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Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code_description Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. 請確認您知道此驗證碼的來源。連結裝置後,您將為某人提供對您帳號的完整存取權限。
rich_text_editor_format_bold Apply bold format 套用粗體格式
rich_text_editor_format_italic Apply italic format 套用斜體格式
rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format 套用刪除線格式
rich_text_editor_format_underline Apply underline format 套用底線格式
rich_text_editor_link Set link 設定連結
rich_text_editor_numbered_list Toggle numbered list 切換編號清單
rich_text_editor_bullet_list Toggle bullet list 切換項目符號清單
rich_text_editor_indent Indent 縮排
rich_text_editor_unindent Unindent 取消縮排
rich_text_editor_quote Toggle quote 切換引用
rich_text_editor_inline_code Apply inline code format 套用內嵌程式碼格式
rich_text_editor_code_block Toggle code block 切換程式碼區塊
rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle Toggle full screen mode 切換全螢幕模式
set_link_text Text 文字
set_link_link Link 連結
set_link_create Create a link 建立連結
set_link_edit Edit link 編輯連結
message_reply_to_prefix In reply to 回覆給
message_reply_to_sender_sent_file sent a file. 已傳送檔案。
message_reply_to_sender_sent_audio_file sent an audio file. 已傳送音訊檔。
message_reply_to_sender_sent_voice_message sent a voice message. 已傳送語音訊息。
message_reply_to_sender_sent_image sent an image. 已傳送圖片。
message_reply_to_sender_sent_video sent a video. 已傳送影片。
message_reply_to_sender_sent_sticker sent a sticker. 已傳送貼圖。
message_reply_to_sender_created_poll created a poll. 已建立投票。
message_reply_to_sender_ended_poll ended a poll. 已結束投票。
message_reply_to_poll_preview Poll 投票
message_reply_to_ended_poll_preview Ended poll 結束投票
settings_access_token Access Token 存取權杖
settings_access_token_summary Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone. 您的存取權杖可以完整存取您的帳號。請勿與其他人分享。
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
sent_an_audio_file Audio 音訊
sent_an_image Image. 圖片。
sent_a_poll Poll 投票
sent_a_reaction Reacted with: %s 送出反應:%s
sent_a_video Video. 影片。
sent_a_voice_message Voice 語音
sent_live_location Shared their live location 分享了他們的即時位置
sent_location Shared their location 分享了他們的位置
sent_verification_conclusion Verification Conclusion 驗證結果
set_a_security_phrase_again_notice Enter your Security Phrase again to confirm it. 再次輸入您的安全密語以確認。
set_a_security_phrase_hint Security Phrase 安全密語
set_a_security_phrase_notice Enter a security phrase only you know, used to secure secrets on your server. 輸入僅有您知道的安全密語,來保護伺服器上與您有關的祕密資訊。
set_a_security_phrase_title Set a Security Phrase 設定安全密語
set_link_create Create a link 建立連結
set_link_edit Edit link 編輯連結
set_link_link Link 連結
set_link_text Text 文字
settings Settings 設定
settings_12_24_timestamps Show timestamps in 12-hour format 用 12 小時制顯示時間戳記
settings_acceptable_use_policy Acceptable Use Policy 可接受的使用政策
settings_access_token Access Token 存取權杖
settings_access_token_summary Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone. 您的存取權杖可以完整存取您的帳號。請勿與其他人分享。
settings_account_data Account Data 帳號資料
settings_active_sessions_count %d active session %d 個使用中的工作階段
settings_active_sessions_list Active Sessions 使用中的工作階段
settings_active_sessions_manage Manage Sessions 管理工作階段
settings_active_sessions_show_all Show All Sessions 顯示所有工作階段
settings_active_sessions_signout_device Sign out of this session 登出此工作階段
settings_active_sessions_unverified_device_desc Verify this session to mark it as trusted & grant it access to encrypted messages. If you didn’t sign in to this session your account may be compromised: 驗證此工作階段以將其標記為受信任並讓其可以存取加密訊息。如果您並未登入此工作階段,您的帳號可能遭到盜用:
settings_active_sessions_verified_device_desc This session is trusted for secure messaging because you verified it: 因為您已驗證此工作階段,可信任其用於安全通訊:


2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 2627