Share my current location Comparteix la meva ubicació actual
location_share_option_user_live Share live location Comparteix ubicació en directe
a11y_location_share_option_user_live_icon Share live location Comparteix ubicació en directe
location_share_option_pinned Share this location Comparteix la ubicació
a11y_location_share_option_pinned_icon Share this location Comparteix la ubicació
location_share_live_select_duration_title Share your live location for Comparteix la teva ubicació en directe durant
location_share_live_select_duration_option_1 15 minutes 15 minuts
location_share_live_select_duration_option_2 1 hour 1 hora
location_share_live_select_duration_option_3 8 hours 8 hores
Key English Catalan State
room_permissions_default_role Default role Rol predeterminat
room_permissions_enable_room_encryption Enable room encryption Activar el xifrat de la sala
room_permissions_enable_space_encryption Enable space encryption Activa els xifrat de l'espai
room_permissions_invite_users Invite users Convida usuaris
room_permissions_modify_widgets Modify widgets Modificar ginys
room_permissions_notice Select the roles required to change various parts of the room Selecciona els rols necessaris per canviar les diferents parts de la sala
room_permissions_notice_read_only You don't have permission to update the roles required to change various parts of the room No tens permisos per modificar els rols necessaris per canviar les diferents parts de la sala
room_permissions_notify_everyone Notify everyone Notificar a tothom
room_permissions_remove_messages_sent_by_others Remove messages sent by others Eliminar missatges enviats per altres
room_permissions_remove_users Remove users Expulsar usuaris
room_permissions_send_messages Send messages Enviar missatges
room_permissions_send_m_room_server_acl_events Send events Enviar esdeveniments
room_permissions_title Permissions Permisos
room_permissions_upgrade_the_room Upgrade the room Actualitzar la sala
room_permissions_upgrade_the_space Upgrade the space Actualitza l'espai
room_poll_details_go_to_timeline View poll in timeline
room_polls_active Active polls Enquestes actives
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room No hi ha enquestes actives a la sala
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_ended Past polls
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_loading_error Error fetching polls. Error obtenint enquestes.
room_polls_load_more Load more polls Carrega més enquestes
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls Mostrant enquestes
room_preview_no_preview This room can't be previewed Aquesta sala no es pot pre-visualitzar
room_preview_no_preview_join This room can't be previewed. Do you want to join it? Aquesta sala no es pot previsualitzar. Vols unir-t'hi?
room_preview_not_found This room is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room admin to check if you have access.
Aquesta sala no és accessible actualment.
Prova-ho més tard o pregunta a un administrador de la sala si hi tens accés.
room_profile_encrypted_subtitle Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.

Your messages are secured with locks and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.
Els missatges d'aquesta sala estan xifrats d'extrem a extrem.

Els missatges estan protegits i només tu i el destinatari teniu les úniques claus per poder desxifrar-los.
room_profile_leaving_room Leaving the room… Marxant de la sala…


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English Catalan
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Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml, string 2383