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Key English Esperanto State
home_empty_space_no_rooms_title %s
is looking a little empty.
aspektas iom malplena.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_message Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button. Spacoj estas nova maniero grupigi ĉambrojn kaj homojn. Aldonu ekzistantan ĉambron aŭ kreu novan per la malsupra dekstra butono.
home_empty_no_rooms_title Welcome to ${app_name},
home_empty_no_rooms_message The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started.
home_empty_no_unreads_title Nothing to report.
home_empty_no_unreads_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some.
onboarding_new_app_layout_welcome_title Welcome to a new view!
onboarding_new_app_layout_welcome_message To simplify your ${app_name}, tabs are now optional. Manage them using the top-right menu.
onboarding_new_app_layout_spaces_title Access Spaces Aliri Spacojn
onboarding_new_app_layout_spaces_message Access your Spaces (bottom-right) faster and easier than ever before. Aliru viajn Spacojn (malsupre-dekstre) pli rapide kaj pli facile ol iam ajn antaŭe.
onboarding_new_app_layout_feedback_title Give Feedback
onboarding_new_app_layout_feedback_message Tap top right to see the option to feedback.
onboarding_new_app_layout_button_try Try it out
one 1
two 2
three 3
qr_code_login_header_scan_qr_code_title Scan QR code
qr_code_login_header_scan_qr_code_description Use the camera on this device to scan the QR code shown on your other device:
qr_code_login_header_show_qr_code_title Sign in with QR code
qr_code_login_header_show_qr_code_new_device_description Use your signed in device to scan the QR code below:
qr_code_login_header_show_qr_code_link_a_device_description Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
qr_code_login_header_connected_title Secure connection established
qr_code_login_header_connected_description Check your signed in device, the code below should be displayed. Confirm that the code below matches with that device:
qr_code_login_header_failed_title Unsuccessful connection
qr_code_login_header_failed_device_is_not_supported_description Linking with this device is not supported.
qr_code_login_header_failed_timeout_description The linking wasn’t completed in the required time.
qr_code_login_header_failed_denied_description The request was denied on the other device.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_description The request failed.
qr_code_login_header_failed_e2ee_security_issue_description A security issue was encountered setting up secure messaging. One of the following may be compromised: Your homeserver; Your internet connection(s); Your device(s);
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_already_signed_in_description The other device is already signed in.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_not_signed_in_description The other device must be signed in.
Key English Esperanto State
thread_list_empty_title Keep discussions organized with threads Restigu diskutojn organizitajn per fadenoj
thread_list_modal_all_threads_subtitle Shows all threads from current room Montras ĉiujn fadenojn de nuna ĉambro
thread_list_modal_all_threads_title All Threads Ĉiuj Fadenoj
thread_list_modal_my_threads_subtitle Shows all threads you’ve participated in Montras ĉiujn fadenojn, kiujn vi partoprenis
thread_list_modal_my_threads_title My Threads Miaj Fadenoj
thread_list_modal_title Filter Filtrilo
thread_list_not_available Your homeserver does not support listing threads yet. Via hejma servilo ankoraŭ ne subtenas montri la liston de fadenoj.
thread_list_title Threads Fadenoj
threads_beta_enable_notice_message Threads help keep your conversations on-topic and easy to track. %sEnabling threads will refresh the app. This may take longer for some accounts. Fadenoj helpas restigi viajn konversaciojn sur-temajn kaj facile spureblajn. %sEbligi fadenojn refreŝigos la aplikaĵon. Ĉi tio povas daŭri pli longe por iuj kontoj.
threads_beta_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Fadenoj Betao
threads_labs_enable_notice_message Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. %sDo you want to enable threads anyway? Via hejmservilo nuntempe ne subtenas fadenojn, do ĉi tiu funkcio eble estas nefidinda. Iuj fadenigitaj mesaĝoj eble ne estas fidinde disponeblaj. %sĈu vi tamen volas ebligi fadenojn?
threads_labs_enable_notice_title Threads Beta Fadenoj Betao
threads_notice_migration_message We’re getting closer to releasing a public Beta for Threads.

As we prepare for it, we need to make some changes: threads created before this point will be displayed as regular replies.

This will be a one-off transition as Threads are now part of the Matrix specification.
Ni proksimiĝas al publikigo de publika Betao por Fadenoj.

Dum ni prepariĝas por ĝi, ni devas fari kelkajn ŝanĝojn: fadenoj kreitaj antaŭ ĉi tiu punkto aperos kiel regulaj respondoj.

Ĉi tio estos unufoja transiro ĉar Fadenoj nun estas parto de la Matrix-specifo.
threads_notice_migration_title Threads Approaching Beta 🎉 Fadenoj pliproksimiĝas al beta 🎉
thread_timeline_title Thread Fadeno
three 3
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_content Revoke invite to %1$s? Ĉu nuligi inviton por %1$s?
three_pid_revoke_invite_dialog_title Revoke invite Nuligi inviton
three_users_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$s read %1$s, %2$s kaj %3$s legis
timeline_error_room_not_found Sorry, this room has not been found.
Please retry later.%s
timeline_unread_messages Unread messages Nelegitaj mesaĝoj
time_unit_hour_short h h
time_unit_minute_short min min
time_unit_second_short sec s
tiny Tiny Malgrandega
title_activity_bug_report Bug report Erar-raporto
title_activity_choose_sticker Send a sticker Sendi glumarkon
title_activity_emoji_reaction_picker Reactions Reagoj
title_activity_keys_backup_restore Use Key Backup Uzi savkopiadon de ŝlosiloj
title_activity_keys_backup_setup Key Backup Savkopiado de ŝlosiloj


No matching activity found.

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English Esperanto
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml, string 2575