Power level must be positive integer.
a year ago
Use an integration manager to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.
a year ago
Use an integration manager to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.
a year ago
You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.
Are you sure?
a year ago
${app_name} requires you to enter your credentials to perform this action.
${app_name} 要求你需要您输入凭据才能执行此操作。
a year ago
PIN code is required every time you open ${app_name}.
每次打开 ${app_name} 都要求时都需要 PIN 码。
a year ago
PIN code is required after 2 minutes of not using ${app_name}.
在 2 分钟未使用 ${app_name} 后要求2 分钟后需要 PIN 码。
a year ago
Require PIN after 2 minutes
2 分钟后 PIN
a year ago
This homeserver is running an old version. Ask your homeserver admin to upgrade. You can continue, but some features may not work correctly.
此主服务器正在运行旧版本。要求你 请让您的主服务器管理员升级。可以继续,但些功能可能无法正工作。
a year ago
Ask for confirmation before starting a call
a year ago
Failed to establish real time connection.
Please ask the administrator of your homeserver to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
要求你让您的主服务器管理员配置一个 TURN 服务器以使通话,以便呼叫能够可靠工作。
a year ago
Request that the keyboard should not update any personalized data such as typing history and dictionary based on what you've typed in conversations. Notice that some keyboards may not respect this setting.
求键盘不要基于你根据您在对话中输入的内容更新任何个性化数据,如输入历史记录和字典。 请注意,某些键盘可能不遵守此设置。
a year ago
Seen by
a year ago
Click on the read receipts for a detailed list.
a year ago
Show read receipts
a year ago
Inline URL preview
a year ago
Show timestamps in 12-hour format
使用 12 小时制显示时间戳
a year ago
a year ago
Add a button on message composer to open emoji keyboard
在消息框添加打开 emoji 键盘的按钮
a year ago
Show emoji keyboard
显示 emoji 键盘
a year ago
