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Key English Catalan State
ftue_auth_use_case_option_two Teams Equips
ftue_auth_use_case_option_three Communities Comunitats
ftue_auth_use_case_skip Not sure yet? %s Encara no n'estàs segur? %s
ftue_auth_use_case_skip_partial Skip this question Omet aquesta pregunta
ftue_auth_use_case_join_existing_server Looking to join an existing server? Vols unir-te a un servidor existent?
ftue_auth_use_case_connect_to_server Connect to server Connectat al servidor
ftue_account_created_personalize Personalize profile Personalitza el perfil
ftue_account_created_take_me_home Take me home Torna a l'inici
ftue_account_created_congratulations_title Congratulations! Felicitats!
ftue_account_created_subtitle Your account %s has been created El teu compte %s s'ha creat
ftue_auth_create_account_title Create your account Creació de compte
ftue_auth_create_account_username_entry_footer Others can discover you %s Et podran trobar com a %s
ftue_auth_create_account_password_entry_footer Must be 8 characters or more Ha de tenir 8 caràcters o més
ftue_auth_create_account_choose_server_header Where your conversations will live On viuran les teves converses
ftue_auth_sign_in_choose_server_header Where your conversations live On viuen les teves converses
ftue_auth_create_account_sso_section_header Or O
ftue_auth_create_account_edit_server_selection Edit Edita
ftue_auth_welcome_back_title Welcome back! Hola de nou!
ftue_auth_choose_server_title Select your server Selecciona el servidor
ftue_auth_choose_server_subtitle What is the address of your server? This is like a home for all your data Quina és l'adreça del servidor? Això és com la casa on es desaran totes les teves dades
ftue_auth_choose_server_sign_in_subtitle What is the address of your server? Quina és l'adreça del teu servidor?
ftue_auth_choose_server_entry_hint Server URL URL del servidor
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_title Want to host your own server? Vols allotjar el teu propi servidor?
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_subtitle Element Matrix Services (EMS) is a robust and reliable hosting service for fast, secure and real time communication. Find out how on <a href="${ftue_ems_url}"></a> Element Matrix Services (EMS) és un servei robust i fiable d'allotjament (servidors) per comunicacions ràpides, segures i en temps real. Descobreix-ho a <a href="${ftue_ems_url}"></a>
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_cta Get in touch Contacta
ftue_auth_terms_title Server policies Polítiques del servidor
ftue_auth_terms_subtitle Please read through %s's terms and policies Si us plau, llegeix les condicions i polítiques de %s
ftue_auth_email_title Enter your email Introdueix el correu electrònic
ftue_auth_email_subtitle %s needs to verify your account %s ha de verificar el teu compte
ftue_auth_email_entry_title Email Correu
ftue_auth_phone_title Enter your phone number Introdueix el número de telèfon
Key English Catalan State
ftue_auth_carousel_encrypted_title Secure messaging. Missatges segurs.
ftue_auth_carousel_secure_body Secure and independent communication that gives you the same level of privacy as a face-to-face conversation in your own home. Comunicació segura i independent que t'ofereix el mateix nivell de privadesa que una conversa cara a cara a casa teva.
ftue_auth_carousel_secure_title Own your conversations. Ets propietari de les teves converses.
ftue_auth_carousel_workplace_body ${app_name} is also great for the workplace. It’s trusted by the world’s most secure organisations. ${app_name} també és ideal per a la feina. Les organitzacions més segures del món hi confien.
ftue_auth_carousel_workplace_title Messaging for your team. Missatgeria pel teu equip.
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_cta Get in touch Contacta
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_subtitle Element Matrix Services (EMS) is a robust and reliable hosting service for fast, secure and real time communication. Find out how on <a href="${ftue_ems_url}"></a> Element Matrix Services (EMS) és un servei robust i fiable d'allotjament (servidors) per comunicacions ràpides, segures i en temps real. Descobreix-ho a <a href="${ftue_ems_url}"></a>
ftue_auth_choose_server_ems_title Want to host your own server? Vols allotjar el teu propi servidor?
ftue_auth_choose_server_entry_hint Server URL URL del servidor
ftue_auth_choose_server_sign_in_subtitle What is the address of your server? Quina és l'adreça del teu servidor?
ftue_auth_choose_server_subtitle What is the address of your server? This is like a home for all your data Quina és l'adreça del servidor? Això és com la casa on es desaran totes les teves dades
ftue_auth_choose_server_title Select your server Selecciona el servidor
ftue_auth_create_account_choose_server_header Where your conversations will live On viuran les teves converses
ftue_auth_create_account_edit_server_selection Edit Edita
ftue_auth_create_account_password_entry_footer Must be 8 characters or more Ha de tenir 8 caràcters o més
ftue_auth_create_account_sso_section_header Or O
ftue_auth_create_account_title Create your account Creació de compte
ftue_auth_create_account_username_entry_footer Others can discover you %s Et podran trobar com a %s
ftue_auth_email_entry_title Email Correu
ftue_auth_email_resend_email Resend email Torna a enviar el correu
ftue_auth_email_subtitle %s needs to verify your account %s ha de verificar el teu compte
ftue_auth_email_title Enter your email Introdueix el correu electrònic
ftue_auth_email_verification_footer Did not receive an email? No has rebut un correu?
ftue_auth_email_verification_subtitle Follow the instructions sent to %s Segueix les instruccions enviades a %s
ftue_auth_email_verification_title Verify your email Verifica el teu correu
ftue_auth_forgot_password Forgot password Contrasenya oblidada
ftue_auth_login_username_entry Username / Email / Phone Usuari / Correu / Telèfon
ftue_auth_new_password_entry_title New Password Nova contrasenya
ftue_auth_new_password_subtitle Make sure it's 8 characters or more. Assegura't que té 8 o més caràcters.
ftue_auth_new_password_title Choose a new password Tria una nova contrasenya
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


a year ago
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English Catalan
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml, string 1467