User avatar csett86

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Explore %@
%@ erkunden
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Create a subspace
Sub-Space erstellen
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Public Room (anyone)
Öffentlicher Raum (jeder hat Zugriff)
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Private Room (invite only)
Privater Raum (nur Eingeladene)
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room. All current messages will stay in this archived room.
Bitte beachte, dass das Upgrade eine neue Version dieses Raums erstellt. Alle aktuellen Nachrichten bleiben in diesem archivierten Raum.
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Anyone in a parent space will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime.
Jeder in einem übergeordneten Space kann diesen Raum finden und ihm beitreten - jeden manuell einzuladen ist nicht nötig. Du kannst diese Einstellung jederzeit ändern.
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Anyone can find and join.
Sichtbar und zugänglich für jeden.
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Let anyone in a space find and join.
You’ll be asked to confirm which spaces.
Sichtbar und betretbar für jeden Nutzer in einem Space.
Du wählst, für welche Spaces dies gilt.
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Only invited people can find and join.
Nur sichtbar und betretbar für eingeladene Personen.
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Deactivate account permanently
Mein Konto für immer deaktivieren
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Confirm password
bBestätige Passwort
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

New password
nNeues Passwort
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Old password
aAltes Passwort
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Suggestion accepted

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Invite to %@
Zu %@ einladen
2 years ago
User avatar csett86

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

Waiting for %@…
Warte auf %s@
4 years ago
User avatar csett86

New contributor

Element iOS / Element iOSGerman

New contributor 4 years ago
