7 years ago
Search for historical
Search for historical搜索历史
7 years ago
All native %s rooms
All native %s rooms所有本地 %s 房间
7 years ago
All rooms on %s server
All rooms on %s server%s 服务器上的所有房间
7 years ago
Homeserver URL
Homeserver主服务器 URL
7 years ago
Type a homeserver to list public rooms from
Type a homeserver to list public rooms from输入主服务器列出公共房间
7 years ago
The server may be unavailable or overloaded
The server may be unavailable or overloaded服务器可能不可用或过载
7 years ago
Select a room directory
Select a room directory选择一个房间目录
7 years ago
7 years ago
Identity Server
Identity Server身份服务器
7 years ago
Pin rooms with unread messages
Pin rooms with unread messages按未读的通知固定房间
7 years ago
Pin rooms with missed notifications
7 years ago
Pin rooms with missed notifications
Pin rooms with missed notifications用未读的通知锁定房间
7 years ago
Home display
Home display主显示
7 years ago
7 years ago
Type a room id or a room alias
Type a room id or a room alias输入房间 ID 或者房间别名
7 years ago
Join a room
Join a room加入一个房间
7 years ago
Join room
Join room加入房间
7 years ago
Email or Matrix ID
Email or邮件或 Matrix ID
7 years ago
Please enter one or more email address or Matrix ID
请输入一个或多个邮件地或 Matrix ID
7 years ago
