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See and managed addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory.
See and manage addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory.
Key English Icelandic State
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline Offline mode Ónettengdur hamur
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline_summary If enabled, you will always appear offline to other users, even when using the application.
room_settings_topic Topic Umfjöllunarefni
room_settings_room_notifications_notify_me Notify me for Láta mig vita fyrir
room_settings_room_notifications_encryption_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile.
room_settings_room_notifications_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %1$s. Þú getur sýsla- með tilkynningar í %1$s.
room_settings_room_notifications_account_settings Account settings Stillingar notandaaðgangs
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_title Room History Readability Lesanleiki ferilskrár spjallrásar
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can read history? Hver getur lesið ferilskráningu?
room_settings_room_read_history_dialog_subtitle Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.
room_settings_access_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can access? Hver hefur aðgang?
room_settings_room_access_title Room access Aðgangur að spjallrás
room_settings_space_access_title Space access Aðgangur að svæði
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join Leyfa gestum að taka þátt
room_settings_alias_title Room addresses Vistföng spjallrása
room_settings_alias_subtitle See and manage addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessarar spjallrásar og sýnileika hennar í spjallrásaskránni.
space_settings_alias_title Space addresses Vistföng svæða
space_settings_alias_subtitle See and manage addresses of this space. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessa svæðis.
room_alias_published_alias_title Published Addresses Birt vistföng
room_alias_published_alias_subtitle Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room. To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first. Birt vistföng getur hvaða einstaklingur eða netþjónn sem er notað til að taka þátt í spjallrásinni þinni. Til að birta vistfang, þarf fyrst að stilla það sem staðvært vistfang.
room_alias_published_alias_main This is the main address Þetta er aðalvistfangið
room_alias_published_other Other published addresses: Önnur birt vistföng:
room_alias_published_alias_add_manually Publish a new address manually Birta nýtt vistfang handvirkt
room_alias_published_alias_add_manually_submit Publish Gefa út
room_alias_unpublish_confirmation Unpublish the address "%1$s"? Hætta að birta vistfangið "%1$s"?
room_alias_delete_confirmation Delete the address "%1$s"? Eyða vistfanginu "%1$s"?
room_alias_address_empty_can_add No other published addresses yet, add one below. Engin önnur birt vistföng ennþá, bættu einu við hér fyrir neðan.
room_alias_address_empty No other published addresses yet. Engin önnur birt vistföng ennþá.
room_alias_address_hint New published address (e.g. #alias:server) Nýtt birt vistfangs (t.d. #samnefni:netþjónn)
room_alias_local_address_title Local Addresses Staðvær vistföng
room_alias_local_address_subtitle Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%1$s) Stilltu vistföng fyrir þessa spjallrás svo notendur geti fundið hana í gegnum heimaþjóninn þinn (%1$s)
Key English Icelandic State
room_profile_section_admin Admin Actions Aðgerðir stjórnanda
room_profile_section_more More Meira
room_profile_section_more_leave Leave Room Fara af spjallrás
room_profile_section_more_member_list One person Einn aðili
room_profile_section_more_notifications Notifications Tilkynningar
room_profile_section_more_polls Poll history Breytingaskrá könnunar
room_profile_section_more_settings Room settings Stillingar spjallrásar
room_profile_section_more_uploads Uploads Innsendingar
room_profile_section_restore_security Restore Encryption Endurheimta dulritun
room_profile_section_security Security Öryggi
room_profile_section_security_learn_more Learn more Kanna nánar
room_removed_messages %d message removed
rooms Rooms Spjallrásir
room_settings_access_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can access? Hver hefur aðgang?
room_settings_add_homescreen_shortcut Add to Home screen Bæta við á upphafsskjá
room_settings_alias_subtitle See and manage addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory. Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessarar spjallrásar og sýnileika hennar í spjallrásaskránni.
room_settings_alias_title Room addresses Vistföng spjallrása
room_settings_all_messages All messages Öll skilaboð
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user %d bannaður notandi
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Bannaðir notendur
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Nánar
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption… Virkja enda-í-enda dulritun…
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_content Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly.
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_submit Enable encryption Virkja dulritun
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_title Enable encryption? Virkja dulritun?
room_settings_enable_encryption_no_permission You don't have permission to enable encryption in this room. Þú hefur ekki heimild til að virkja dulritun á þessari spjallrás.
room_settings_global_block_unverified_info_text 🔒 You have enabled encrypt to verified sessions only for all rooms in Security Settings.
room_settings_guest_access_title Allow guests to join Leyfa gestum að taka þátt
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Tilraunir
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Þetta eru eiginleikar á tilraunastigi sem gætu bilað á óvæntan hátt. Notist með varúð.


User avatar None

Source string changed

Element Android / Element Android AppIcelandic

See and managed addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory.
11 days ago
See and manage addresses of this room, and its visibility in the room directory.
Sjá og sýsla með vistföng þessarar spjallrásar og sýnileika hennar í spjallrásaskránni.
2 years ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar jrtriot

Source string comment

"See and manage addresses..." sounds quite a bit better.

3 years ago

Things to check

Has been translated

This string has been translated in the past



There is 1 comment for this string.



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 856